Death Metalist

Just finished Yakuza 0. Put it off just abit to finish off Zelda first, hot dang what a fucking finale. Chills all throughout, got choked up. Not surprising though that Yakuza's best strength has always been the voice acting, characters, story and writing. Even though you'd think since this is a prequel, there wouldn't be much tension but make no mistake, it has tons of tension and build up thanks to how the series gives time to let almost every character within it shine, both new and old or the ones who are on the side. TOP 5 OF 2017 EASILY.
Not a big fan of the gameplay compared to the other games but I do love the details put into the world as always be it from shops to minigames and the like. Yakuza's world always feel very well realized thanks to that attention to detail. I kind of feel empty now that I've finished it because I've been attached to these characters for a long while and I always look forward to whatever they do next. I wasn't expecting much from it being a prequel but it contained as much surprises, twists and revelations than in any other game, it pretty much set the stage for the rest of the series. It's definitely the perfect time to be a Yakuza fan if you aren't one and if you are, it's great to get a glimpse of the past. Never has been a patch of land been so god damn interesting, so many good moments ranging from big set pieces to small character interactions.
Now putting all that aside, it has one of the most entertaining side missions in an open world game. They mostly devolve into fetch quests of sorts but what makes them special is once again the characters. The world is just jam packed with wonderful colorful characters, each with their unique charms, quirks and story. Man, I could go on and on about how brilliant Yakuza 0 is but I guess I'll close it off with...THAT SOUNDTRACK MAN.
For Buddy
Rush! Rush! Rush!!
With Vengeance
Try To Have Some Fun For Me
Tiger Flute
Force Addiction
We're Long Hua Expedition
Fever Time
One Eyed Dancer
Glorious Memories
Breeze Time
Two Dragons
Rocket Nuts Groove
Money Makes Money
The story so far
As You Like
Customer Creed
Trouble Shooting Star
La Di Da
Pandora's Place
Diving into Horizon and Nier now with the occasional downloadable games from time to time. Good times.