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Giant Bomb #7 | Hey There, Small Business Owner!

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the holder of the trombone
The description for the lego hobbit quick look was pretty poignant to me. I barely watch any movies nowadays but I pretty much consume every giantbomb video, and some of them might as well be movies with their length anyway.
You can't really say why people are happy subscribing. Personally, I'm very happy with the content they're putting out. I'm not excusing them or anything, because they put out more than I can currently consume. Sure I'd be happy if they put out more, but as it is I'm content.

I also disagree with the "phoning it in" comment.

The problem is you can see all of that content without a subscription. I'm not complaining about Quicklooks as I find some of them enjoyable but the amount of subscriber content they put out is a joke.


I'm not whining that it auto renewed, I am whining because they take peoples money and then phone it in every week and everyone gives them a pass because they are just settling into the new office or they lack the staff or they have to do lots of meetings or excuse xxx, yyy or zip.
I'm not making excuses for them but I feel I get my money out of the subscription every month. Would it be nice to get more content? Yes and when it comes out great but to me its worth it. To you its not, I would turn your auto renew off.
I'm not making excuses for them but I feel I get my money out of the subscription every month. Would it be nice to get more content? Yes and when it comes out great but to me its worth it. To you its not, I would turn your auto renew off.

Turning my auto renew off doesn't change the fact I have paid for a year and the subscriber content is lacking.


The problem is you can see all of that content without a subscription. I'm not complaining about Quicklooks as I find some of them enjoyable but the amount of subscriber content they put out is a joke.

I can see where the confusion comes in, but I am referring solely to the subscriber content. For instance, I still haven't seen the Occasional DOTA that just went up, nor have I listened to the new F1 Podcast. Going to try to get to it later this week.

But I am aware that people prioritize their time differently, and I can see why some would say it's an insufficient amount of content.

All I can attest to is that the amount is sufficient for me.


Hamst3r just uploaded a Small Business Man Music Video :D

Fair enough, I don't listen to F1 podcast and rarely make it through a full Unpro Friday. Last weeks was brilliant but the quality is so hit and miss week on week.


My yearly subscription auto renewed and GB don't do refunds. So technically they are holding a gun to my head.
Memberships auto-renew. Shocking.

I'm not whining that it auto renewed, I am whining because they take peoples money and then phone it in every week and everyone gives them a pass because they are just settling into the new office or they lack the staff or they have to do lots of meetings or excuse xxx, yyy or zzz.
GB moved to CBSi over two years ago. Even if "everyone gives them a pass because they are just settling into the new office" was the case, you've had two annual billing cycles to cancel or change to a month-to-month membership.

Don't get pissy just because you can't personally evaluate a value proposition and act accordingly.
Don't get pissy just because you can't personally evaluate a value proposition and act accordingly.

Yeah cause the best thing for a site is for people to blow smoke up the staffs ass and only say positive things to them.

If no one complains then nothing changes. Not sure why there is such a hardcore defence force here, they are big boys they can speak for themselves.


Turning my auto renew off doesn't change the fact I have paid for a year and the subscriber content is lacking.

I've felt that on any given week I get my $5 worth for the month. It's extremely cheap for the amount of premium and free content produced. My lunch this afternoon will cost me more, and yet you can't find $5 worth of value in hours of entertainment? Maybe the site isn't for you, but you catch less shit if you provided actual constructive criticism on how they could make the site better instead of just talking about your subscription.
They set the expectations pretty high a few years ago when they themselves stated that they wanted to produce premium content on a daily basis, such as load our last saves and similar productions. I think that people got really spoiled with that and now they're not in a position to pull that off. Kinda sux, but maybe one day they'll get back to it.


I smell a vinny-cast. I wouldn't want one every week but it has been long enough that I look forward to the extensive use of the royalty free library.

It's simple guys, in the end it's like any other business, we have to talk with our wallets. As long as the sub numbers stay up, they won't do shit to fix things.

If they continue to do lackluster amounts of premium content like they are doing right now the sub numbers will eventually go down and they won't have a choice to react.

True. Although I suspect a bulk of subscribers are, like me, using it as a donation or tip for the general site content. Looking at monthly subs might be a better way to gauge their performance as I would bet they are the most price sensitive and want value for their 5 bucks.

Yeah cause the best thing for a site is for people to blow smoke up the staffs ass and only say positive things to them.

If no one complains then nothing changes. Not sure why there is such a hardcore defence force here, they are big boys they can speak for themselves.

No danger of that. You keep everyone honest and in balance by putting the boot in at every opportunity.

Real talk - not having a go - but you don't seem to really get much that you like from the site, free or premium - not sure what you get out of contributing to the thread. I mean, I occasionally read IGN reviews and watch the odd video on gamespot but I don't feel the need to go on the fan threads and tell them how they are all idiots.


They set the expectations pretty high a few years ago when they themselves stated that they wanted to produce premium content on a daily basis, such as load our last saves and similar productions. I think that people got really spoiled with that and now they're not in a position to pull that off. Kinda sux, but maybe one day they'll get back to it.

Well we had other things going like Pathfinder for example but that is done now as well. Problem is stuff doesn't get replaced by something else in a timely manner.


I don't think saying "just don't subscribe" as a way to wave off criticism is very good. The guys would certainly not want people to just stop subscribing.

My criticisms are less so in the form of "I need more content" and more in the form of "I wish it didn't seems as much of a job to them." MANY things have changed since their start, but a lot of the magic that enraptured me at the beginning was their enthusiasm and overall ridiculousness. It's also certainly not due to just PAX. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with just how hard they have to work with such a small amount of staff. This all may just be my own opinion and in no way am I saying "my way or else" because I still genuinely enjoy listening to the dudes talk about anything that they are invested in.

It does feel very different to when the site first started. You can tell when they're actually enjoying a game and when everyone is just bored, trudging through a game to eat up time. It's a bit weird too because Unprofessional Fridays is a show where they can bring literally anything they want but somehow half of the show doesn't seem very enjoyable for most of them.

As much as they like to scoff at the idea of doing another Endurance Run, I really do think the site could benefit from having at least one long playthrough of a game happening at anytime. Even something like Vinnyvania was super enjoyable even though he only played that a couple of times. It's because the audience could feel Vinny was invested in the game, he actually wanted to beat it. I'd much rather watch them do whole playthroughs of games they actually enjoy, than them just randomly bringing in something to Unprofessional Fridays that they have no idea about and end up yawning at.
I'm not a subscriber, but, I probably should be. The guys have given me a lot over the years and I should pay them back.

Next person that cancels make sure to post it so I can refill the membership slot.


I don't think saying "just don't subscribe" as a way to wave off criticism is very good. The guys would certainly not want people to just stop subscribing.

It does feel very different to when the site first started. You can tell when they're actually enjoying a game and when everyone is just bored, trudging through a game to eat up time. It's a bit weird too because Unprofessional Fridays is a show where they can bring literally anything they want but somehow half of the show doesn't seem very enjoyable for most of them.

As much as they like to scoff at the idea of doing another Endurance Run, I really do think the site could benefit from having at least one long playthrough of a game happening at anytime. Even something like Vinnyvania was super enjoyable even though he only played that a couple of times. It's because the audience could feel Vinny was invested in the game, he actually wanted to beat it. I'd much rather watch them do whole playthroughs of games they actually enjoy, than them just randomly bringing in something to Unprofessional Fridays that they have no idea about and end up yawning at.


I think it's silly to ask for more content unless the interest/investment is there. I'd rather not have 10 hours of UPF if they play games that they have vague knowledge of - some are godlike (see Gang Beasts - which is even beginning to wear thin) but most of which are clunkers. I watch these streams to see somebody as into games as I am, not somebody yawning!

My personal argument is not for quantity but quality/passion.


Yeah cause the best thing for a site is for people to blow smoke up the staffs ass and only say positive things to them.

If no one complains then nothing changes. Not sure why there is such a hardcore defence force here, they are big boys they can speak for themselves.
Many people complain about the content droughts. It's a fair complaint.

Your complaints however, are that the content has been, and continues to be valueless; and Giant Bomb are "holding a gun to your head" for your sub fee.

Even under the worst case scenario that your sub auto-renewed the moment they began "settling into the new office" in April 2012, you've had two additional opportunities to unsub or go monthly.

You're not giving criticism, you sound like you're angry you've subscribed for so long to a service you don't even like.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
As much as they like to scoff at the idea of doing another Endurance Run, I really do think the site could benefit from having at least one long playthrough of a game happening at anytime. Even something like Vinnyvania was super enjoyable even though he only played that a couple of times. It's because the audience could feel Vinny was invested in the game, he actually wanted to beat it. I'd much rather watch them do whole playthroughs of games they actually enjoy, than them just randomly bringing in something to Unprofessional Fridays that they have no idea about and end up yawning at.

They don't even need to play through a game, but some sort of regular content would be nice. What was great about the ER was, that there was something to watch every day, so having another weekly feature besides UPF would be really great. Since Steam is currently flooded with weird/awefull games they could just play an hour or so of random newly released steam games each week. Or something like that.


the holder of the trombone
They don't even need to play through a game, but some sort of regular content would be nice. What was great about the ER was, that there was something to watch every day, so having another weekly feature besides UPF would be really great. Since Steam is currently flooded with weird/awefull games they could just play an hour or so of random newly released steam games each week. Or something like that.

It's called unprofessional fridays.
Here's real talk. If you have a job or anything that resembles a life, giant bomb puts out plenty and you can't keep up.

Unless you have a monotonous job where you work long hours with very little to do. I work 12 hour shifts and only have to get off my arse every few hours to clean the blades and plates they use to print wallpaper, they only change the pattern every now and again. Some days I can go nearly a full work day just pottering about, some days it's so hectic I don't even get to sit down.

So nice try with your smartarse comment.

Many people complain about the content droughts. It's a fair complaint.

Your complaints however, are that the content has been, and continues to be valueless; and Giant Bomb are "holding a gun to your head" for your sub fee.

Even under the worst case scenario that your sub auto-renewed the moment they began "settling into the new office" in April 2012, you've had two additional opportunities to unsub or go monthly.

You're not giving criticism, you sound like you're angry you've subscribed for so long to a service you don't even like.

I used to enjoy their content but every video sounds like chore for them to make, the level of quality has been on the decrease for a while, to an extent I can understand why but it's not good for business if people just let them run it into the ground.


Here's real talk. If you have a job or anything that resembles a life, giant bomb puts out plenty and you can't keep up.

I don't think it's right to put out a general statement like this. Someone said that GB put out 9 hours of subscriber content in a week. That's just over 1 hour per day, which I don't necessarily feel is an unreasonable amount to consume.

As I said earlier, it's priorities. Some people play games, some people watch TV. I'm sure some people watch GB stuff.


Yeah cause the best thing for a site is for people to blow smoke up the staffs ass and only say positive things to them.

If no one complains then nothing changes. Not sure why there is such a hardcore defence force here, they are big boys they can speak for themselves.

You speak like they are not aware of these things, like they're phoning it in just because they can.

Furthermore, pretty much every post I see from you in this thread has been negative and often very dismissive of people who don't agree with you. It's getting tiring.


Here's real talk. If you have a job or anything that resembles a life, giant bomb puts out plenty and you can't keep up.

If you watch every piece of content they put out, sure. But I don't exactly feel a great need to see 4 hours of Elder Scrolls Online, and when something like that is the only piece of content that gets put on the site, it does feel a bit like there'a a drought in content.

This has also become more of a problem for me since it feels like they narrow down the types of games they choose to cover more and more every year.


And once again we circle around to the non-San Fran Giant Bomb content. If you count that stuff it certainly seems like a lot, if you don't then it's a lot less content.
Looking at monthly subs might be a better way to gauge their performance as I would bet they are the most price sensitive and want value for their 5 bucks.

I'm a monthly sub. I generally enjoy all the UPFs they put out, so i find myself getting more than my money's worth each month. I like supporting the site, and i enjoy the premium content they put out. $5 for me is a meal at a fast food joint. The hours of entertainment i get per month on top of supporting a site i really like is worth the $5 to me personally.
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