Sleeping Lesson
Even just them watching the original Twin Peaks pilot would be wonderful. That's still one of the best episodes of any show.
It doesn't have to be Twin Peaks. Like literally any movie or tv show would interest me more than playing boring video games.
Definitely, I think Dan watching and commenting on Twin Peaks would be great for everyone in the Giant Bomb community
remember all the mailbags they used to do?
remember all the mailbags they used to do?
Nintendo delivered on the GAF reactions I wanted. There are some major meltdowns happening
Why is Nintendo actively working against its own best interests when it comes to Nintendo
Nintendo delivered on the GAF reactions I wanted. There are some major meltdowns happening
where do I add music?
How are you trying to do it? Mobile, web player or the desktop program?
This is how you do it on the web player, the other methods are basically the same but it's a little easier to get to if you can right click or long press
wait, you can add music for jeff to listen to?
thanks for the info, but i'm actually just referring to the specific playlist jeff is accessing. got a spotify link? i appreciate it v much!
You'll want to follow it and then you can add it to it just like you do on your own playlists
Why is Nintendo actively working against its own best interests when it comes to Nintendo
First page of the Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon thread is pretty great, and continues for a few pagesLink please. There's too many Nintendo topics at the moment.
The userbase is a lot bigger on 3DS (like 15-20 times as big), but they should've just made it cross platform. Didn't have to be switch exclusive. I can see the argument where they didn't need it since the first year is pretty stacked. Save a new Pokemon for next year when they've already put out a new Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, and Splatoon. Pokemon is the last real heavy hitter (besides Smash I guess). Maybe this year they're doing all the console franchises and next year we get the handheld ones (Pokemon, Animal Crossing, FE, etc). Whatever, there will be plenty of stuff to play this year
First page of the Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon thread is pretty great, and continues for a few pages
Also some minor panicking happening in the announcement that their E3 presentation is gonna be only 30 minutes
Maybe people will finally realise that Sony doesnt care about Vita.
Yeah those Sega fans will realize any day now too
Sega doesnt pitifully shut down fan games and actively encourages that part of their fanbase.
Which is dumb as shit. Every Direct recently has focused on the next 6 months with maybe one quick announcement that's further out and have been fast paced. Anything more than half an hour would be nuts and if they can't follow the pattern yet, they're idiots.
Well, if half of your existence consist of Internet memes, fan fiction and fan art, you better encourage your fans to continue doing that. Including fan games.
As far as Nintendo not caring about their fans goes, I think that's a pretty odd thing to say considering they supported the Wii U loooong after it was already dead.
People are expecting Nintendo to drop bombs, like Metroid, Pikmin, new IP, whatever. But they actually have a lot of stuff to show off that they haven't talked about. Mario, Splatoon 2, Skyrim, Steep, that Rabbids game (I guess that would be a new announcement), Xenoblade 2, FE Warriors, they'll probably mention Arms, and some other stuff. We pretty much know Nintendo's 2017 and people are gonna be pretty pissed when they don't announce anything huge. Should be fun to watch
No company gives a shit about you. But as long as they provide me entertainment, I don't mind buying in.
Any day now.