Human Trashcan
But 5 is unarguably better than both.
I'm not sure you know how opinions work
But 5 is unarguably better than both.
The opposite lol, I'm going 4 > 5 > 3.
That's only because I think 3 is boring as fuck for like 4-5 months
I mean i kinda agree.
You're yet another will of the few fighting off the manifestation of the negative will of the many.
Like c'mon atlus.
Come up with something else.
I'm not sure you know how opinions work
That was the most pointless shit ever though. Tanaka and shinjiro were okay. I'll give you akinari and the knife carrying dog.
P5's plot hooks together better near the end but man in the moment it's kind of all over the place.
But if they just like 5 less than the others because the themes and characters don't work as well for them, that's not something anyone can question.
That's the thing, that's what you come to a Persona game for, right? It's just so shallow. It has nothing to say other than adults are shitty and the powerful abuse the weak, but there's no systemic critique of any kind, it just presents these cartoon villains. I might not be so hard on it if it didn't take a fucking hundred hours, literally, to go absolutely nowhere. Or if any of the characters felt like they had more depth than a scooby doo character. Or if it didn't constantly undermine its core themes in the confidant storylines, everyone's constant sexualization of Ann (even the cat gets in on it), and those gay stereotypes. I resent it.
man vinny hates kiryu lol
Nishitani giving Vinny soul calibur flashbacks.
Serioisly though, they need to continue BitE past 0 just so that vinny can learn that kiryu is cool and badass and had a hard life.
Dragon quest?
That's the thing, that's what you come to a Persona game for, right? It's just so shallow. It has nothing to say other than adults are shitty and the powerful abuse the weak, but there's no systemic critique of any kind, it just presents these cartoon villains. I might not be so hard on it if it didn't take a fucking hundred hours, literally, to go absolutely nowhere. Or if any of the characters felt like they had more depth than a scooby doo character. Or if it didn't constantly undermine its core themes in the confidant storylines, everyone's constant sexualization of Ann (even the cat gets in on it), and those gay stereotypes. I resent it.
That's the thing, that's what you come to a Persona game for, right? It's just so shallow. It has nothing to say other than adults are shitty and the powerful abuse the weak, but there's no systemic critique of any kind, it just presents these cartoon villains. I might not be so hard on it if it didn't take a fucking hundred hours, literally, to go absolutely nowhere. Or if any of the characters felt like they had more depth than a scooby doo character. Or if it didn't constantly undermine its core themes in the confidant storylines, everyone's constant sexualization of Ann (even the cat gets in on it), and those gay stereotypes. I resent it.
Not sure what to think of the P5 plot yet. I haven't finished the game yet (on 10/28 atm), but I wish I didn't feel like I already figured out the big "twists" pretty early on in the game. No idea if it's actually true or not, but so far everything seems extremely telegraphed. For a game that relies so much on its mysteries, it isn't a good feeling when I feel like I'm a step ahead of our main characters at all times.
I do hope I'm supposed to feel these things so the game can do a swerve later on, but I'm not so sure...
thats a dunk
I do enjoy that they basically make you play as literal SJWs for a series enjoyed by people who would unironically use the term SJW.
Spoilers for the entirety of Persona 5:
I do enjoy that they basically make you play as literal skeletons for a series enjoyed by people who would unironically use the term skeleton.
That doesn't exactly change my mind. Only in games would such a ham-fisted message be considered good writing.
and yet there's still fucking idiots on the internet who are like "PHANTOM THIEVES WOULD SUPPORT GAMERGATE"
it's like, dumbasses, can you even read
The intention isn't to change your mind, but the statement "it has nothing to say" is pretty wrong. You can find it shallow, but there is an obvious throughline from the beginning of the game to the end.
They probably would tho
Cause fighting the system can be construed both ways. The system changes depending on who runs it.
Their thieves not crusaders
i can't even parse this breezy, you'll have to explain it to me
For real tho, what are the chances of them announcing the new hires today? I doubt it would be in the "Murder Island" stream, would it?
Spoilers for the entirety of Persona 5:
Very unlikely to be the case.
For real tho, what are the chances of them announcing the new hires today? I doubt it would be in the "Murder Island" stream, would it?
For real tho, what are the chances of them announcing the new hires today? I doubt it would be in the "Murder Island" stream, would it?
Seriously, while i do want there to be new hires to get West kickstarted sooner, but the fallout if there aren't any today would be pretty funny.
What if the new hire is a new customer service rep and rorie is the new editor.
Best outcome for me personally.