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Giant Bomb #9 | More Dan Meets The Eye

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Im really starting to wish that Vinny never moved to New York. I just cant make it through any of his content with Alex but I still want my Vinny content! Ive never enjoyed Alex's stuff but just put up with him when he did stuff with the group but now its starting to ruin what little left I have to listen to Vinny :(
Didnt make it through more than half of the Civ quick look and I dont think ive finished one of theirs since close to when they started doing them.


Im really starting to wish that Vinny never moved to New York. I just cant make it through any of his content with Alex but I still want my Vinny content! Ive never enjoyed Alex's stuff but just put up with him when he did stuff with the group but now its starting to ruin what little left I have to listen to Vinny :(
Didnt make it through more than half of the Civ quick look and I dont think ive finished one of theirs since close to when they started doing them.

I don't have anything against Alex, but Vinny just doesn't have the same chemistry with him as he did with the other guys. Dan and Vinny quick looks would have been amazing. Also, ever since Vinny left UPFs have had the life sucked out of them.
I don't have anything against Alex, but Vinny just doesn't have the same chemistry with him as he did with the other guys. Dan and Vinny quick looks would have been amazing. Also, ever since Vinny left UPFs have had the life sucked out of them.

I dont particularly dislike Alex as a person, I just dont find him entertaining in the slightest and it feels like he is constantly trying too hard to fit in. It comes out the worst when he is around Jeff and trying to be as funny. I do however enjoy his writing.
Im really starting to wish that Vinny never moved to New York. I just cant make it through any of his content with Alex but I still want my Vinny content! Ive never enjoyed Alex's stuff but just put up with him when he did stuff with the group but now its starting to ruin what little left I have to listen to Vinny :(
Didnt make it through more than half of the Civ quick look and I dont think ive finished one of theirs since close to when they started doing them.

I can understand where you are coming from (N'gai Croal's overly analytic, destructive opinion on games - and his belief all games can be broke down to data that can be improved upon - has made me turn off a few podcasts over the years), but I am not sure what could be so bad about Alex. He just seems to be a normal guy - and is actually one of the only guys on the staff with no batshit insane insular opinion on things #yoshi #dota #cake


I can understand where you are coming from (N'gai Croal's overly analytic, destructive opinion on games - and his belief all games can be broke down to data that can be improved upon - has made me turn off a few podcasts over the years), but I am not sure what could be so bad about Alex. He just seems to be a normal guy - and is actually one of the only guys on the staff with no batshit insane insular opinions on things #yoshi #dota #cake

Exactly, that's what the magic is behind all the other guys. Alex just isn't much of a character. His writing is good, but in video content he is kind of boring.


Vinny and Alex are a fantastic combo, such great rapport. Beast content has been top notch, some of the best on the site. Shame that some people can't get into it.
Vinny and Alex are a fantastic combo, such great rapport. Beast content has been top notch, some of the best on the site. Shame that some people can't get into it.


I was sad that my favorite combo Vinny/Drew was over, but Dan/Drew has been its own special magic. All is well in Giantbomb land.


you speak so well
Vinny and Alex are a fantastic combo, such great rapport. Beast content has been top notch, some of the best on the site. Shame that some people can't get into it.

Yep, I think they're a perfect combo (and I'm also glad we finally have consistent video content with Alex).

Vinny and Dan would be a legendary combo.
Oh man. 7 min into the Beyond earth QL and I am already totally in after hearing the victory conditions. Can not wait.

Tell me about it... GB has persuaded me to pick up at least 2 games this week...

The problem with Vinny being in NY isn't Alex.

It's that he's not with the other guys and on a weekly podcast telling amazing stories. I feel like I've missed out on hours and hours of great podcast material from his life in the last few months.
The problem with Vinny being in NY isn't Alex.

It's that he's not with the other guys and on a weekly podcast telling amazing stories. I feel like I've missed out on hours and hours of great podcast material from his life in the last few months.

Tell me about it.

We are missing some good poop stories.
The problem with Vinny being in NY isn't Alex.

It's that he's not with the other guys and on a weekly podcast telling amazing stories. I feel like I've missed out on hours and hours of great podcast material from his life in the last few months.

his adventures as a first time parent were pretty good and it would have been interesting to hear how it goes now since he has some experience under his belt, also his reactions to Dan's stories are sorely missed


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Vinny and Alex are a fantastic combo, such great rapport. Beast content has been top notch, some of the best on the site. Shame that some people can't get into it.

completely agree - Alex's personality is really coming out, and that's a good thing
I just wish Alex would give things more of a go.

He just doesn't try very hard at anything he is playing and wonders why the game isn't fun. the D4 game, 'not interested in that right now' and then this naruto game he's just dismissing it. It's just tiring.


I just wish Alex would give things more of a go.

He just doesn't try very hard at anything he is playing and wonders why the game isn't fun. the D4 game, 'not interested in that right now' and then this naruto game he's just dismissing it. It's just tiring.

He pretty much loved D4, and Naruto... I'm a lapsed Naruto fan and even I don't have much time for the 100th version of that game. You can't really expect anyone who isn't a fan of the actual anime to give two shits about the Naruto games, those games have never been for anyone who isn't a fan of the universe.
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