You do hate Undertale which is also a game for perverts so you can't be a pervert.WHIPPY AND OTI LIKE FATA MORGANA THEY AHVE TO BE PERVERTS
You win check your PMs.
You do hate Undertale which is also a game for perverts so you can't be a pervert.WHIPPY AND OTI LIKE FATA MORGANA THEY AHVE TO BE PERVERTS
You do hate Undertale which is also a game for perverts so you can't be a pervert.
You win check your PMs.
You do hate Undertale which is also a game for perverts so you can't be a pervert.
You win check your PMs.
I'm still not sure why we're talking about this.
Game of the Generation is BOTW it's not even close.
Listening to the crew talk about how indistinguishable the PS4 and Xbox was really strange. Sure, if your optics are entirely on 3rd party AAA, both consoles are basically the same. But if you're looking at mid tier or Japanese games, PS4 and Xbox are night and day.
Given the tastes of people like Jeff and Brad, I can understand them not noticing. But fucking Alex was there and not a single mention from him about Nier Automata, Persona or Yakuza?? I can understand no one on Giant Bomb bringing up more niche PS4 games like Gundam Versus or Grand Kingdom, but those three alone are already huge differentiators between the consoles. Same applies for Xbox's backwards compatibility.
I'm a bit more hesitant to bring this other point up as well since it straddles the line with console warrior bullshit, but saying Sony first party is in a rut just months after a Sony first party released and was awarded five stars on Giant Bomb is really fucking weird.
I like the parts of the Beastcast when they actually talk about games, too bad that's like 20 minutes each week.
Unless you really like Halo I don't know why you'd want to buy an Xbox over a PS4. They're both really cheap to boot.
I would argue that especially if you really like Halo you don't have to buy an Xbox One.
unprecedented amount of positivity about Nintendo as a company in this weeks bombast
he doesn't count p5 yakuza or nier
I don't currently own any consoles. It was a bit strange to see Brad nod along and agree with Whitta's thought that there's nothing separating the two major consoles, when this year's batch of PS4 exclusives has really been making me consider a console for the first time in years. I truly feel like I'm missing out by not owning a PS4 lately.
Tbf if i listed out the last guardian, gravity rush 2, yakuza 0, persona 5 and horizon it would sound like an amazing lineup to me but the only game he would maybe play is horizon.
Not enough lootboxes.
They keep saying that the vita has no games when it has better and more games than the 3ds even if the 3ds highs are a little higher.
Look they've been myopic for years now. If it's not in their wheelhouse they ignore it.
They keep saying that the vita has no games when it has better and more games than the 3ds even if the 3ds highs are a little higher.
Now you're just being silly
Hey, the Doc is pretty good at the game.
He also may or may not be Vinny in disguise.
Better get it into the top 10 at least.Yeeeeeeees.
One more ally for goty.
packman knows
Look they've been myopic for years now. If it's not in their wheelhouse they ignore it.
They keep saying that the vita has no games when it has better and more games than the 3ds even if the 3ds highs are a little higher.
not judging that much.... but your fetish is sorta weird to me
Meh.Wolfenstein II goty, that's a lock.
Possibly Evil Within II.
Based on trailers? Come on, mehn.Wolfenstein II goty, that's a lock.
Possibly Evil Within II.
Look they've been myopic for years now. If it's not in their wheelhouse they ignore it.
They keep saying that the vita has no games when it has better and more games than the 3ds even if the 3ds highs are a little higher.
I'm still not sure why we're talking about this.
Game of the Generation is BOTW it's not even close.
What is a Shulk?
This is what happens every year.i worry that GOTY's going to be stupid this year. Zelda and PUBG are gonna get coronated without meaningful discussions other than to determine which is better and then its going to be a lot of ums and uhs about other, similarly-great games that only one or two people actually played, which deserve good discussions but are going to get shot down by a bunch of "it didnt seem that cool" or "i saw a bunch of randoms saying it sucks on twitter" or "i never learned how to dodge and got really frustrated when i got punished for button mashing"
i worry that GOTY's going to be stupid this year. Zelda and PUBG are gonna get coronated without meaningful discussions other than to determine which is better and then its going to be a lot of ums and uhs about other, similarly-great games that only one or two people actually played, which deserve good discussions but are going to get shot down by a bunch of "it didnt seem that cool" or "i saw a bunch of randoms saying it sucks on twitter" or "i never learned how to dodge and got really frustrated when i got punished for button mashing"
Oh gosh don't trigger me further with the treatment of the Vita. Or even the Wii U.
What am I looking at here?
All I know is Prey will get robbed.
Did anyone other than dan play it?All I know is Prey will get robbed.
This is what happens every year.