Yakuza 0's story (and voice acting) is fucking great. I need to buy it and never play it just like I did with Persona 4 and Deadly Premonition.
Guys, there's no Persona 5 ER.
Stop "their reaction would've been so awesome when SPOILER happens" posts.
There's a Persona 5 Spoiler thread, go there. This what if scenario to bring spoilers in here is unecessary.
I don't tell you to go to the Greek culture thread in ot let me beGuys, there's no Persona 5 ER.
Stop "their reaction would've been so awesome when SPOILER happens" posts.
There's a Persona 5 Spoiler thread, go there. This what if scenario to bring spoilers in here is unecessary.
I was going to get it for PS4 last week actually, there was a good promotion going on. But the game was out of stock, so I skipped that. Installed a bunch of Steam games from my backlog instead.i know how you feel bro, it's no fun for me either seeing everyone else enjoying persona 5 while i wait for the unnannounced switch version
you be you, but you knowI don't tell you to go to the Greek culture thread in ot let me be
for once i'm with Oti here. this is a cross-section of spoilers for no reason and stealth ER begging
please stop
Fighting games remain dull as bricks to watch, confirmed
I don't see this turning out well for Prey for some reason
I don't see this turning out well for Prey for some reason
I also feel like every time the public has gotten a hold of a demo lately it ends poorly2017 seems to be the year of gaming surprises. I'm cautiously optimistic about Prey
I also feel like every time the public has gotten a hold of a demo lately it ends poorly
Maaan imagine if the new Prey was also a banger.
That would be so cool.
I also feel like every time the public has gotten a hold of a demo lately it ends poorly
Thanks for the vid, gonna check this out. I kinda checked out on Saints Row after 4. I didn't even try Gat Out of Hell but this intrigues me.
Mick Gordon thouI don't see this turning out well for Prey for some reason
All of this grates on me for some strange reason.
God I forgot how much I liked this Mortal Kombat scrub league video.
Ryan: Jeff, tell us a little about Stryker, your feelings on him and what are your most valuable strategies when dealing with him.
Jeff: Well, Stryker's got a gun and he can shoot guys with the gun and that's pretty good.
I mean the commentary doesn't help, well meaning as I'm sure they are...
Very true, but none of the gameplay looks good or fun either. Might be the character animation and overall combat look. The hot switch between characters seems pretty cool. I just wish I could put a better reason on why I couldn't watch more than a few minutes of it, regardless of commentary.
It's about Japanese kids killing each other.
What's not to like?
It's about Japanese kids killing each other.
What's not to like?
It's not really well-done. It's definitely overrated.
For me it's general fatigue with that style of game and the 'attitude' baggage that comes with being from the makers of Saints Row. I was never huge on the previous games mind you, but this looks so bland that I'd be surprised if even diehard SR fans would be excited.
Right. Imo the book is way better. Will Smith mentioned the book so maybe he read it.(manga is best tho)
Yeah...this is clearly going to end in 2-3 episodes.
Jason is worse at fighting games.
The Condemned is better than Battle Royale.
Hearing Jeff say Halo 2 was "meh" and then going on to praise Halo 3's story as great.
Hearing Jeff say Halo 2 was "meh" and then going on to praise Halo 3's story as great.
People thinking any sp from any halo is worth talking about in 2017 or anywhere beyond 2004
The Playerunknown situation they were joking about in the podcast actually makes sense when you know the history. The guy invented the genre with the Day-Z mod and then designed the King of the Kill mode in H1Z1. Day-Z is in a development nightmare and apparently H1Z1 is being left with virtually no support, apparently. So now that the guy is leading a dedicated studio for his own game, it's a big deal to let people know this isn't a copy cat and the actually man behind those other game modes is the guy designing this game and this is where his attention is. For random people seeing it on steam it obviously means nothing but this is a genre that was already very popular and those people who know who this guy is, know this is a game to follow. It obviously was the right decision because the game is selling at rate, that I think surpasses even Rocket League.
Huh? Halo 1 is a stupendously designed campaign to this day. 2 and 3 aren't quite to the level of 1, but they both have amazing moments (3 especially).
I assume PlayerUnknown is totally free of any blame for the abandonments of Day Z & H1Z1?