Twin Tails
How many hours of sleep does he even get?
Who knows since he is also sleeping at the office all the time.
How many hours of sleep does he even get?
Jeff Gerstmann says he did not know thething in Persona 4 until it was revealedAdachi
I think what was spoiled to them is the other big twist after that.
Abby confirms she's actually been in a fight
I would watch Vinny and Dan build something.
Also, do they talk about Persona 4? I still haven't finished the damn ER! If they do I'll have to skip this episode. Can anyone confirm?
I would watch Vinny and Dan build something.
Also, do they talk about Persona 4? I still haven't finished the damn ER! If they do I'll have to skip this episode. Can anyone confirm?
Ben might be onto something with the time traveling 47 idea. Sign me the fuck up.
Ben might be onto something with the time traveling 47 idea. Sign me the fuck up.
Abby confirms she's actually been in a fight
COD War mode is totally just going to be Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, isn't it?
thank you for confirming the accuracy of the post you were responding to.
Good evidence if it wasn't for the two other people who wield better weapons in that movie.
You must have misread, I said it makes fish rain from the sky.
That was a great podcast. Ben seems to really fit in with the crew so far as a love able oaf. Best bombcast in a while.
above Dan asking 'In the beginning' or below it
Dan has and he picked Sting's sharp batHas Dan and Jason ever weighted in on the knife vs bat question?
how would you rate it in 10 hottest Giant Bomb podcasts
above Dan asking 'In the beginning' or below it
The Quake 3 guns aren't exactly gorgeous eitherWhy do the guns look so terrible in Quake Champions??
Just like DOOM.Quake sure is 😴
Why do the guns look so terrible in Quake Champions??
I still find it hard to believe that people are actually 100% serious about being #TeamBat.
how would you rate it in 10 hottest Giant Bomb podcasts
above Dan asking 'In the beginning' or below it
Above or below Will Smith's "executable"?
Or Ryan is a Narc?