whats up with the fov in prey
what is this
Jeff doesnt even subject himself to wrestling anymore.brad subjects jeff to dota
jeff should subject brad to wrestling
i'm more excited about the accuracy and little details of asianness than i am that an MC is asian
btw I've spoken about this before but the thing i like most about Wei Shen in Sleepy Dawgs is not just that he's asian but he's specifically Asian American, a returnee to HK rather than a native
I'm drunk.
I just wanna say that Gigante Bomba has given me innumerable hours of entertainment, and i'm glad the site is doing well.
someone link me to the alexis spanish giant bomb bit they did i can't find it in five seconds on youtube or on qlcrew
someone link me to the alexis spanish giant bomb bit they did i can't find it in five seconds on youtube or on qlcrew
i feel like i'm losing my mind with TLC
/edit well i finished and jesus
what even is this
what the fuck
...what's wrong with this pic?whats up with the fov in prey
what is this
A really bad examination of mental illness?
The most shocking swerve of all.i think i've gotten too used to Zero Escape style twists or something because for a good ten-twenty minutes there I was convinced it was going to do some crazy swerves, but actually it was just a shitty FMV game made in the 90s
...what's wrong with this pic?
I'm sitting on a Switch right now, but I can't justify it. I still have to finish Persona 5 and Yakuza 0. What should I do? I can barely control myself.
I wanted to go but it would take me around 5-6 hours to drive to Sthlm, and I had to work this weekend. So I missed the blinking white guy.
Maybe not sit on it if you still want one you can play games with.
I.. I think I'm on the same Battlegrounds server as Rorie.
I like how Rorie sits and awaits his inevitable death
Don't we all...
..I got dunked.time to watch you get dunked
..I got dunked.
I like how Rorie sits and awaits his inevitable death
Yeah, I tracked him down to that house. Crazy that he happened to be in the same server.oh shit that was you wasn't it LMAO
Yeah, I tracked him down to that house. Crazy that he happened to be in the same server.
It would be great if he wins
you should've defended him
Why has the new girl not been on any content yet?
Why has the new girl not been on any content yet?
I really should play PUBG with more people but my friends who forced me to buy the game hate it. And I, who previously thought would hate the game, now love it.
I think this is what they call irony.