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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Twitter is broken as fuck right now so there's no surprise tweets are disappearing.


Twitter, Spotify and Reddit, and a huge swath of other websites were down or screwed up this morning. This was happening as hackers unleashed a large distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on the servers of Dyn, a major DNS host. It’s probably safe to assume that the two situations are related.

Update 12:28 PM EST: Dyn says it is investigating yet another attack, causing the same massive outages experienced this morning.
Can you believe that there are people out there who don't like Rorie? It blows my mind every time I hear stories about them

Rorie said:
Then I spent four and a half days on a houseboat on Lake Shasta with a bunch of people who think Burning Man is lame now and who really like psytrance

Was there a UPF or something recently where he talked about this? Because it sounds like a hilarious Rorie story.


Vinnys avatar is dope :D

I love how half arsed the inverted castle is.

It just seems like something someone decided to toss in there during the last 3 months of development.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Symphony of the night has been easily the dullest of the Vinnyvanias. It's not goofy enough and there's thousands of hours of people playing SOTN online.

Team Castlevania 64.
Symphony of the night has been easily the dullest of the Vinnyvanias. It's not goofy enough and there's thousands of hours of people playing SOTN online.

Team Castlevania 64.
Yea, I was looking forward to that since I always hear it's the best Castlevania but it's really boring, at least to watch anyway.


Castevania 64, or at least the improved rerelease Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness gets waaaay too much hate.
It's actually a good game and actually feels like a castlevania game with some spooky atmospheric environments to explore and some classic Castlevania enemies.

Of course if you go in wanting to dislike every aspect of it you're going to hate it no matter what. But if you go in with a open mind and actually just play the game and not look for things to mock it's pretty good.

Hopefully Vinny & Co go in a little more positive than they did with Bloodlines, which I feel they werea bit too negative on. For me that is one of the top Castlevanias.
Yea, I was looking forward to that since I always hear it's the best Castlevania but it's really boring, at least to watch anyway.

I'd say it's the most popular CV but not necessarily the best, although it's up there. 3 and Dracula X are arguably better. As far as I'm concerned III is the CV to be topped. I think I might like Aria of Sorrow more than SotN as well.
Symphony of the night has been easily the dullest of the Vinnyvanias. It's not goofy enough and there's thousands of hours of people playing SOTN online.

Mainly, it's that the others up to now have been 'learn and execute', whereas SotN is 'explore everything forever, no execution required'. SotN is one of my favorite games, and Vinny wanting to play without knowledge is the right way to approach it imo, but it's at odds with this format, since it's more of a slow-burn thing that you should sit closer to the screen and pay closer attention to to actually get the most out of.

Also, the whole mirror cuirass thing from today's episode was mind-meltingly infuriating. PUT IT ON JUST PUT IT ON. Even so, I still love Vinny.


I thought they said this would be the last Castlevania game - I think this started because Vinny wanted to play SotN and they just decided to make a feature where he'd play through the games leading up to it? Or maybe i'm wrong.
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