Twin Tails
Jefflr and pals
Jefflr and pals
Sports radio is the worst radio. Even porn radio is better.
Sonic Colors was good
Sonic Generations was good
Sonic Spinball was good
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing was good
Sonic Mania will probably be good.
You seem very wrong.
Friend of the site already decided GOTY
I feel like I learned nothing from the Final Fantasy XV Quick Look. Is there no fake future sports game in there?
Categorically false! I got a hankering for more progression filled pinball action after playing Pinout on ios this year and I went back to Sonic Spinball, and it's (still!) straight garbage. They failed to make it feel like good pinball. I bet the Casino Night Zone has better mechanics and physics.
Only one GB staffer spend 100+ hours playing an old game this year. Come on Vinny, this is your category, nobody else really cares and they will give it to you easy.
I believe in Vinny.Only one GB staffer spend 100+ hours playing an old game this year. Come on Vinny, this is your category, nobody else really cares and they will give it to you easy.
You of all people should know what happens when you believe in Vinny. Last time I believed in Vinny it got me a Total Warhammer video but then Austin left.I believe in Vinny.
I finished Recore.
Don't play Recore
Holy shit that ending
I knew there was going to be a grind in the last quarter of the game before I even bought the game, but nothing could prepare me for the door requirements in the last dungeon. The orb requirements were like double what I had at the time. I was absolutely stunned. It's like half the game got cut.
jeff played a LOT of Smash TV and total Carnage. Probably over 100 hours.
Its Goty mode all year round up in herIt's weird to be in GOTY mode. I remember chatting with y'all about it in like February and now we're here!
Jeff is anti Thumper. SHOCKED.
Jeff is anti Thumper. SHOCKED.
And it helps playing an online FPS where I don't feel forced to play a healer because no one else will.
Overwatch healers are fun though.
Overwatch healers are fun though.
not after the 40th time
Play Zenyatta
Landing headshots is so goddamn satisfying. Zenyatta is so goddamn satisfying.
Hes my pocket carry. Fuck, Zenyatta is so awesome. Feel badass flinging orbs and debuffing fools and then becoming invulnerable like a gos.
If no one is playing healer, Zenyata's not really a good choice by himself. I can only play Zenyatta in the world where there's already one healer.
Which isn't what most of the OW community seems into.
oh shit I just realized we're not going to get Mega Man this week
oh shit I just realized we're not going to get Mega Man this week
I mostly play Tanks and support but I've almost become a "mainer" of a single hero. Zenyatta is just too satisfying, it's hard choosing anything else when he's available.
Mei will be mentioned during best characterHe feels awesome to use. The noise of him flinging orbs makes is so damn pleasing. The animations as well.
Overwatch deserves GotY tbh.
He feels awesome to use. The noise of him flinging orbs makes is so damn pleasing. The animations as well.
Overwatch deserves GotY tbh.
and Samuel will probably be forgottenI bet doom guy is gonna be best character. Itll go something like "DOOM GUY PUNCHES THING GRRR HES SO EDGY AND COOL AND I LIKE IT"
Hello, worldAlso, best voice emote:
I dreamt I was a butterfly.
mixlr compilation #5
Jeff complaining about people driving the speed limit.
I can't get behind that.