the holder of the trombone
Just finished Firewatch and wtf at that final act/ending?
I don't know man, Will Smith crumpling into a ball gave me a lot of closure from the story.
Just finished Firewatch and wtf at that final act/ending?
Our regular studio gear is on its way to E3, but that won't stop us from putting on a hell of an unprofessional show for you!
(from the E3 schedule thread)EA will have a 20 vs 20 player Battlefront 2 livestream of the "Assault on Theed" prequel trilogy map featuring your favorite YouTubers, Twitch Streamers, and more. No word on if this will include celebrities on drugs.
weed3 2
weed3 2
How is he going to explain that humans killed his best friend?
How is he going to explain that humans killed his best friend?
I don't know man, Will Smith crumpling into a ball gave me a lot of closure from the story.
Don't kiss Luchadeer he's dirty.
Dan has to buy those Rabbits Amiibos right?
A Rabbid Peach Selfie amiibo is a thing I want to see.
I feel that the people who have an intense dislike for the School Days anime are people who really wanted to watch a standard, fanservice-filled harem show.
Let's hope this isn't fake then.
Let's hope this isn't fake then.
How does one add to the The Drive spotify playlist?
Also, when is it?
Follow the playlist then add to playlist and pick that one
Have they said will they stream EA conference? (n.1) Look up diet at
"regular food," early 13c., from Old French diete (13c.) "diet, pittance, fare," from Medieval Latin dieta "parliamentary assembly," also "a day's work, diet, daily food allowance," from Latin diaeta "prescribed way of life," from Greek diaita, originally "way of life, regimen, dwelling," related to diaitasthai "lead one's life," and from diaitan, originally "separate, select" (food and drink), frequentative of *diainysthai "take apart," from dia- "apart" + ainysthai "take," from PIE root *ai- (1) "to give, allot." Often with a sense of restriction since 14c.; hence put (someone) on a diet (mid-15c.).
Now I'm adding really bad wrestling music this playlist is officially #lit
At work so I can't do anything, but see if they have X-Factor. Because we gotta be dealing with the X-Factor.
Do I have to install spotify? Can't add songs to the playlist via the browser.
alex is so easily influenced by the comments
alex is so easily influenced by the comments