Okay, for the results:
By Karspankey
I appreciate Rories swirly nips, the pup assisted flex and the fact that this is a wonderful reality where Jerry's simply enthusiastic about baby dogs rather than an old perv. You get Firepro so pm me your steam details and I'll gift you a copy.
By formated4tv
The use of vibrant colours really brings out Wadan's enthusiasm and for some unknown reason I really like the phrase "Waaaa my first pickle" Unfortunately it's off brief given there's no wrestling but I'll let you have your pick of the remaining games
Practically photo realistic. The only thing that gives it away as being done in paint is that Drew has never looked so sad in real life. Tell me what game you want and I'll send you a code.
By Archaix
I love Dan as Charlie Brown as Waluigi. I love chef Vinny. My only criticism is that both bananas and tomatoes are fruits, minus one point for the lack of veggies displayed! Still my favourite entry of the day. Overcooked code sent.
Remaining games are: Pillars of Eternity, NBA2K17, Killing Floor 2, One Piece Burning Blood, Nongunz