the holder of the trombone
Pizza is overrated.
It's ok.
But just ok.
It's ok.
But just ok.
Just until infinite comes out and becomes the sfxt2 we deservePlease keep Marvel talk out of gaming. I'm tired of it in movies and now I'm tired of it in video games
I wishJust until infinite comes out and becomes the sfxt2 we deserve
Just did a spit take at that strafer post holy shit
So, how many questions will Dan ask during the Yakuzza feature?
"Is this hhhhanime?" will be asked by the end of the first episode.So, how many questions will Dan ask during the Yakuzza feature?
Looking forward to Dan and Alex's Yakuza 0 series. I think they said it was starting this week? Hopefully they won't take too many hints and tips and just play the game themselves and discover all the stuff naturally.
So, how many questions will Dan ask during the Yakuzza feature?
Why do historically competing game franchises always get resurrected at the same time? Looking at piston's THPS/skate thread and thinking of 2015's rock band/guitar hero
holy fuck..Dan Ryckrkrertts is talkinga bout Politics.
is Alex going to be at the wheel?
I got trashed the other night and apparently did not stop with the disco minigame until I had 3 stars on everything.
Is Brad Rising a confirmed series or was it just a "let's play whatever" thing?
Flying back from PAX which was next door to where Royal Ramble was taking place... That was a strange convergence of nerds all descending upon the same place at the same time. Also, us nerds suck butts at driving.
They mentioned returning to it later so it's kind of a confirmed series
I imagine wrestling nerds think they're way cooler than video game nerds.
"What's C.C. Lemon?"
Pizza is overrated.
It's ok.
But just ok.
Close to my house. here in Dublin, we have:In my real estate job, I just discovered the coolest condo in America.
Yakuza this week?
you guys realize that wind jammers were things like a hundred years before the videogame came around, right?
you guys realize that wind jammers were things like a hundred years before the videogame came around, right?
Haha, I just went to checking if maybe there was some new content. Totally forgot it's Monday. Silly me.
Well, they're at home on Mondays, yeah.They've been doing streams from their homes for a while, haven't they? Aren't they working from home on Monday or something? Don't know where I've heard this.
Dan and Jeff's dislike of fancy pizza is their worst opinion. Fancy pizza, like cheap pizza, is great.
Is anyone else still mad about Vinnyvania not being called Castlevinnya
you guys realize that wind jammers were things like a hundred years before the videogame came around, right?
Vinnyvania is a much better name. It also puts the important part first.
Alex's Chris Berman impression was so terrible. 😅
Fitting since Chris Berman is a terrible announcer. I hope he never shows up on any sports broadcast that I see ever again. Terrible impressions of sports announcers are pretty standard, though I think. Especially it is very easy to find someone who thinks the terrible impression sounds better than the actual article.