I had to do it.
Haha even better
I had to do it.
They've explained 100 times that it's because Jason is the only producer they have right now.
Jeff's said that it's on hold until they get another producer, and with Ben on the crew I wouldn't be surprised if they prioritize it once that happens.
Basically all Destiny praise boils down to having friends is fun and also I like podcasts
Nope. Barely have an ending at all.
As some one with no familiarity with the first game, I thought this would be much more like Diablo and Path of Exile than FFXIV and WoW. I was planning to jump in with my brothers when the PC version hit but I'm having 2nd thoughts. We stopped playing MMOs and MOBAs to get away from this kind of frustration.
I'm thankful for this long-look for letting me know.
I had to do it.
Brad killing the least amount of things while having the highest level gear seems not good?
As some one with no familiarity with the first game, I thought this would be much more like Diablo and Path of Exile than FFXIV and WoW. I was planning to jump in with my brothers when the PC version hit but I'm having 2nd thoughts. We stopped playing MMOs and MOBAs to get away from this kind of frustration.
I'm thankful for this long-look for letting me know.
To be fair, they've designed better raids than this and there is plenty enjoyable stuff for co-op before end game.
What's the current morale out of 10
abby sounds annoyed
also yes you really shouldn't be basing your entire judgement of destiny 2 off of the raid since 90% of the game is nowhere close to being like this
and unlike vanilla destiny 1 where the raid is the only real highlight, destiny 2 is actually fun and engaging without factoring in the raid!
Isn't the point of endlessly grinding loot is to prepare for endgame encountered like the raid?
Yes. So that you can grind for more loot!
Isn't the point of endlessly grinding loot is to prepare for endgame encountered like the raid?
What's the current morale out of 10
I stopped watching when they went on their lunch break. Did they get past that one spot?
Not surprised. They had to play a game for their entire work day.Seems like a three or four?
They all seem so tired and cranky!
Isn't the point of endlessly grinding loot is to prepare for endgame encountered like the raid?
That's fine in an encounter that's not based around killing lots of enemies.
also jesus christ the screen effect when one of your teammates dying is the fucking worst thing i've ever seen in video games
is it just more pronounced because of the stream or is it this shitty in game too?
also jesus christ the screen effect when one of your teammates dying is the fucking worst thing i've ever seen in video games
is it just more pronounced because of the stream or is it this shitty in game too?
You seriously have to repeat this?
I haven't watched but the stream was on when I came back from work and now I'm going to bed and it's still on. Is this the end for Giant Bomb?
It's stupid. I've died multiple times because of it.
Yeah, it's not tricky. Abby needs to run to the mid to refresh her buff though.
You seriously have to repeat this?
So this segment is just to stand in one place, go to another place to stand in one place, and then going back to stand in the same space?
All of the raids are like that.3 of the 4 encounters are variations of the repeat-thing-3-times video game trope. Barring the art/design, its such a fucking lazy raid
Even the trash waves in-between encounters involve collecting 3 keys.
the worst part of the raid are the wipe mechanics. Having to worry about your heavy ammo and ammo in general is terrible, you should just be at max or whatever when you reset. With the revive tokens I feel like it also just prolongs the inevitable instead of just wiping the raid outright and restarting. Feels way more demoralizing coz you're on a downward slope trying to get back up but you're never gonna get there
All of the raids are like that.
I'm enjoying watching this, but I think my desire to actually play something like the raid is quickly diminishing, lol.
how can we make this raid longer than it really is? oh I know!
So this segment is just to stand in one place, go to another place to stand in one place, and then going back to stand in the same space?