one of the best ana skins outside her halloween/lunar one
Young Ana is great
one of the best ana skins outside her halloween/lunar one
This thread has been garbage for the last 2.5 pages.
Yep! I'm like Vinny, I don't give a shit about pitting games against each other. I'm that weirdo that just likes playing them.
This thread has been garbage for the last 2.5 pages.
yes, I agreeYep! I'm like Vinny, I don't give a shit about pitting games against each other. I'm that weirdo that just likes playing them.
yes, I agree
also ME2 was the best game of its generation
Best of Giant Bomb 126 - The Vapor Chamber
Best of Giant Bomb 126 - The Vapor Chamber
ok so who's going to contend for "please stop" this year?
Ubisoft's insane pre-order scheme for AC?
Fidget spinners?
Xbox naming?
I've got some really profoundly bad news for you about how Giant Bomb allocates their resources for nearly an entire month out of the year!
Even worse than letting Destiny onto the top 10 or Shadow of Mordor being their GotY?
Considering MGSV is easily the best MGS game, I'd agree.
You poor poor soul.
But GB likes all of these but the first one?
Content without legs.CONTENTTTTTTTTTTTTT
The last 2.5 pages are fine. I get we can be weird at times but this is totally fine. Stop being so German.![]()
Please Stop: GBGAF
Good bombcast? I was looking forward to it until seeing Whitta was on
ok so who's going to contend for "please stop" this year?
Ubisoft's insane pre-order scheme for AC?
Fidget spinners?
Xbox naming?
What's wrong with Gary Whitta? He was entertaining on the bombcast.
4K is such a bullshit marketing term. It doesn't even hit 4000 vertical pixels. 2160p is more accurate.4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k4k
UHD 4K doesn't roll off the tongue as good as just 4k4K is such a bullshit marketing term. It doesn't even hit 4000 vertical pixels. 2160p is more accurate.
Good bombcast? I was looking forward to it until seeing Whitta was on
Listening to the crew talk about how indistinguishable the PS4 and Xbox was really strange. Sure, if your optics are entirely on 3rd party AAA, both consoles are basically the same. But if you're looking at mid tier or Japanese games, PS4 and Xbox are night and day.
Given the tastes of people like Jeff and Brad, I can understand them not noticing. But fucking Alex was there and not a single mention from him about Nier Automata, Persona or Yakuza?? I can understand no one on Giant Bomb bringing up more niche PS4 games like Gundam Versus or Grand Kingdom, but those three alone are already huge differentiators between the consoles. Same applies for Xbox's backwards compatibility.
I'm a bit more hesitant to bring this other point up as well since it straddles the line with console warrior bullshit, but saying Sony first party is in a rut just months after a Sony first party released and was awarded five stars on Giant Bomb is really fucking weird.
Please... Just don't post that Ben gif. aaaAAA. It illogically makes me hate Ben.
I won't post it anymoreon this page
damn you fucking damn you I hope no one posts anymore in this thread
mods please lock thread
Best of Giant Bomb 126 - The Vapor Chamber
Content. Sweet glorious content.
Packmailing.i'll stop for a copy bad rats on steam
this is not blackmailing, this is Benmailing