3D World is mainline, 3D Land isn't. A handheld Mario game can't be mainline, same goes for Zelda games.
Is Jeff in Sonoma? I felt like he talked about how he's in sonoma county?
Hoping that he's safe.
Is Jeff in Sonoma? I felt like he talked about how he's in sonoma county?
Hoping that he's safe.
So BotW and Odyssey won't be mainline?
They are mainline when docked.
Sorry. Tim "Dead Space 3 is magnificent" & "Sonic is good" Turi doesn't count.
They are mainline when docked.
ok just shoot this entire conversation to the fucking sun
Is mario just dreaming when undocked or is it a separate timeline that branched off mario paint.
3D World is mainline, 3D Land isn't. A handheld Mario game can't be mainline, same goes for Zelda games.
yeah, probably, but we at least good one good episode out of it afterwards (the first one with Ben)
Derby shoulda been stopped once dan and drew were off it
Hmm, The Evil Within 2 is reviewing better than I expected. That's good. I mean even if it was reviewing like shit I would still buy the game but I'm just happy for the people that made the game. Super glad they made a sequel as the potential for doing some creative shit in that world is through the roof.
Can't wait for this. Already preloaded on Steam. I love and hate the first one, having it finished not too long ago for the first time.
I dont remember a good one with Ben.
Poor Swery. I would love for more D4 but yeah, that dream has been dead for a long while now. Time to let go.
That them there shadow of war is pretty alright i guess. I'm just ploughing through the 'story' to get to the bit where I can start just mucking around with mind controlling orcs.
Sure is a lot of it. zzzzzz
This is in response to a guy on twitter messaging him along the lines of "Finish D4 before starting a new game" and "well, if you're not going to finish D4, then tell me who the killer was" etc etc.
Poor Swery.
This is taken from the Nintendo Treehouse presentation at E3 this year. Nintendo sees Odyssey as the next game in the series of 'sandbox' Mario games, whereas the Galaxy games and 3D Land/World are considered a separate 'course clear' series.
Someone needs to show this to Dan.
i mean it's alright in the same way fast food is alright. you eat it and you're momentarily happy but then you finish a sesh and you're like 'uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'
then you go back for more
I am playing the hot new Autumn release Fallout 4.
How you liking it?
So it's actually terrible.
Alex returns to the court and while it might not be the better basketball simulator it's definitely the better Alex simulator.
...what the fuck