punch club is such a confusing thing. like... with some balancing it could be fun but it's kind of fundamentally fucked as-is
Yeah, totally. It seems designed around constant "training," but it really should've been just level-based with grinding, like Dragonball Xenoverse, instead of that horrible Sisyphean management nightmare it actually was. After the first four hours, any lost progress just felt like a slap in the face that set me back 40 minutes. It felt like I was simply dumping time into it for progress rather than actually playing to progress. The whole thing was a shame because I really wanted to like it.
I sort of wonder if it was supposed to be a free-to-play game with in-app convenience purchases, given how brutally it was designed. Suddenly the sheer ruthlessness of the management side would make more sense.
All that said, having played Darkest Dungeon now I suppose that was what Punch Club was going for; something that could have setbacks, but still feel like a progression was taking place. But the thing is, Darkest Dungeon has a bunch of progression failsafes to prevent a feeling of "starting from zero," so that you always return with something more than you lost and can always build up again easier than before. It is a stupidly dense game in terms of mechanics, but that works to its benefit, so it never feels stale. (Meanwhile Punch Club takes 90% of its sparse mechanics out of your hands.)
So, yeah, Darkest Dungeon is pretty rad. It made me realise that Alex is my spirit animal.