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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

In terms of critical reception, the second movie was easily the highest rated of the trilogy.
This is the Rotten Tomatoes scores of each film: 2- 74%, 1- 64%, 3- 59% (it was 60% for the longest time).
Oh sorry. I thought I preferred the first one to the other two, but clearly I was mistaken. Thanks for the help!


Unconfirmed Member
If you ever wondered who's downvoting GB youtube uploads with Patrick or Austin, just check that Waypoint thread, I guess.

Jesus Christ, Vinny is using Blackmagic Cinema Cameras, way to overdo it, buddy.
I remembered that he uses their production products but had no idea about the cameras.
Just looked them up. Damn, they are expensive.


I lifted my head above the paperwork this morning and noticed both the RDR2 and the Mario Party Part announcement at the same time. This has brightened my Wednesday morning considerably.
*Paging Drew & Danny*

One of the wisdom teeth was sort of curved and the dentist had to put so much leverage on it that when it cracked half the tooth went flying across the room and hit the dental assistant in the forehead.

This sounds amazing.

Awesome, congratulated them earlier today. Solid team!

GBE Mailbag: It's Just Too Much! https://t.co/YxySUGWN7A

What a classy mailbag video.

I went ahead and uploaded the GB logo to Thingiverse, so if anybody is interested in printing their own, they are more than welcome to give it a shot! http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1836004

Additionally, I uploaded a decently sized version of the Vin's Hotdog image if you want to make it a wallpaper for your phone or something. http://i.imgur.com/0dDrwMe.jpg

These are beautiful. Awesome work!

Time for a listen!

I almost had a heart attack reading this thread thinking danielle was join Beast. How awful that would have been.

Hope she doesn't ruin the new Vice podcast that I enjoy.

I know it's opinions and all but man...between this, the LOTR discussion and the Super Mario Galaxy games being meh I just... I just can't.

They say they don't want a RDR prequel but RDR is about the death throes of the Wild West. They actually can't go forward.

Edit: oh they mean a John Marston prequel. I understand that


Listening to the latest bombcast, I absolutely lost it at the silence after Dan went "not everything that comes out of a butt is poop."

Oh Dan.
They say they don't want a RDR prequel but RDR is about the death throes of the Wild West. They actually can't go forward.

Edit: oh they mean a John Marston prequel. I understand that

Yeah. The back of the box even says "THE WILD WEST IS DYING". I guess they could have carried forward into prohibition era Applachian type setting and kept some of the western aesthetic (I'm thinking the movie Lawless) but I'll be happy if they go prequel and dig more into the full on wild west setting.


Yeah. The back of the box even says "THE WILD WEST IS DYING". I guess they could have carried forward into prohibition era Applachian type setting and kept some of the western aesthetic (I'm thinking the movie Lawless) but I'll be happy if they go prequel and dig more into the full on wild west setting.
I think a modern western could be cool as long as they find a way to make it seem Justified.


My teeth hurt just listening to this.

I actually had the same thoughts about visiting the dentist after years of not going, mainly because of a lack of insurance. Same outcome too. Only a handful of cavities and some plaque build up after over a decade of not visiting a dentist. Don't do it tho...not everyone is so lucky and there's no reason to chance your teeth health.

i went a decade without seeing a dentist and when i finally got my shit together and went back i needed 3 root canals, 12 cavity fillings, and learned for the first time in my life that i was born with 6 wisdom teeth and all of them would need to be removed.

still waiting on the wisdom teeth but i got all the other shit done, and out-of-pocket at that (didn't get dental insurance at my old job, but also didn't have many financial obligations at the time, so it worked out). i actually got one of the wisdom teeth out when it finally emerged from the gums (having engaged in an epic, years-long struggle with the additional wisdom tooth occupying that corner of my mouth). it'd spent so long just barely poking out of the gums that the gums served as a sort of blanket for bacteria and plaque to hide under, and when it finally came out, it was so severely decayed that the tooth had exposed nerve endings that i could touch with my tongue.

here's my hot take on exposed nerve endings: don't

just don't

you have no fucking idea


Man I got a cavity filled like three weeks ago. Shit is still sensitive to cold water. It doesn't ever hurt, only when in contact with something very cold. I've had extremely sensitive teeth every since I was a kid, so I hope this is just a side effect of that.
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