Jason's excited groaning is an E3 highlight.I'm catching up on the press conferences.
Akuma is such a badass.
Jason's excited groaning is an E3 highlight.I'm catching up on the press conferences.
Akuma is such a badass.
At this point, what is "create a convincing case for VR" going to look like at this point? Sony's platform has small, experiemental indie experiences. It has full $60 retail titles that can be played completely in VR. It has mid-tier experiences using popular IPs like Star Wars and Batman. It has notable competitive and cooperative multiplayer titles. I'm not sure what else there is you could want, or how some more significant stage time would have convinced you that you did want more.
You can't even buy Sony VR at US retailers right now. They don't really have an audience to cultivate right now.Fair point. I was being hyperbolic, there was some footage. Resident Evil 7 was basically a CG trailer with an extra-wavy camera and FFXV had like 20 seconds of actual footage, but there was some. Farpoint and Battlefront... well I forgot those clips even aired. Then there was the Arkham VR thing which was literally nothing.
All I'm saying is the VR marketing they did was like an afterthought, which is insane for something they are charging the price of a console for. If they're going to treat VR like a novelty item then why even bother? Use one of your first party studios to make a full length, well made VR game and push it like it's something worth getting. Otherwise, don't even try because no one is dropping 400 bucks for some VR experiences.
GB haters seem like they don't wanna admit that Horizon was the only thing in the conference coming out remotely soon that looked legitimately sick as fuck. Which is why every man on the GB panel called it "great" more than once. For the right reasons, every time a mechanic or moment showed the depth and involvement of the encounters, some truly great looking game design from Guerilla.
Bombers were on point. They can get hyped, they're just sick of all the same old shit and don't wear tear drenched nostalgia goggles.
Farpoint is a game where you go to a planet and find out that there are monsters there and you have to shoot them with your gun which is in the middle of the frame throughout the entire video, so I think we can assume it's an action/shooter title.
Are FFXV and Battlefield brief? Probably, but gameplay is featured in their trailers.
Would a sizzle reel of all the already showcaseed titles (Rez, Gran Turismo, RIGs, Robot Golf, etc) have made VR look that much better?
I'm looking forward to each of those games. I don't think I'd want to play a proper racer in VR (maybe a new Wipeout title). One is almost like a remaster. One is completely new and can be played (with far less immersion, mind you) without VR. Again, it's a tough sell for $400.Resident Evil and Gran Turismo would be my main areas of interest. I hope REZ isn't going to be $60, but it's a full-on game that should be an incredible experience.
So, uh, this Lego Star Wars demo is kind of great?
The only thing they were negative on was psvr and rightfully so . Not sure what people are talking about.
No, I watched the whole thing after the fact. I just watched the press conference on my own the first time. So yeah, they were pretty positive on God of War and Horizon (my bad for failing to mention that one earlier), and they were kinda split on RE7. They seemed more keen to criticize the lack of what they felt like was good VR stuff and the lack of mentioning any PS Neo stuff, and that just kinda painted their whole opinion of it. Just found it to be a bit weird, because these conferences usually get criticized for not focusing on games, but this one was all just one game after another without any bullshit in the middle.
As a 30 year old dude who is still into games I have to say that this one of the more disappointing E3's in terms of conferences showing off exciting games. I'm not sure what I wanted going into these conferences, but outside of Titanfall 2 and perhaps Dishonored 2, although I didn't necessarily think it showed that well, nothing really got me that excited. That's not to say that there will not be a slew of great games on the show floor, but I can certainly understand why they were not blown away but what they saw.
At this point, what is "create a convincing case for VR" going to look like at this point? Sony's platform has small, experiemental indie experiences. It has full $60 retail titles that can be played completely in VR. It has mid-tier experiences using popular IPs like Star Wars and Batman. It has notable competitive and cooperative multiplayer titles. I'm not sure what else there is you could want, or how some more significant stage time would have convinced you that you did want more.
"GB haters." Hilarious.
Been paying my subscription for years, bud.
This is why I generally avoid any dedicated Giant Bomb community. You guys treat this shit like console fanboyism, I swear.
is there no live podcast thing today?
ah. why am I still awake then??Starts tomorrow, goes through Thursday. Always like that I think.
Oh snap, grabbing this.
Is it literally just another LEGO game though?
I'm looking forward to each of those games. I don't think I'd want to play a proper racer in VR (maybe a new Wipeout title). One is almost like a remaster. One is completely new and can be played (with far less immersion, mind you) without VR. Again, it's a tough sell for $400.
Would seeing it organically not be a better measure of how prevalent it is than having to seek it out?
Not new.They added a kill multiplayer where you get more studs for consecutive kills, this weird cover shooter mode for the large scale fights, and competent flying levels. There's way more variety, so it doesn't feel like the typical slow, constantly melee attacking mess that the past games are.
is there no live podcast thing today?
Nah. They used to do a Day 0 stream/podcast but stopped last year when they started live streaming the press conferences instead.Starts tomorrow, goes through Thursday. Always like that I think.
Nah. They used to do a Day 0 stream/podcast but stopped last year when they started live streaming the press conferences instead.
whatever happened to Let it Die anyway? has anything come out on it since that live action e3 trailer from years ago?
Nah. They used to do a Day 0 stream/podcast but stopped last year when they started live streaming the press conferences instead.
Holy shit at that watch dogs gameplay reveal.
I think I'm blind now due to how far my eyes rolled back.
Did you know CORPORATIONS own your POLITICIANS? It's true! Open your eyes!
I think it's the mindset most PS4 owners have though. It's Sony's job to convince us otherwise, but it has yet to happen. That's why we feel they could do so much more.If you're going to constantly compare a handful of interesting titles to a $400 pricetag, then buying a new platform at launch may not be for you. Most of the PS4 launch titles weren't even worth their $60 asking price, let alone the cost of a completely new system.
Let's make this character have emojis for eyes because that's how the kids are these days!
I also don't necessarily get why everyone wants trailers from start to finish.
Sony barely felt like a press conference. It was confusing when they were transitioning from one section to the next.
And i think this is what Jeff was saying too.
Everyone on gaf is like "GREAT no one talked! All trailers!"
But a lot of Sony's stuff I wanted some explanation. I wanted someone to talk me through some points.
Most disappointing game: Scalebound
Most hyped for: Horizon. Zero dawn and Forza
I wouldn't go as far as that. It just seemed like they cut out every talking bit inbetween videos, which made the whole thing a little jarring in terms of transitions. (VR -> COD in particular)Did anyone feel the end of the conference was a little....off? Like sony had maybe one or two more games to show but something happened and it was too late to restructure the conference. The way that they showed days gone gameplay at the end of the conference after showing the trailer at the beginning makes me think something internal happened and may explain why the conference felt shorter than usual.
Rumor that Red Dead was the original ending but got scrapped for content because of the tragedy in Orlando.Did anyone feel the end of the conference was a little....off? Like sony had maybe one or two more games to show but something happened and it was too late to restructure the conference. The way that they showed days gone gameplay at the end of the conference after showing the trailer at the beginning makes me think something internal happened and may explain why the conference felt shorter than usual.
I know it won't ever happen, but the internet should embrace the fact that other people have different opinions than themselves.
I kind of dug that, but I think that character really spoke to the big issue Giant Bomb had with what they showed. They're trying to have their cake and eat it too by being half serious and half goofy, when they'd be better served by committing to a direction.
Theres an off the wall cartoon ass version of Watch Dogs 2 where the Emoji LED character totally works, instead of plopping him in a 5minutes into the future version of San Fran
I need constant validation from people I don't know about my own opinions and people who don't like the things I like for reasons that are unique to them make me angry.I know it won't ever happen, but the internet should embrace the fact that other people have different opinions than themselves.
NoWait did no man sky make an appearance?
Not new.
Rumor that Red Dead was the original ending but got scrapped for content because of the tragedy in Orlando.
It was very abrupt and weird. I think if you ended with God of War the whole thing comes off better but they obviously really wanted that orchestra to kick off the show.