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Giant Bomb #9 | More Dan Meets The Eye

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The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
I can't play any GB videos. Anyone else having the same problem?
Cata was funny, I played WoW with about 12 IRL friends, who were all in big guilds for most of their WoW life. When Cata came out we all transferred and formed a 10-man guild, thinking it was going to be great. Then we got into the heroic raid pills and promptly everyone that was used to being carried quit because it was too hard. And my friends were the typical "WoW used to be so much harder, casuals ruined everything" folks.

That happened all thruout the game's history; you're seeing a single symptom, not the causes.

Demolition Man, so I think I'm close

Sea shells! Sea shells!


I sent in an email two weeks ago about Dan's encounter with RiFF RAFF that didn't get read :(

Didn't Brad say that they got 6 pages (in a Gmail client) of emails just last week? It's not easy getting on the Bombcast! Still, wish your email was read, that video is something else.


I've considered sending in emails a few times but haven't for some reason. I'm waiting for the new trend. The excrement related trend turns me off completely.


I've considered sending in emails a few times but haven't for some reason. I'm waiting for the new trend. The excrement related trend turns me off completely.

There hasn't really been one of those for two weeks now, so I'm guessing that's behind(heh?) us now.


so the cooking shoebox

I just told my gf about the egg whites and this and once she stopped laughing she made a good point.
If he's going to use something over and over because he doesn't want to wash dishes, why not just use a plate anyway and not wash it.

where the fuck does a shoebox come in!?
Watching Part 2 of the WoW feature, facepalmed at Dan not being able to figure out how Cerebralbutt could exist. Brad gave him every opportunity to figure it out.
I understand Dan's urge not too leave more work for himself when making food - I tore up a paper plate once to stir soup once as I did not want to have to wash a spoon - but Dan ideas are more crazy then mine.
I understand Dan's urge not too leave more work for himself when making food - I tore up a paper plate once to stir soup once as I did not want to have to wash a spoon - but Dan ideas are more crazy then mine.

Had an old college roommate that would line his dinner plate with paper plates so he wouldn't have to wash them. When asked why he even used the dinner plate, he said that the paper plates got too soggy


To the idiot that made a "Giantbomb" character and kept following and jumping in front of the screen: unless you're 12, you have no excuse. I know you're not though. Don't be a jackass .

I think there's only 1 wow video left (unless Dan decides to continue it) but I'm afraid this sort of thing will only get worse.


Drunky McMurder
so the cooking shoebox

I just told my gf about the egg whites and this and once she stopped laughing she made a good point.
If he's going to use something over and over because he doesn't want to wash dishes, why not just use a plate anyway and not wash it.

where the fuck does a shoebox come in!?

I don't know Dan Ryckert personally and have only heard him on Giant Bomb, but I have a sneaking suspicion that his answer would be "Ew, that would be gross" and he'd leave it at that.

Either that or it's just the initial investment of a single plate.

I understand Dan's urge not too leave more work for himself when making food - I tore up a paper plate once to stir soup once as I did not want to have to wash a spoon - but Dan ideas are more crazy then mine.

This is the beauty of it! Only liars and boring people will say they can't start to sympathize with some things he says, but most of the world's population probably jumps off the train long before he reaches his final point. I was a real picky eater until I was in my 20s myself, but I can't remember any point where I would have thanked somebody for food then thrown it away because it had an ingredient I thought I hated.
Speaking of soup, I have a possible mailbag item,,,



The sign up thread for that VIP meet and greet it going to be amazing. Expecting much sour grapes from post #121 and on. :D

Better than having open invites to a bar that can only hold 100 people I guess.

I have the image of Rorie on the door checking IDs while this blasts from a boom box.

The sign up thread for that VIP meet and greet it going to be amazing. Expecting much sour grapes from post #121 and on. :D

Better than having open invites to a bar that can only hold 100 people I guess.

i think the 20 reserves will be interesting since they are basically in purgatory and their eventual reward is based on luck .
What a shame. If it was depression related then that's just sad. It's terrible to have that, regardless of how well off you are. Damn, I wish his family and friends the best during these trying times : (

Anjin M

What a shame. If it was depression related then that's just sad. It's terrible to have that, regardless of how well off you are. Damn, I wish his family and friends the best during these trying times : (

That man has been fighting the monsters in his head for a long time. :(

EDIT: I have read so many terrible things on the internet for the last 72 hours that I want to stick my head in the sand.
I'm listening to old Bombcasts, and they are talking about a TNT where they are all going to play Quake. Anyone have it archived somewhere? It is not on their site and that amazing unarchived GB youtube channel doesn't have it either.
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