Death Metalist
Yeah you rub your stick on their face until the notes and hearts come out.

Yeah you rub your stick on their face until the notes and hearts come out.
Yeah you rub your stick on their face until the notes and hearts come out.
but you promised not to!! now the result is your fault!Well, I just finished the UPF..
but you promised not to!! now the result is your fault!
My Switch was once again delayed by a day and Amazon gave me $30 promotion credit on top of the $25 and partial refund I've already received. They can continue bungling my order as long as they keep giving me stuff. ☺️
Well looks like Jeff's enjoying Zelda way more than it seemed on these past couple of streams. I'm still debating whether I should just get it on Wii U or save it till later in the year when I might pick up the Switch. Kind of thinking of the holiday when there's a bundle or something.
Well,one thing led to another after finishing a side quest, and i climbed up a cliff only to discover more land beyond. I saw a post of the world that looked more tropical, so i glided over. There was a thunderstorm as I'm trying to travel across this place broken up by waterfalls, only to have a GODDAMN ELECTRO DRAGON APPEAR. i tried jumping on it but died because i keep bouncing off it, decided to just leave him alone and watch him go his merry way. I climbed up a cliff, and then saw a huge sky vortex where the dragon flew back into to go back to wherever he was, then at the top of the cliff i met a centaur that is way too hard for me, so i peaced out.
Does anyone know what's up with that dragon yet?
That's nice. Amazon screwed my order too, but they're granting me a price mistake so I'm getting it for 180. Therefore I can wait a bit longer.![]()
Dang. It's been a bummer how poor Amazon's service has been, but they've certainly made things right. Though, I suppose they can do these things since most people probably don't call or contact support for compensation.
I did that, too. And I haven't seen a single person who solved it the "right" way. I'm beginning to think what we did is the intended solution and all that other stuff is there to make us think we got one over on the shrine and feel smart.
I did it using the maze. Took a few tries.
I did try the other way but it seemed trickier.
Hey guys,
I'm kinda new to GB, so i don't know the dudes that well, and with this talks of the likelyhood of someone leaving, Vinny always comes up because he seems to have a lot more interests and talents.
What exactly does he do besides GB? I only know he plays guitar and does some woodwork, right?
Listening to an old Bombcast (07-13-10) and man... WiiWare/DSiWare was the best Bombcast segment.
You could have tilted the whole map in a way to reach the end immediately when the ball response tooI realize we've all heard a ton about Zelda lately, but I wanted to share a a funny experience I had in the game.
It just has to do with a Shrine puzzle, but I'll spoiler it just in case:
The puzzle uses the controller gyro, and is one of those tilt-the-playfield-to-move-a-ball-through-a-maze games. Well I was getting annoyed at it, so I just turned the entire controller upside-down, and the playfield by extension. The underside didn't have any walls to navigate the ball through, so I just had to perform a much easier tilt to get the ball to the goal, all while holding my controller upside-down.
Sometimes tilt controls aren't so bad!
Been rewatching the Phantasmagoria 2 videos today and I really think its time to bring back FMVinny. They just have so much fun with them!
They did play Noctropolis recently.
Been rewatching the Phantasmagoria 2 videos today and I really think its time to bring back FMVinny. They just have so much fun with them!
They were honestly some of my least favorite features on the site, but Noctropolis was pretty good so I wouldn't mind. They just seem to drag on and on sometimes with absolutely nothing happening.
They were honestly some of my least favorite features on the site, but Noctropolis was pretty good so I wouldn't mind. They just seem to drag on and on sometimes with absolutely nothing happening.
Listening to an old Bombcast (07-13-10) and man... WiiWare/DSiWare was the best Bombcast segment.
Really? Phantasmagoria 1 was some of the best Giant Bomb stuff, the second was pretty good as well. As long as they keep a FAQ nearby so they don't get completely stuck it tends to be pretty good.
That's weird. I disliked Noctropolis, but stuff like Phantasmagoria, Contradiction, Police Quest: SWAT and Emergency Room were fantastic.
This is gonna end up in me buying a Switch, isn't it?
Weirdly enough the region free + easy account switching kind of sealed it for me. I'm not even someone who imports a lot of stuff. But it's so cool.
Dave and Vinny were the secret best pairing.
Random PC Game 4 lyf.
One of my favs.
He had a video career before he even worked for Gamespot. I think people tend to think he could land a better paying job if he wanted to. Especially because he bought a house and has kids now. But honestly, he would've done that already and not build GB East. Vinny is safe!Hey guys,
I'm kinda new to GB, so i don't know the dudes that well, and with this talks of the likelyhood of someone leaving, Vinny always comes up because he seems to have a lot more interests and talents.
What exactly does he do besides GB? I only know he plays guitar and does some woodwork, right?