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Giant Bomb #26 | goodbye white man blinking gif

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Nose Master

They could replace Dan with a single clip of him asking "why?" Just play that every fifteen seconds.

Sucks he's going to be in every beast quick look going forward. I'd pay double for a dan-less edit of the podcast and quick looks.


Unconfirmed Member
They could replace Dan with a single clip of him asking "why?" Just play that every fifteen seconds.

Sucks he's going to be in every beast quick look going forward. I'd pay double for a dan-less edit of the podcast and quick looks.
Harsh, but you're in luck. It's called GB west


I'm only 30 minutes in and this is the list of Dan's question from Giant Machines 2017 QL thus far:

Is silicon an element that grows in the ground?
Is silicon the same as silicone?
This is ska, right?
Do I like ska?
That's a clamp?
What is this facility? Are you harvesting sand?
What do you get out of carving a mountain?
When you're digging is there a chance you could tap into gold?
Is there a special satellite or fish finder to detect where gold is going on?
Do they do the thing with guys in jail that break rocks?
Why did that (breaking rocks) become a prison work thing?
This is where the guys in Armageddon work - or was it an oil rig?
Why is it a bucket wheel? Where is the bucket?
Are you supposed to put your machine's butt on that?
Is this Shaggy?
Is this Shenmue?
Is that a monologue from Fight Club?
Is this Nine Inch Nails?
Have you ever been in the cockpit of a plane?
Have you ever done a donut?
Did you ever pick up a tire?
Do you have to have a special car lifter in your trunk?
(A jack) is the the thing that goes ee ooh ee ooh, right?
You have to have a big crazy drill to take out all the bolts?
The wheel is different than the tire?
An axle is the thing that goes through the car and there's a front axle and a rear axle and there are tires on both sides, right?
The rim is connected to the axle?
Why do you have to take the rim off the axle if you're just putting the rubber part on the outside?
The rim is full of air?
How do you fill the tire?
When people say they got new rims its just the hubcap part?
You put the hubcap on top of the rims?
There's like tiny tires that come inside a lot of cars, right?
Are these machines stealth bomber expensive?
You probably have to have a permit (to use the machine) right?


I didn't like the Platinum Transformers game.

You and everyone else at Giant Bomb apparently.

I can see the complaints about the level design being boring and repetitive, as well as not liking the RPG systems. The battle system is what got me, as well as the Transformers aesthetic and transforming sound. Loved it.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Sound Stage VR is real good. I spent like 30 mins just messing around with triggers and such. I want Jeff to devote some time to it.
IIRC there was a bit of a stream delay between Jeff's mixlr comments and the Switch stream itself, so that might have something to do with it. Was something like ~6 seconds.
Does anyone else hate the use of "real talk:" comes off so arrogant

There is a big difference between inquisitiveness and ignorance. Dan asks questions not to learn but as a comedic tool. Most of his questions defy common sense and he never puts effort to look for answers himself or to even retain the answers he gets.

We all know it's an act let's not pretend otherwise I'm personally starting to find the bit running out of steam

Yeah, Dan's questions have never seemed like genuine curiosity to me. It's just what he does to pass the time.

It only really bothers me in Quick Looks, because it so completely distracts from the thing they're actually doing (i.e., showing off a game). For more irreverent games, like Bequest, it can work fine, but when it's something I actually want to know about, it's a bummer because the moment his questions start you can forget about them actually playing--it just becomes background noise to the Teaching Dan Endurance Run. It isn't a problem in QLs where Dan is playing, because he has a vested interest in explaining and showing things off, but when he's a co-host it's close to unbearable.

Other duders go off-topic, even wildly off-topic at times, but Dan is the only one that takes it too far consistently. I just wish he'd reign it in a bit.


I'm only 30 minutes in and this is the list of Dan's question from Giant Machines 2017 QL thus far:

Is silicon an element that grows in the ground?
Is silicon the same as silicone?
This is ska, right?
Do I like ska?
That's a clamp?
What is this facility? Are you harvesting sand?
What do you get out of carving a mountain?
When you're digging is there a chance you could tap into gold?
Is there a special satellite or fish finder to detect where gold is going on?
Do they do the thing with guys in jail that break rocks?
Why did that (breaking rocks) become a prison work thing?
This is where the guys in Armageddon work - or was it an oil rig?
Why is it a bucket wheel? Where is the bucket?
Are you supposed to put your machine's butt on that?
Is this Shaggy?
Is this Shenmue?
Is that a monologue from Fight Club?
Is this Nine Inch Nails?
Have you ever been in the cockpit of a plane?
Have you ever done a donut?
Did you ever pick up a tire?
Do you have to have a special car lifter in your trunk?
(A jack) is the the thing that goes ee ooh ee ooh, right?
You have to have a big crazy drill to take out all the bolts?
The wheel is different than the tire?
An axle is the thing that goes through the car and there's a front axle and a rear axle and there are tires on both sides, right?
The rim is connected to the axle?
Why do you have to take the rim off the axle if you're just putting the rubber part on the outside?
The rim is full of air?
How do you fill the tire?
When people say they got new rims its just the hubcap part?
You put the hubcap on top of the rims?
There's like tiny tires that come inside a lot of cars, right?
Are these machines stealth bomber expensive?
You probably have to have a permit (to use the machine) right?

I miss Austin. At least when he didn't know something he would start roleplaying with Vinny. Good times.
Real talk: I don't find Inquisitive Dan annoying. People in general should speak up more about stuff they don't know about, I know most people's instinct in a conversation is just to sort of nod like they know what's being mentioned but I like that Dan's not afraid to go "wait what's that now?"

Ask yourself, if a man is as inquisitive as Dan, how is it possible to not know what a rim is? I'm cool with someone asking when they have holes in their knowledge but I don't buy Dan's act. He asks these things in almost every video. Such a curious person could not possibly be so oblivious to so many common known things. Dan's a smart guy, unless he is completely immune to osmosis, this is all a bit.


You and everyone else at Giant Bomb apparently.

I can see the complaints about the level design being boring and repetitive, as well as not liking the RPG systems. The battle system is what got me, as well as the Transformers aesthetic and transforming sound. Loved it.

I don't know, I like the look of it. But I've played Bayonetta 2, DmC, Revengeance. This felt like a worse one of those. And I never cared about Transformers.


The Switch video they did on Friday- can I download it on my phone and just listen to it like a podcast, or is there a visual element that is important?


The Switch video they did on Friday- can I download it on my phone and just listen to it like a podcast, or is there a visual element that is important?

They look at some photos from the official Nintendo web page for illustration and put up that GIF of Dan milking a pig.
I'm not complaining about it, necessarily. I'm not really bothered by it but he jumps the shark from time to time and it gets to a point where I can't believe that he's not just playing it up. I like Dan and I enjoyed the video. I just think Dan knows more than he puts on, that's all.


Dan's not being inquisitive. He genuinely doesn't care he just likes to ask for the moment to get a reaction. If he cared, he'd look up more into it after the video. He just does it because it's his easy bit to keep the conversation going on videos.

He does it all the time.

I get asked questions all the time about stuff that person would never look up. In fact, outside of studies, i can count the people i've met that would bother to look something up instead of asking by one hand.

And that's cool. There's worse ways to keep a conversation going if you don't know much about what is going on.


For me, it's more that Dan asks many questions that are better suited for a scientist or an expert in the subject. And Vinny and Alex still attempt to answer by using common sense or just guessing, but they don't usually have a lot of the knowledge to explain it. So, as an outside listener, I'm just hearing an explanation that I could've come up with myself and I don't gain anything from it in terms of knowledge or entertainment. I do, however, enjoy the corrections section of the Beastcast, where I can occasionally learn a thing or two.


I want 60-120 minutes of Dan asking questions with Vinny and Vice's Waypoint's Austin Walker trying to answer every one of them to the best of their ability

possible questions:
"how do I know when to flip a pancake?"
"do you think humans will survive long enough to evolve into something different or will we make ourselves extinct before we have the chance to?"
"is Taylor Swift a ska band?"


They could replace Dan with a single clip of him asking "why?" Just play that every fifteen seconds.

Sucks he's going to be in every beast quick look going forward. I'd pay double for a dan-less edit of the podcast and quick looks.

Same! I let my subscription lapse (been a subscriber since they opened subs) when Dan joined the team. I re-upped when GiantBomb East started, but now I have no interested in becoming a subscriber again and it just conveniently ended last month.
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