Seems he uploaded everything to the Internet Archive.
good, I was hoping that's the case
Seems he uploaded everything to the Internet Archive.
Seems he uploaded everything to the Internet Archive.
How about one where Dan voices all the sound effects.
wait, persona 3 had characters?
It's free on PS+ I've heard.
Can Abzu get scary? I'm afraid of ocean depths and the stuff living down there.
thats a dunk
I really want to get that game but I'm holding it off till Summer. I played the shit out of that WiiU version.!
Austin was pretty down on it. He also didn't like The Witness though so... Yeah.Just played through What Remains of Edith Finch.... Holy shit this is the first time in my life that a game has actually left me speechless.... and multiple times too!
WOW... Yeah this is on the very short list for GOTY and totally a must play by everybody...
PUBG and maybehockey jerseynew hire day.
thats a dunk
Just played through What Remains of Edith Finch.... Holy shit this is the first time in my life that a game has actually left me speechless.... and multiple times too!
WOW... Yeah this is on the very short list for GOTY and totally a must play by everybody...
This joke expires in a day but it's a good one.
Well Jeff is right, I like Rick and Morty but that dude just shows that Rick and Morty "fans" suck.
Just played through What Remains of Edith Finch.... Holy shit this is the first time in my life that a game has actually left me speechless.... and multiple times too!
WOW... Yeah this is on the very short list for GOTY and totally a must play by everybody...
Can Abzu get scary? I'm afraid of ocean depths and the stuff living down there.
"Militant dislike" jesus christ.
Rick and Morty is one of my favourite shows but who gives a fuck if someone else doesn't like it? How does it impact your enjoyment of it?
Does anyone like Persona 5 more than 3 or 4?
The tepid response is making me anxious about starting.
These guys are like dads to me.
Like any "fan" really.
Would be nice to not have people acting like dicks for things they like but alas.
I think I like it more than 4 but less than 3.
Rorie should do all VR content from now on. Jeff has become boring to watch play VR.
It's not supposed to be funny.Turning the gun on yourself was almost funny the first time doe!!
Rorie should do all VR content from now on. Jeff has become boring to watch play VR.
PUBG and maybehockey jerseynew hire day.
What you don't remember the annoying fat kid who was in a cult, the douchebag who wants to fuck his teacher, the boring guy who likes art and has doctor parents, the robot ~struggling~ with being a real girl, the monster of the month moon bosses who are dramatically weaker than anything in Tartarus or, perhaps most irrelevant of them all, Strega???
Does anyone like Persona 5 more than 3 or 4?
The tepid response is making me anxious about starting.
I like 3 more than 4 almost entirely for that ending, and the way its Sad Boy tone resonates with me more than what 4 does.
But 5 is unarguably better than both. The plot lives up to the standard those games set, and everything else besides that (except the localisation) is ONE THOUSAND times improved. The way they evolved how S. Links hook into the battle system is just brilliance.
Motherfucker, we got tanaka, akinari, an alcoholic monk, shinjiro and a dog carrying a fucking knife in his mouth.
You want to throw down we can throw down.
I mean i kinda agree.
You're yet another will of the few fighting off the manifestation of the negative will of the many.
Like c'mon atlus.
Come up with something else.
We meet some new characters in this episode and BOY HOWDY one of them is a piece of work.