So I'm replaying nier automata again.
why do we help others
is it for a purpose
So I'm replaying nier automata again.
why do we help others
is it for a purpose
Killing gods seems to be a theme in some Japanese games.
I think I'm the only person who isn't quite that hyped about The New Colossus. It kinda feels like a complete tonal shift to me. Much more goofy and jokey than I expected. I dunno.
Jeff has stated several times that he really enjoys UPF and it's one of the most popular videos on the site. So I don't think it's going anywhere.The post E3 GB content withdrawal is real. I can't wait until Tuesday.
Also, I completely agree with what Dave Lang was saying on the night show. They should shake things up a bit more with the way they do things. Instead of having UPF on Fridays, they should do something more exciting. I get the feeling that even they are bored of the UPF format. A GB East-West Get-Together every other week would be great, especially now that we have Ben and Abby.
That coveted Friday evening slotUPF is only popular due to its timeslot.
That coveted Friday evening slot
I like how we went straight back into the UPF discussion.
I like how we went straight back into the UPF discussion.
better than anime or goty in june.
Yakuza's cancelled because the tax report balloon is creepy.Vinny said Yakuza on Monday during Beastcast,right? Did they record one more before they left for E3?
Don't forget Mario. Jeff could REALLY get into it.What is there to discuss this year anyway, i'd bet a diet soda on BoTW any day
I started counting on my fingers
Watchable time for east and west coast in the US. Not super late in Europe. Plus, nerds don't go out on Friday nights. It would pull the same numbers on any other day of the week, too.
I like how we went straight back into the UPF discussion.
Watchable time for east and west coast in the US. Not super late in Europe. Plus, nerds don't go out on Friday nights. It would pull the same numbers on any other day of the week, too.
Now if it gets a ton of archive downloads, well I guess people don't expect much.
UPF is only popular due to its timeslot.
How is it a watchable time for the WC? I'm on the EC and I can't ever watch East's stuff live because it starts during the work day, which is when UPF starts for WC peeps.
UPF starts at 3:00-3:15 pst, where a chunk of people will be home from school/work. Obviously not everyone will be.
GBE shows aren't typically watchable for anyone as they start at 2 est/11a pst, a few east coasters maybe.
JEEEEEESSSSSUSSSS CCCCHHHRRRIIISSSSTTTT!Man in the Box just came on the radio and I'm instantly reminded of literally the best piece of content in GB history.