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Giant Bomb #27 | http://cbsinteractive.com/careers

I think Andromeda looks pretty cool. I suspect that I'm going to enjoy it quite a bit.

I think the game is going to sit comfortably in the 80s on MetaCritic, and that's fine. Fans, on the other hand, are going to be a bit more divisive with it, but that's the same with almost every other big game.


Unconfirmed Member
There, I fixed it
You're welcome
No, I specifcally need to have the first release of The Witcher 1 in last place. It was so bad, they completely overhauled it and had another physical release.
Not sure if CDPR would anywhere near where they are now had they not done it.
Remember when Brad didn't play Mass Effect 3 until all the DLCs came out, and then loved the overall story because the last DLC explained the whole universe, and then he gave it his personal GOTY, which pissed off a bunch of people claiming that you can't use DLCs to redeem an incredibly poor ending?

I hope that happens with Andromeda.


Remember when Brad didn't play Mass Effect 3 until all the DLCs came out, and then loved the overall story because the last DLC explained the whole universe, and then he gave it his personal GOTY, which pissed off a bunch of people claiming that you can't use DLCs to redeem an incredibly poor ending?

I hope that happens with Andromeda.

That was pretty interesting cuz he didn't witness the incomplete version.




Looks like Amy Schumer.

Isn't that Natalie Dormer?



No, I specifcally need to have the first release of The Witcher 1 in last place. It was so bad, they completely rehauled it and had another physical release.
Not sure if CDPR would anywhere near where they are now had they not done it.
You're saying this like it would have been a bad thing. We would have gotten the world's most graphically advanced softcore games.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The Mass Effect universe is cool, and there's an alternate timeline with a really awesome BioWare and Mass Effect games that I love

But the story to Mass Effect 2 was so broken 3 couldn't salvage things, and in hindsight there were a lot of BioWare trends starting to coalesce that ultimately reduced me from something like a fan to complete apathy
Thank you to the posters in this thread who convinced me to play Yakuza 0 and get ahead of the BitE series. I'm just getting to chapter 5, which gives me enough cushion to keep watching the video series and stay ahead of them by a decent margin.

For this week's episode in particular, they got so bogged down in Majima's substories exactly like I did, that I now see how incredibly long this series may end up being.


You're saying this like it would have been a bad thing. We would have gotten the world's most graphically advanced softcore games.

As much as people like to bag on Bioware for creating dating sims, the Witcher 1 is the horniest game I've ever played. I couldn't talk to a female NPC without stumbling into awkward flirting or a sex scene.


Thank you to the posters in this thread who convinced me to play Yakuza 0 and get ahead of the BitE series. I'm just getting to chapter 5, which gives me enough cushion to keep watching the video series and stay ahead of them by a decent margin.

For this week's episode in particular, they got so bogged down in Majima's substories exactly like I did, that I now see how incredibly long this series may end up being.

There's just so much stuff to do, and it pretty much just leads you from one thing to the next.

Also, my mild OCD kicked in big time and I couldn't advance until I finished each character's main "side thing", which you will discover soon (if you haven't already). But after i got that done, I just mainlined the story stuff because it was too compelling.

I even ignored another side activity that opens up late game.


See for a lot of Yakuza 0 I had the opposite problem. Once you get to a certain point in that game (chapter 7 or 8 maybe) the story becomes so compelling I really just mainlined it until I beat the game.

A lot of the side quests seemed frontloaded (even though they aren't!)

I wasn't actively avoiding subquests, but I had already completed most of the obvious ones, and the story really gets that good
I'm pretty stoked for that Disney Afternoon collection. I have Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck and Ducktales in a box somewhere in my house. The Rescue Rangers cartridge is the one I had when I was a kid.


See for a lot of Yakuza 0 I had the opposite problem. Once you get to a certain point in that game (chapter 7 or 8 maybe) the story becomes so compelling I really just mainlined it until I beat the game.

A lot of the side quests seemed frontloaded (even though they aren't!)

I wasn't actively avoiding subquests, but I had already completed most of the obvious ones, and the story really gets that good

They are pretty front loaded. When you look at a guide, you see how they start diminishing the further you get in.


See for a lot of Yakuza 0 I had the opposite problem. Once you get to a certain point in that game (chapter 7 or 8 maybe) the story becomes so compelling I really just mainlined it until I beat the game.

A lot of the side quests seemed frontloaded (even though they aren't!)

I wasn't actively avoiding subquests, but I had already completed most of the obvious ones, and the story really gets that good

You're totally right. I slowed down and took the time to do sidequests on Chapter 10. I felt they finally let off the gas at that point.
I've tried hearing the name of the Monster Hunter game Jason talks about like 5 times and I just can't figure out what he is saying. Thumbquest? Dumbquest? What is he saying?!
hey guys I snuck into the Giant Bomb offices and got ahold of the script for the interview they give potential employees

1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

3. Where do you see yourself in 2 years?

Are you going to bail on us like that last dick?
Did Drew answer 4 questions in his AMA and then bounce? I suspect he may be crafting a long answer.

You suspected right!

Great question! My time at Giant Bomb defined a lot about my career, and my life (eight years at a place will do that do you!). Here goes!

Alex: I hope to one day be as sharp and quick-witted as Alex. Dude's jokes are always on point and his lightning-fast comments often have a poignancy I couldn't achieve with hours of soul-searching. He's also one of the genuinely nicest people I've ever met.

Brad: Brad is supremely eloquent. He has this uncanny ability to distill and convey exactly what he's thinking, using the perfect words to do so. He's also down to chat about space or physics or pretty much anything cool at a near-university level. He's a fountain of information.

Dan: Dan will constantly surprise you. His view of the world is often direct and simple, but this can cause you to challenge things you'd previously considered set in stone. I can't thank him enough for introducing me to mindfulness meditation, something that has vastly improved my life.

Jason: Coming into a new environment and gelling with a team that has been together for as long as we had is an extremely difficult task, but not only did Jason pull it off, he did so with his characteristic unwavering positivity. Jason injected new, outside-the-box ideas while also taking to heart the lessons the rest of us had learned over the years, and has grown immeasurably since he arrived, both behind the camera and in front of it.

Jeff: Jeff is a walking encyclopedia of video games, a trait that never ceased to amaze me. But what’s most amazing about Jeff is how much he respects games and the industry. You can’t build what Giant Bomb is without people that care--that have a reverence for the material--the way Jeff does. It’s inspiring.

Rorie: There are tasks involved with operating a website that are tedious, unglamorous, largely invisible to the audience, and vastly important. Rorie does most of these things, and does so tirelessly. Personally, Rorie is extraordinarily genuine, and probably smarter than all of us combined.

David: You guys may not know Dave Nillasca, but he keeps the lights on. Knowing that someone is looking out for you while you make dumb Internet videos is extremely comforting, especially when it’s someone as smart and capable as Dave.

Austin: I hardly spent any time with Austin during his brief tenure at Giant Bomb, but whenever I did, it felt like we had known each other for years. Austin can talk about the things you think you know well, but in a way that makes them seem brand new and makes you appreciate them even more. The fact that he was able to create a website and community with that ability in Waypoint has been amazing to watch.

Patrick: If you need proof that Patrick is always up for anything, look no further than the end of this video (where Patrick eats a boiled sheep’s head). Professional, personable, and just fun to be around, I would travel anywhere in the world with Patrick again in a heartbeat.

Ryan: Man, I miss Ryan. If you want to know what Ryan was like in person, just watch this video. Imagine working with a guy like that every day, how that would give you energy, lift your mood, and make you want to make great things.

Vinny: What do you say about the person who shaped your career? Who taught you almost everything you know about video production, from the technical to the interpersonal? Who stayed just as late (and usually later) than you when you were both working on edits? Who taught you, through his own actions, to care about the craft of the work in addition to its content? And who did all of that while making you laugh every single day? You say thank you. Thank you, Vinny.
I'm in a similar boat. The original trilogy is one of my favorite sci-fi universes ever, basically, but I can't muster any excitement for this one. I'm not even getting it at launch.

Feel the same way. Got burned hard by inquisition and have no interest in doing it again with Andromeda.


I liked this thread better when it wasn't like every other thread

can we just go back to talking about insignificant stuff like Ghost Recon and Brad leaving
Considering how much the crazies are jumping out of the woodwork recently its real impressive the caliber of people who have come though the GB doors over the years that no one seems like a shit head.

Giant Bomb runs with a good crowd.
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