the holder of the trombone
Congrats, blitz.
I don't know if its connected, dudes. It could just be a coinkydink.
I'm lost about this meme.
But I am watching Master of None and Aziz Ansari is on a date with a woman talking about WWE and Samoa Joe vs Dean Ambrose.
I...I just finished that episode a few minutes ago.
.I don't know if its connected, dudes. It could just be a coinkydink.
What you do Blitz?
would have been great if she used the exact wording from that one post
Howdy Doody Fantastapotamus.Do we have absolute proof that blitz isn't Abbys secret gaf account?
Nah, no way. You guys are just that cool.I don't know if its connected, dudes. It could just be a coinkydink.
We're all so bored, we're trying to make me and my accidental "meme" the center of attention hmmmph.
Justin and Austin were trying to poach Abby
Xavier and Joe were trying to poach Ben
Summary for people who only vaguely understand what he's doing wrong?
When I first saw the word "meme" I thought it was pronounced "me me" until I said it in front of some friends.
Really the problem is he just button mashes when he should be more deliberate while holding down R1 to lock on, moving the camera to be behind who is fighting, and hitting X to evade when necessary. But not only that, he doesn't seem to fully understand any aspect of the heat system (they have struggled to see the icon since day one and there still seems to be confusion about heat levels).
Honestly none of this would be a huge deal but when he starts to complain about it or blame the game that's when people start to get annoyed.
I think the meme gene scene thing only applies to the first 3What was MGSVs "meme" then?
I think the meme gene scene thing only applies to the first 3
Oh my mistake. So do all of those apply to MGSV? Or is 4 peace and V race?
Oh my mistake. So do all of those apply to MGSV? Or is 4 peace and V race?