yeah, every year alex has to literally go to another video game website just to find people he can talk with about one of the most noteworthy releases of the year. annual tradition, y'know?
The only thing I dislike about Wolfenstein: NEw Order is that it swaps the audio channels fro my left and right? LIke when noise comes out from the game, it swaps my channels from left to right and vice versa..
GBGAF reacts to Jeff Gerstmann and Alex reacting to Jeff Bakalar watching Vinny reacting to Abby reacting to Ben teaching Brad and Jason how to dab during Dan's Wedding.
I wish I liked Nier Automata more. I'm still really early on and the story is interesting but something isn't grabbing me. The world is kinda drab and the combat is a bit boring. I'll give it more time this weekend
I wish I liked Nier Automata more. I'm still really early on and the story is interesting but something isn't grabbing me. The world is kinda drab and the combat is a bit boring. I'll give it more time this weekend
I dunno, I'll just say that A wasn't really impressive to me. Combat can be fun but as I've lined out you kind of have to explore the system more than the combat scenarios actually requires you to. Kinda like BotW in a way. Playing around with the different weapon combos and chip layout adds more variety, as well as the jump+heavy launcher and shoot+attack throw attack that you can do.
I do love the world though. It just fits the tone so well.
I'll just say get to B and see how you think. Personally I was rushing through A too because I wasn't super impressed by it too at the time.
Hah, while that game ain't great, it has an interesting twist but a very unfortunate release date. Probably for the best it flew under the radar at the time. I made a thread about it.
Just watched a 20min E3 demo of Yakuza 6 and it's looking great...
Pretty sure I'll be skipping Kiwami tho... I mean, it's not like I'm planning on playing 2 to 5 anyway and at this point I'm all in for a more modern game with cell phones and stuff like that.