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Giant Bomb #9 | More Dan Meets The Eye

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You guys it's all gonna be okay because I found the POG cartoon.

Okay I've just done like 30 minutes of research on POGs and here's what I got.

The best source for POG rules and meta, as far as I can tell, is milkcapmania, linked earlier in the thread. It's the only place I can find that has specific info about throwing techniques. If this site is to be believed, all of Dan's and Jeff's throws were illegal for tournament play.

Overall, it appears that there were no commonly-accepted throwing rules in casual/amateur play. I guess it varied from schoolyard to schoolyard. However, this nice little resource (use arrow keys to navigate) has some interesting additional rules:

1. The players each contribute an equal number of pogs to build a stack with the pieces facing down, which will be used during the game.

2. The players take turns throwing their slammer down onto the top of the stack, causing it to spring up and the pogs to scatter. Each player keeps any pogs that land 'face up' after their throw.

3. * Players may defend using a special juke (also called a 'slam frizz') to distract the slammer to reduce the number pogs successfully overturned. Jukes include screaming, taunting the opponent, waving hands, slapping, or other distracting moves

4. * A special pog, known as a 'Poison' (usually depicted as a skull and cross bones or simply stating 'Poison' on the pog), when flipped upright negate the other upright pogs. Thus the person who flips over the poison does not collect the upright pogs, and all pogs are flipped back over and restacked.

5. After each throw, the pogs which have landed 'face down' are then re-stacked for the next player.

6. When no pogs remain in the stack, the player with the most pogs is the 'winner'.

7. If "playing for keeps," all players keep the pogs which they have collected. Otherwise, the pogs are returned to their original owners.

This thread backs up the existence of the poison pog, and details some additional pog lingo:

"no backouts"
you're not allowed to take whats in play until everything is won/lost

"no poison pogs"
poison pogs are placed next to the stack in play. If you miss the deck with your slammer, your slammer is put in the stack as play. Posion pogs usually had the word "poison" or a picture of a skull/wierd looking fruit.

"official slamming kini's only"
cant use homemade slammers

"no elephant style"
a certain style u use to throw ur slammer

"no tittly-winks"
tittly-winks is when u tap the last pog in play to flip it over, instead of throwing a slammer at it

"no hawaiian style"
a certain style u use to throw ur slammer

"no side swipes"
a certain style u use to throw ur slammer. Most conterversial. When a stack is built, side swipers will try and hit the stack at an angle (not the usual face on) so it will tip over the deck like a domino effect

This website also has their own take on an official ruleset but as far as I can tell they're just fucking around so I wouldn't take any of their rules as gospel.

Outside of this, there is next to no official POG documentation anywhere on the internet. The World POG Federation appears to have disappeared sometime in the '90s*, and I can find no source to back up the Wikipedia article's claim of a national tournament taking place on February 7th. All I can leave you with is this poem:

advanced slam frizz techniques

Who even does that anymore-
collectors of trash, cart-wheelers, wackjobs?
SIKE, like you
or I
or both
are in 5th grade and we’re flipping our pogs
back and over again,
leaning in across wobbly parts to steal our prize-
more fucking pogs.
That is until the beep
from the egg tells us to clean up our
Tamagotchi’s shit.
Whatever the case,
it was all-pretend,
as you should be.

* UPDATE: I can confirm that Milton Bradley acquired the rights to POGs in 1995.


I just realized that lost in all that Terminator 3 > Terminator 1 Dan madness, no one seemed to notice the craziness of Jeff hating T2 so much.


Outside of this, there is next to no official POG documentation anywhere on the internet. The World POG Federation appears to have disappeared sometime in the '90s, and I can find no source to back up the Wikipedia article's claim of a national tournament taking place on February 7th. All I can leave you with is this poem:

*begins the slow clap*

Poison sounds like a fun addition.

I would totally play some pogs.
I bet if we wanted we could totally have pogs make a comeback.
Put some skylanders on them. Some marvel characters. TMNT.

#bringbackpogs #buildingthelist


I just realized that lost in all that Terminator 3 > Terminator 1 Dan madness, no one seemed to notice the craziness of Jeff hating T2 so much.
It's not so crazy once you consider that Jeff really just wants to live his life through an apocalyptic wasteland and is willing to troll his way to that nightmare future.


I typed in "coolest pog slammer"


oh god. pog memes....



I really hope Jeff does a quick look on Akiba's Trip because I want to see the forums burn. Anyway just got around to watching UPF and it was excellent as always. I wish I had not thrown all of my old pogs away when I moved. Also I hope they do a special Barkerville trip someday.


The problem with that is that they'd put it up as a joke but it would end up being their best-selling product, which would lead to a pog revolution with Jeff Gerstmann as its leader. Is that something we really want?


I just realized that lost in all that Terminator 3 > Terminator 1 Dan madness, no one seemed to notice the craziness of Jeff hating T2 so much.

I was turned off by some of the cheese, too. But not to the degree Jeff was.

I think the one of the 'problems' is that a scene was cut from the theatrical version of T2 in which a chip in Arnold that allowed him to learn was enabled by John (after an argument with Sarah, she wanted to shut Arnold off permanently) and Arnold was mimicking John's slang in an attempt to "be more human." They thought they might be on the run forever (or at least until Judgment Day) so they wanted Arnold to learn how to blend in more with other people.

Anyway, that scene wasn't added back until the Director's Cut. It puts the 'hasta la vista' stuff into a better context.
POG Research Part 2: I-Typed-"POGs"-Into-My-University's-Library-Search-And-Look-What-Happened Edition

Regarding Tournament Rules:

Many schools have banned the milk-cap game entirely. Others allow them but forbid playing "for keeps," because that constitutes gambling. Rypinski's tournaments always stipulate that they are "not for keeps." As WPF chairman, Rypinski does is best to keep the game challenging, resisting changes in play that emphasize action at the expense of skill. Some young players, for example, use bouncy, plastic boards that send the caps flying on every throw. "That takes the skill out of it," Rypinski says. "The harder the surface, the harder it is to flip the caps. We use three surfaces--wetsuit-rubber for beginners, corkboard for intermediate games, and hard plastic for the most difficult game. The lighter the slammer, the more challenging the game."

Back in Hawaii, the slammer started as two milk caps glued together, perhaps with a penny added for weight, and was called a kini, or king. Now slammers are getting bigger and heavier. Some new slammers, selling for $5 or more, are made of steel or brass and weigh as much as a golf ball. "There's no skill involved with heavy slammers, so we do not sanction metals heavier than aluminum," Rypinski says. "Besides, those super-slammers leave dents in the milk caps, which ruins their value as collectibles."

Younger kids like to throw the slammer down as hard as they can, so they grip it tightly between thumb and forefinger. "Grips are for dips," a ten-year-old purist tells me during my first game, right after I make my first throw. The WPF rules forbid players to grip with their thumbs or to squeeze the caps with their fingers. They also prohibit vertical "knifing" throws.

Regarding Official Tournaments:

Disneyland did indeed host a POG tournament in 1994 as part of a promotion called "POG Wild and Rollerblade Crazy!". They produced a commercial for this event, which you really have to watch. No, seriously. I cannot implore you enough to watch this commercial.

And that U.S. National POG Tournament? Also legit. That source also mentions a 1994 Southern California POG Championship, the outcome of which I was unable to find. I suspect that its winner erased all official record of the event.
Before Jeff threw his slammer, a rush of Pog thoughts came flowing into my head for the first time since the early 90s and I thought, "Don't you have to use two fingers?" That's why some slammers had those finger indents. Need that grip. I rarely played the actual game, just collected and traded with friends. The actual game is pretty dumb.


Disneyland did indeed host a POG tournament in 1994 as part of a promotion called "POG Wild and Rollerblade Crazy!". They produced a commercial for this event, which you really have to watch. No, seriously. I cannot implore you enough to watch this commercial.

That commercial is the most 90's ass 90's thing I have ever, ever seen. It's exactly what I was hoping for. Pastels? Check. Rollerblades? Check. Adult in a suit explaining 'street slang' in a monotone voice? CHECK. Misspelled 'street slang' (fat instead of phat)? _CHECK_.

It's beautiful.


POG Research Part 2: I-Typed-"POGs"-Into-My-University's-Library-Search-And-Look-What-Happened Edition

Regarding Tournament Rules:

Regarding Official Tournaments:

Disneyland did indeed host a POG tournament in 1994 as part of a promotion called "POG Wild and Rollerblade Crazy!". They produced a commercial for this event, which you really have to watch. No, seriously. I cannot implore you enough to watch this commercial.

And that U.S. National POG Tournament? Also legit. That source also mentions a 1994 Southern California POG Championship, the outcome of which I was unable to find. I suspect that its winner erased all official record of the event.

I am getting worried about you. Do they have counselors you can see at this university? I might need to go too

I already liked Tim Turi from his legendary patience on the Illbleed Super Replay, but wearing a Goblin shirt on UPF? I like this guy.


I just realized that lost in all that Terminator 3 > Terminator 1 Dan madness, no one seemed to notice the craziness of Jeff hating T2 so much.
I feel like a lot of Jeff's opinions sort of turn into parodies of themselves when they're brought up repeatedly.

Like, if you go back he never seemed to despise Yoshi's Island or Majora's Mask in the past. He said he didn't like them and then as people kept bringing that up the games evolved into war crimes or something.
So POGs used to be a big thing. When I was in elementary school Yugioh was pretty big. What is the current collectible fad for kids?
So POGs used to be a big thing. When I was in elementary school Yugioh was pretty big. What is the current collectible fad for kids?

It's toys like Skylanders and Infinity I think.

I saw a kid clear out a whole shipment of Swapforce recently. His grandmother watched on the side, horrified by the bill she would pay.
Watching that Bombastica I've realized two things:

1. People forgot FROM put out a shitton of incredibly different games before they hit jackpot with Demon's Souls.

2. People forgot most games in Gen 6 were Dark Souls indifferent to your petty expectations of winning.

I really hope Jeff does a quick look on Akiba's Trip because I want to see the forums burn. Anyway just got around to watching UPF and it was excellent as always. I wish I had not thrown all of my old pogs away when I moved. Also I hope they do a special Barkerville trip someday.

Think of Rorie's health!

Patrick is the next Dr. Who confirmed.

He's been a Time Lord as far as I'm concerned.
I just watched the Demo Derby. Dan and Drew have some really great chemistry. They're total opposites in so many ways and play off each other nicely, but they can also be total bros when it counts.

And I know I'm not the first one to say this, but I need to see a feature where Drew plays through the Metal Gear Solid franchise with Dan in the passenger seat. Like, oh my god I need to see that.
I just watched the Demo Derby. Dan and Drew have some really great chemistry. They're total opposites in so many ways and play off each other nicely, but they can also be total bros when it counts.

I think Dan just really gets along well with everyone. That said, I really enjoy the Drew/Dan quick looks. They're a good mix.
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