Someone care to explain what the Xavier Woods thing is?
A sextape got leaked.
Someone care to explain what the Xavier Woods thing is?
I mean you might as well be asking why anyone climbs mountains.Somebody really needs to explain to me what's so fun about spending 5 minutes trying to scale the side of a cliff.
A video leaked of him, Paige and Brad Madoxx playing some nasty 3 player co op.
Climbing in BotW is mindnumbing.
I kind of wonder if there's anything that would stand in the way of a player who would just want to walk around an obstacle instead of climbing the next wall or mountain? Surely someone out there is taking their time with the game and has not climbed anywhere yet.There are four specific things that mitigate the repetition of climbing and I wish I got them earlier.
The Bombcast can't come soon enough.
When does the embargo end? Monday, I think? I can see a review for that one.
I kind of wonder if there's anything that would stand in the way of a player who would just want to walk around an obstacle instead of climbing the next wall or mountain? Surely someone out there is taking their time with the game and has not climbed anywhere yet.
Does anybody have the gif of the Take On Me Drew meme?
Thank you! Here's a Saoirse gif in appreciation.
Going off what Alex said on the Beastcast reviewers are saying that once you get past the early parts of Andromeda there is a good game there. You've got to wonder why EA let the early stages be played before release so that's all that's been talked about.
i honestly have never felt this concentrated amount of "Man I wonder what's going on here" and then getting that little dopamine rush of finding... something when I head on over as much as in Zelda.
Like especially going up against Nier after. I mean they're totally different games but every time I run into an invisible barrier in Nier I get really irritated and they're everywhere. Giant gaping holes in the sides of buildings you run up against and just run into a wall.
At least MGR had the decency to have a giant AR glowy light there and say 'outside of mission parameters'
Think indie devs need to be put on a forceable stop on top down twin stick shooters
Gonna guess the dev team just didnt know how to handle the introduction. Perhaps they struggled with how to connect it to the Shepard games and in the end they decided to not even have any connection and just go with "we are going to Andromeda because EXPLORATION!" and they rushed it.
We already have THE best one, Binding of Isaac
do you like any good games
There's the minimap but boundaries are sometimes iffy just looking at the enviroment.There are some locations you can fall down to that are way higher level than the start of the game that you can stumble on to. But the openworld in Nier isn't big enough to get me bothered about that stuff. The story and Yoko Taro fuckery are the main draw for Nier to me, i even let the game dodge for me on easy mode and i am fine with that. I am glad that more people get to know what's going on in that his head.
Why is the planet scanning so SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Such a long animation for finding nothing half the time
do you like any good games
I'm so sad the PC port of Nier is kind of a mess.
I'm still gonna jump on that as soon as I finish Zelda though.
I'm so sad the PC port of Nier is kind of a mess.
I'm still gonna jump on that as soon as I finish Zelda though.
Durante called the port great, but there are quite a few issues with the game in fullscreen and stuff. They look patchable, though. I'll wait a bit.How bad are we talking? worse than PS4? Or one of those ports that's locked to 1080p/60fps.
Strangely one of my favorite parts of Zelda is taking photos and completing my album. It's easy to imagine how cool an open world Pokemon would be this style, where you'd get a pseudo-sequel to both Snap and Afrika in a photo mini-game.
Strangely one of my favorite parts of Zelda is taking photos and completing my album. It's easy to imagine how cool an open world Pokemon would be this style, where you'd get a pseudo-sequel to both Snap and Afrika in a photo mini-game.
It depends... part of the appeal of Pokemon Snap was doing things to make other things appear and that was usually on a very scripted level.
Though the way BoTW works, I wonder if you could actually do that systemically
Pokemon Snap.
an open world game that focused solely on the wildlife could be pretty interesting...
I would like Zelda a lot more if there were more permanent rewards or something. I even like the slow moments of it but it feels like its all for nothing and everything is fleeting
Durante called the port great, but there are quite a few issues with the game in fullscreen and stuff. They look patchable, though. I'll wait a bit.
It's not resolution locked, but I don't think framerate above 60 is possible.
It depends... part of the appeal of Pokemon Snap was doing things to make other things appear and that was usually on a very scripted level.
Though the way BoTW works, I wonder if you could actually do that systemically
what if I told you
that numbers going up
are also meaningless and fleeting
A sextape got leaked.
Not surprised that a bunch of attractive wrestlers, all training together for months and months, just end up boning each other.
It's probably a sex filled party over there like the Olympics.
i honestly have never felt this concentrated amount of "Man I wonder what's going on here" and then getting that little dopamine rush of finding... something when I head on over as much as in Zelda.
Like especially going up against Nier after. I mean they're totally different games but every time I run into an invisible barrier in Nier I get really irritated and they're everywhere. Giant gaping holes in the sides of buildings you run up against and just run into a wall.
At least MGR had the decency to have a giant AR glowy light there and say 'outside of mission parameters'