Brad "I really hope there are some classic maps forthcoming" while playing on Q3DM6, one of the most classic maps, seemingly unaware of it.
he only played longest yard
Brad "I really hope there are some classic maps forthcoming" while playing on Q3DM6, one of the most classic maps, seemingly unaware of it.
That was true up until 8
The only good thing in games featuring Sonic is the music.
MKDS's mission mode was brilliant yeah. But that's why Crash Team Racing, featuring the best single-player content of any kart racer, is part of the trinity.
The more I think about it, the more I feel What Remains of Edith Finch would make for a fantastic playdate. Plus, they could finish it in one sitting.
Dear Ben,
Please clear your throat and project your voice. You sound sick. Otherwise you're doing a fine job already.
I would love that. It's such a great game and deserves more attention on the site.
Yes. It's hard to talk about why that game is awesome without spoiling the fuck out of it. It deserves more attention and it deserves more people talking about it.
Brad "I really hope there are some classic maps forthcoming" while playing on Q3DM6, one of the most classic maps, seemingly unaware of it.
I totally agree and it's in my top 3 for the GOTY so far for sure but it's not really the kind of game that is good for goofing around on a stream... And I doubt they could do it 100% serious.
Brad "I really hope there are some classic maps forthcoming" while playing on Q3DM6, one of the most classic maps, seemingly unaware of it.
Any attention to that game is a good thing, I feel. I mean, they played Life Is Strange in its entirety(which granted, has more leeway for goofing around I'll give you that).
I was talking about actual DM6, you know, from Quake, the first one. Sorry you have bad taste in Quake maps.
I was talking about actual DM6, you know, from Quake, the first one. Sorry you have bad taste in Quake maps.
We got told again.
It got too rowdy in here.
And PSA time, everyone that owns a 4K HDR TV needs to buy Planet Earth 2 on UHD.
I'm planning on getting it next week! Hope that $40 price tag is worth it!
And PSA time, everyone that owns a 4K HDR TV needs to buy Planet Earth 2 on UHD.
With a race about as exciting as the pavement it was conducted on, at least we have colorful Massa dolls to haunt our dreams for a while.
+1. I own about a dozen 4K films by now but the only one that REALLY stands out is Planet Earth 2. It looks INSANE.
Same here, the only thing I miss is a Ocean episode, but other than that it's insane.
... I still need to watch the first Planet Earth at some point...
We need some #content cause the #drought.What is this non-GB #content?
Son, I am disappoint.
I'm not buying any new games before I finish either Nier, Zelda or Torment.
I'm not buying any new games before I finish either Nier, Zelda or Torment.
I'm not buying any new games before I finish either Nier, Zelda or Torment.
I'm not buying any new games before I finish either Nier, Zelda or Torment.
But Prey tho...
Also my friends forced me to buy Battlegrounds
I wish they had 4K tech for season 1. Season 2 was pretty disappointing as a fan of the caves and ocean deep episodes.