It looks like this
So I have to stand around and wait for the doors to load. Usually it doesn't take long 15-25 seconds but when other players land right next to you it's basically death
That sounds rough and those are some PS1-looking textures there; could it be a hard drive issue?
This Demo Derby was great, Ben is really funny, but he enjoys ska :/
Nothing wrong with being a ska kid.
There are still some ska in my collection i would play now and then.
Well, I enjoy Death Metal unironically, so I'm worse.
Well, I enjoy Death Metal unironically, so I'm worse.
I also enjoy death metal unironically.
Atheist, opeth, in flames, at the gates and various others I'll still go back and listen to.
Hell, i even enjoyed black metal unironically.
I had an adventurous childhood.
Total Overdose seems ok
I also enjoy death metal unironically.
Atheist, opeth, in flames, at the gates and various others I'll still go back and listen to.
Hell, i even enjoyed black metal unironically.
I had an adventurous childhood.
I was a nu metal kid, I'm sorry for all those late 90´s, early 2000´s OST everyone.
i liked a bit of ska but the more i listened the more convinced i became that ska was a bright pastel bandaid on pain and suffering
These days I just let Spotify toss music at me and its been mostly fine.
speaking of punk, it was kind of funny to look through my living end albums and be like 'oh i guess everything they ever did was basically working class fuck the man songs'
still got a soft spot for them even if like a few other bands i like all their songs kind blur into one another
I hope the vertical camera joke remains a TITR exclusive joke because its amazing but could get old if overdone
Their lyrics are so fucking embarrassing if you're not 14
Their lyrics are so fucking embarrassing if you're not 14
counterpoint: fuck the man
re: prey: my friend noted the main character is asian (!), has red packets on his desk in the correct zodiac year (!!) and takes his fucking shoes off before entering his apartment (!!!)
fucking dope
I actually started listening to Nirvana for the first time.
Of course I heard their big stuff like everyone else but I never game them a real shot and listened to a full album back in the day because that asshole in school liked them and fuck that guy.
Shits good.
I actually started listening to Nirvana for the first time.
Of course I heard their big stuff like everyone else but I never game them a real shot and listened to a full album back in the day because that asshole in school liked them and fuck that guy.
Shits good.
I did the same a couple of years back and thoroughly enjoyed their albums as a whole. In Utero would be my favorite.
I thought the main character's name being Morgan Yu would gave that away?
i finally see why whippy thinks persona 5 is punk rock
I never have had a good answer to "what music do you like..." I am the kinda person that just likes everything once I deem it to "be good," but I have no real reason for what makes it good.
For example, the last 10 songs I listened to on Apple Music...
Also, I like Madness, and The Specials, but never delved much further into ska than those two bands.
There aren't any spoilers because it doesn't make any sense.i'm really glad i didn't read any TLC spoilers in this thread because I'm actually vaguely invested in the 'mystery' lol
Nope, didn't go, and even if I had I wouldn't have been in the picture, I hate having my picture taken.
Did you go?
There aren't any spoilers because it doesn't make any sense.