On today's Beastcast, Dan says he loved Resident Evil 7, yet in his review, he gave it a 4, which means he liked it. A 5 means he loved it.
are you hip hop gamer
On today's Beastcast, Dan says he loved Resident Evil 7, yet in his review, he gave it a 4, which means he liked it. A 5 means he loved it.
are you hip hop gamer
On today's Beastcast, Dan says he loved Resident Evil 7, yet in his review, he gave it a 4, which means he liked it. A 5 means he loved it.
On today's Beastcast, Dan says he loved Resident Evil 7, yet in his review, he gave it a 4, which means he liked it. A 5 means he loved it.
No?So acording to you a 3 would be bad? Because on a 5 star scale a 1 should be bad a 2 flawed a 3 should be good a 4 great and a 5 excellent.
Look at Mr Metacritic over here1 = 1 Star
2 = 2 Stars
3 = 3 Stars
4 = 4 Stars
5 = 5 Stars
Bro. It's a system. 5 stars means you loved it. Dan said he loved it. He gave it 4 stars. He only liked it.Is this actually a real conversation? I thought this was a joke conversation
1 = Terrible
2 = Nein
3 = Awful
4 = Crap
5 = Wario Ware
Look up him and weed and you'll realize why he's there
I know what you mean but it's still so random. It's not like he's a big name star or a well known charactor actor like CoD often does and he's not a crazy dude like Gary Busey (Hitman) and Kevin Smith is somewhere in the middle.
Ma ma se, ma ma sa, ma Yakuza
I know what you mean but it's still so random. It's not like he's a big name star or a well known charactor actor like CoD often does and he's not a crazy dude like Gary Busey (Hitman) and Kevin Smith is somewhere in the middle.
I know what you mean but it's still so random. It's not like he's a big name star or a well known charactor actor like CoD often does and he's not a crazy dude like Gary Busey (Hitman) and Kevin Smith is somewhere in the middle.
Yakuza matata
I can't stop playing Stardew Valley. I want to attempt the new Elusive Target, but my crops need tending!
Sounds like a Alex/Dan joint, so we might see the first East feature with Vinny strictly in the controlroomcorner?
I think kevin smith ranks up with Gary Busey. If you know about Gary Busey you probably are familiar with Kevin Smith
I assume he was more well known in the 90s, the period when this DLC is set.
Dan's Stone Cold impression was pretty spot on
Stone Cold Podcast isnt something I listen to regularly but it has some of the highest, high points.
Is this time on the GB site borked? I dont think its been accurate the for past week
I....what did I just listen to.
Is there any reliable way to watch a giant bomb premium Livestream on a TV?
I've tried Chromecast but it's super choppy. I've tried the internet browsers on both my PS4 and my steam link via big picture mode but both give me an error saying the browser doesn't support flash.
Let this be the run, and move onto...
Is there any reliable way to watch a giant bomb premium Livestream on a TV?
I've tried Chromecast but it's super choppy. I've tried the internet browsers on both my PS4 and my steam link via big picture mode but both give me an error saying the browser doesn't support flash.
Yeah, it's been all messed up for me, too.