Night 1: 3:56:35
Night 2: 4:25:53
Night 3: 4:56:55
Not bad Giant Bomb
When we talk about unappealing YouTube thumbnails, this might top them all for me.
that's a really good reference to that time you said you had a crush on abby
In the next OT, someone should screencap it and say "Don't be this guy".whoa
when did this happen? could you link me to the post?
i missed the deep discomfort that you really can't emulate in non-community threads
Better JV Moment, his Adam Impression or his attempt at a zoolander impression?
Oh wow... I had completely forgotten about Tara Long... I used to see her back in the Revision 3 days with Sessler.
Oh wow... I had completely forgotten about Tara Long... I used to see her back in the Revision 3 days with Sessler.
In the next OT, someone should screencap it and say "Don't be this guy".
This is what the Lang Zone really looks like.Dave Lang's mid life crisis will take up the rest of his life
The audio network music they use for the my first E3 cast is really good
Pretty millennial
Any of the after shows must-see in video form (aside from lang and co. and waypoint/polygon)? Was going to just listen to the ones I missed.
Ed Boon and Phil Spencer.
those are just as good in audio imo