Valtýr;250224725 said:I just came back... Are they still on the same phase? It's been like 5 hours
What's most heartbreaking is that once this encounter is over most of them will just get a few raid tokens for a vendor they can't access yet. Shh, don't tell them.
Valtýr;250224725 said:I just came back... Are they still on the same phase? It's been like 5 hours
I'd like to see them do a PSO stream. Had a ton of fun with Episode 1 & 2 on the OG Xbox
Are they bad at this or is this meant to be the raid experience?
Go 👏 get 👏 the 👏 gear👏
It's killing me, some of them are at the minimum power level, and that gear could easily make the difference
There's something beautiful about Vinny playing DIV2 in between dogs bottoms
Wouldn't that reset the entire raid?Yeah, I wish they would have done that when they went on their lunch break.
This is the kind of thing that they'd probably figure out after 15 minutes if they all just broke for the day and came back to it later, but sitting here forcing it means they're never gonna be able to get through it. That's happened to me so many times in Destiny.
Wouldn't that reset the entire raid?
he isn't kidding the game is fucking punishing with some of the environmental shit it can throw at you.
East has a podcast to record tomorrow, and there is probably some QL lined up to be recorded, and likely meetings we dont know about. They are trying to fit this bullshit in the best they can, and Destiny is not cooperating.
Are they bad at this or is this meant to be the raid experience?
I found starting off in rags to be pretty rough.
Are they bad at this or is this meant to be the raid experience?
Also why are they jumping through holes in Destiny?
Had to stop watching a couple of hours ago to get work done. I thought they would be on another section by now since they already knew what to do when I stopped.
I feel bad for them now. Team I ran this with took about 30 minutes to get it done after being taught how to do it.
Are they bad at this or is this meant to be the raid experience?
Abby stream is the best stream because it's satisfying seeing people jump through hoops.
That floaty jump in third person is oddly mesmerizing
Abby stream is the best stream because it's satisfying seeing people jump through hoops.
One thing about raiding in MMO's is that the best experience is had by watching a raid walkthrough and then doing the raid. In FF14, people will not let you into a group raid until you positively tell them you have watched the raid video and they will immediately kick you if it becomes apparent you haven't.
This is even after you have gone through the raid multiple times on lower levels to give you insight into how it's going to work.
"No Spoilers" raids are for fools tbh. The only people no spoilering it should be the vanguard guilds that get first clears. Everyone else should be doing their homework.
One thing about raiding in MMO's is that the best experience is had by watching a raid walkthrough and then doing the raid. In FF14, people will not let you into a group raid until you positively tell them you have watched the raid video and they will immediately kick you if it becomes apparent you haven't.
This is even after you have gone through the raid multiple times on lower levels to give you insight into how it's going to work.
"No Spoilers" raids are for fools tbh. The only people no spoilering it should be the vanguard guilds that get first clears. Everyone else should be doing their homework.