It would probably help if they inserted, like, any gameplay footage of their VR experiences. What they did was the absolute bare minimum effort.
Yeah it's hard to translate the appeal of VR into a video clip, but you have to try.
Theres this indie game from a few years ago called Zenith where you could use the ingame fake cell phone to look at your twitter feed and tweet out random shit to friends. Before I knew how it worked, I hit the tweet button and it sent out a tweet at Swery about some bogus fake way last names worked "in my country". He replied with a totally earnest tweet about how names worked in Japan.
Anyways thats my Earnest Swery story, thanks for reading
Comments like yours are really weird as well. Did I say that they should be jumping and yelling? No, I just said that they seemed kind of down on the conference, based on the tone they used during their post show coming off as them not really feeling it. Didn't claim it was a bad thing either, just that, from what I could tell, it seems like they didn't enjoy the show, and it's not helping anyone when that is just dismissed as "what, you want them to scream and shout the whole time?". It's a perfectly reasonable observation to make.
Bullshit. I can't remember how many times they called Horizon 'great', but it was a lot.
So E3 this year did seem to be a little bit of a step down in spectacle, but last year was SUCH a big year for everyone that this year just couldn't compete. I came away with every press conference excited about at least two things, so in my book that's a total win. I'm excited to see the floor tomorrow and try out some fun stuff, and there is always a handful of things behind closed doors that are always enjoyable too. So all in all, it was a great E3 so far. Not the best, but not the worst, not by a long shot.
Because that teaser is more interesting than what I saw of FF7R last year.Why are the people that supposedly find CG trailers to be a waste of a time now in another thread fellating a glorified music video?
They were mostly disappointed with Sony's VR.
We really mustn't. They said "holy shit this looks great" half a dozen times during the Horizon demo.
They were mostly disappointed with Sony's VR.
Which is ironic because Dan legitimately hated it.
I'd take what they did over the absolute momentum stoppers at every other press conference today.It would probably help if they inserted, like, any gameplay footage of their VR experiences. What they did was the absolute bare minimum effort.
Yeah it's hard to translate the appeal of VR into a video clip, but you have to try.
Yea. If you come out of E3 with things you want to play, I'd call that a success.
They were mostly disappointed with Sony's VR.
Could be, but since that was a gameplay trailer, I'd imagine they are targeting next year.GoW doesn't even have a release date, could easily be a 2018 game.
Comments like yours are really weird as well. Did I say that they should be jumping and yelling? No, I just said that they seemed kind of down on the conference, based on the tone they used during their post show coming off as them not really feeling it. Didn't claim it was a bad thing either, just that, from what I could tell, it seems like they didn't enjoy the show, and it's not helping anyone when that is just dismissed as "what, you want them to scream and shout the whole time?". It's a perfectly reasonable observation to make.
You're actually missing out on a lot of the initial excitement and seeing them in a more contemplative mood afterwards by skipping the live commentary. The reaction to the best stuff shown was pretty positive.So I watched the Giant Bomb stream of the Sony conference after seeing the conference separately, and man am I glad that I skipped watching their stuff the first time. The cynicism in that room seemed contagious. Dan was the only one that seemed like he was down for any of that stuff.
Farpoint has gameplay.....Final Fantasy XV has gameplay......Resident Evil 7 has gameplay.....Battlefront has gameplay.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Farpoint plays like a FPS. Which they showed.Homieeeeeee.
Tell me what Farpoint actually is and/or how it plays. Like at all.
And tell me FFXV and BF aren't Batman-like brief "experiences".
Resident Evil I'll kinda (read: VR OPTIONAL) give you, cuz that has a demo out now since people loved P.T., but the rest? Come on.
For good reason too, there was so little coverage on their VR system; a major (and for consoles, expensive) product launching fairly soon.
That observation is fine. The problem is that hardcore Sony fans think that Giant Bomb not thanking Sony for the best E3 conference of all time means that they're all cynical, jaded, MS fanboys, shouldn't be in this industry, etc.
I just want to say that Jeff's XBL chat impression is AMAZING.
Agreed with the GB consensus on pretty much every conference this year. Sony was disappointing aside from Horizon and God of War. They're doing absolutely nothing to create a convincing case for VR. The other thing is, like last year, everything is way off from release. GoW doesn't even have a release date, could easily be a 2018 game.
I guess I'm just not seeing where any of that is coming from. I've seen the "huh, it's weird that you didn't really like it", but I've seen far more defense of their response than I have of people actually attacking it.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Farpoint plays like a FPS. Which they showed.
Loved EZA coverage this year, so much better than the jaded GB crew..
I blame people hyping up VR for years for all the disappointment. If you couldn't see that there was gonna be an extremely rough start, I don't know what to tell ya.
Ignore it and check again in five years.
Go look up their GAF or Youtube comments for Sony 2015.
You're actually missing out on a lot of the initial excitement and seeing them in a more contemplative mood afterwards by skipping the live commentary. The reaction to the best stuff shown was pretty positive.
Sorry, but what I've seen out of it doesn't justify $400 in the slightest. Im not looking for what you consider mid-tier or 'experiences'. Maybe some people are, but I feel a vast majority are not. I'm not sure which $60 VR games make you excited. Examples?At this point, what is "create a convincing case for VR" going to look like at this point? Sony's platform has small, experiemental indie experiences. It has full $60 retail titles that can be played completely in VR. It has mid-tier experiences using popular IPs like Star Wars and Batman. It has notable competitive and cooperative multiplayer titles. I'm not sure what else there is you could want, or how some more significant stage time would have convinced you that you did want more.
Tell me what Farpoint actually is and/or how it plays. Like at all.
And tell me FFXV and BF aren't Batman-like brief "experiences".
Resident Evil I'll kinda (read: VR OPTIONAL) give you, cuz that has a demo out now since people loved P.T., but the rest? Come on.
Sweet preemptive analysis of their coverage without having even watched it.It was to be expected. GB seem to be the type to expect the worst to hopefully be surprised when they finally play it, but they are stuck in the "This can't be right" mode and continue to look for the worst in things. I will check their commentary out soon, but I'm going in expecting the worst (hah, well expecting them to expect the worst). I'll check out Easy Allies tonight.
Obviously people didn't expect this judging by the complaints. Maybe there just is no better case for it right now.It's not like people didn't expect this. It's early days for "proper" VR. There'll be a few years of growing pains while devs learn how games in that space should work. I'm totally okay with not buying a VR set for a few years until it evens out.
...But I can't help but feel that Sony should have made a better case for it than that.
Just found it to be a bit weird, because these conferences usually get criticized for not focusing on games, but this one was all just one game after another without any bullshit in the middle.
Sorry, but what I've seen out of it doesn't justify $400 in the slightest. Im not looking for what you consider mid-tier or 'experiences'. Maybe some people are, but I feel a vast majority are not. I'm not sure which $60 VR games make you excited. Examples?
Farpoint has gameplay.....Final Fantasy XV has gameplay......Resident Evil 7 has gameplay.....Battlefront has gameplay.