I'm on a bit of an Overwatch hiatus at the moment because I'm in a sort of a love hate with it. Love in that, hey, it's a new FPS with some actual interesting designs and characters and rockets and all that! Hate in that it still very much shows how green Blizzard is with the genre and I find the game nearly unplayable if not in the comp setting. Not to mention the game just feels like it has some strange oversights, the movement is my big peeve in that it has perhaps the weakest movement of any major multiplayer FPS I've ever played. The movement in Overwatch feels like it's out of a Bethesda game. I also find it hard to come to terms with just how much they Resident Evil 5 the teamplay by making individuals so hamstrung.
So when it comes to just wanting some casual pop it in at anytime fun, my go-to at the moment is Siege, because it actually facilitates a pick up and play good time. Overwatch is the kind of game where if I'm not grinding out comp, it's kind of worthless. But it's in such a malleable state right now that I'm hopeful.
Bombcast guests this week are so dull. Complete opposite to Kasavin and O'Dwyer.
I so want more of Peter Brown. Justin Haywald I pretty much can't stand, but that's coming off listening to him on the Geekbox where his contributions are often petty snark and rape/sex jokes.