The side quests were really well designed and I thought it played well. The enemy designs were so generic tho that it brought down the entire experience and it could have been so great.
Nothing quite says "Silent Hill" like this motley bunch:

The side quests were really well designed and I thought it played well. The enemy designs were so generic tho that it brought down the entire experience and it could have been so great.
Thats not Borderlands 2 or Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
my Vinny impressions: italian, probably tall, a dad, can cook
I thought that was from a resident evil game.
RE monsters are more interesting, imo.
Anyone here have any experience with Travelocity? I just booked a flight. Do I just need to print out the itinerary and bring it to the airport and I'm good? Or are there any other steps involved?
...I feel like they're starting to lean a little too hard into that now, considering the game itself isn't likely to be "saying" much re: current events.
...I feel like they're starting to lean a little too hard into that now, considering the game itself isn't likely to be "saying" much re: current events.
Considering all the violent shit you'll be able to do to Nazis in that game I was a bit let down that it's just some weak looking punch. If you're gonna go for it, go for it.
Nothing quite says "Silent Hill" like this motley bunch:
...I feel like they're starting to lean a little too hard into that now, considering the game itself isn't likely to be "saying" much re: current events.
I must say, if there's one thing that does annoy me about the beastcrew it's their old ass views on esports.
"Who wants to watch people play games" "Speed-runners have more of a community" "At least speedrunners acknowledge what they do is inherently ridiculous."
They had a couple of speedrunners on the last Big Live Live Show Live and Alex was at one of the speedrunning events too. It's just weird.Also that part was kinda insulting to speedrunners too.
TBF I think it was just mostly Vinny. Abby and Alex seems to at least have some respect for it.
I dunno, it's just a weird bit overall. Dunno why Vinny would bring up the E-sports news bit seeing that most of them don't seem to really care about it, and there are a lot of other e-sports news they don't bring up.
Hey everyone Mindcavity123 here with another Contradiction Spot The Liar speedrun attempt
I love that Yakuza 0's cabaret club storyline has this weirdly wholesome underdog-soccer-team-prevails-through-the-power-of-friendship tone for a minigame about recruiting JAV idols to work in your sleazy hostess bar
~ I wanna be your girl ~I love that Yakuza 0's cabaret club storyline has this weirdly wholesome underdog-soccer-team-prevails-through-the-power-of-friendship tone for a minigame about recruiting JAV idols to work in your sleazy hostess bar
now if you have beaten and enjoyed Cuphead, move on to beating I Wanna Be The Boshy
i'm telling you friends, if you manage to pull it off you'll feel like a warrior
didn't Alex literally go to a GDQ for a run
He did a speedrun of Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing in 2015's Awesome Games Done Quick
Setting up LastPass right now... Easy enough to setup but I just realized that I will probably have to enter that new shiny super long and fucked up Netflix password on my Roku tv? ugh lol
Same thing with XBox and PSN
Spent the past few hours farming for upgrade materials in the original Nier.
It was actually pretty nice to just play something mindless and listen to podcasts. Honestly this weekends pretty chill; I marathonned all of The Good Place too and that was some good TV.
and now Im gonna go finish 2 other video games so thatll also feel good
Yeah cuphead has been that podcast + gb video game for me. The next 2 games I want to play are too story intensive for me to do that though (danganronpa and chaos;child).
Maybe odyssey can be that game for me