But do you fish around in the garbage for popcorn buckets and soda cups?Terminator 2 IS better than Terminator 1.
How is that even an argument.
Also, i'm a film major. So what I say on the subject is law.
But do you fish around in the garbage for popcorn buckets and soda cups?Terminator 2 IS better than Terminator 1.
How is that even an argument.
Also, i'm a film major. So what I say on the subject is law.
But do you fish around in the garbage for popcorn buckets and soda cups?
Is Paladins classed as a MOBA? I know some like to claim it's on Overwatch clone, but it has mounts and buying upgrades. Those matches are of a human length.
Terminator 2 IS better than Terminator 1.
How is that even an argument.
Also, i'm a film major. So what I say on the subject is law.
the real question : is Mad Max Fury Road a better action movie than T2, nostalgia aside?
the real question : is Mad Max Fury Road a better action movie than T2, nostalgia aside?
the real question : is Mad Max Fury Road a better action movie than T2, nostalgia aside?
the real question : is Mad Max Fury Road a better action movie than T2, nostalgia aside?
I mean, sure. The protagonist of the movie is written, directed, and performed badly. That's kind of the problem.
Terminator 2 isn't bad but the character on screen most is the actual worst. And Arnold is also real not good, as he tended to be in any role requiring him to talk.
Kingsman is a better movie than Fury Road, and Im not a film major.
can you really call yourself a film major then
Kingsman is good but you're out of your god damn mind
Jeff, Brad and Rorie should just move to New York
Kingsman is a better movie than Fury Road, and Im not a film major.
Kingsman is a better movie than Fury Road, and Im not a film major.
The Man from UNCLE is better than Kingsman.
It's the butt stuff right?
Fight me
Terminator 2 IS better than Terminator 1.
How is that even an argument.
Also, i'm a film major. So what I say on the subject is law.
So is Dan so that argument is just right out the window though
The Man from UNCLE is better than Kingsman.
The Man from UNCLE is criminally underrated
the real question : is Mad Max Fury Road a better action movie than T2, nostalgia aside?
It's sooo good. They probably won't get to make another one, which is a damn tragedy.
For the things it does and the runtime? Absolutely. It's about as lean as you can get and the pacing is almost relentless. Oh man, this sequence was like one of the best theater moments I've had in a long ass while. It's also edited to perfection.
to be fair tho, i'll take a Dan-type of film major over the typical type of film major any day. Pretentious film majors are actually the worst thing in the world
For the things it does and the runtime? Absolutely. It's about as lean as you can get and the pacing is almost relentless. Oh man, this sequence was like one of the best theater moments I've had in a long ass while. It's also edited to perfection.
I think music snobs are worse (wah don't wanna go to this party they'll play bad music, waah this band you're showing me is just a cover band).
But I hear you.
Welp splatoon 2 downloading.
See you peeps on the otherside.
Titling it as chase scene is kinda ambiguous for this film.
srry you only found a crowbar and blue high topsyou wanna do this big guy?
drop in at the spicy school with me, punk, see what happens
Welp splatoon 2 downloading.
See you peeps on the otherside.
actually you're stuck here with us because this looks like it's going to take a YEAR to download
I think music snobs are worse (wah don't wanna go to this party they'll play bad music, waah this band you're showing me is just a cover band).
But I hear you.
Film related hot take: David Lynch's Dune is good. Much better than the book.
whelp this splatoon 2 download is gonna take 4 hours! thanks libs for the fukt internet and thanks ninty for no preload!
whelp this splatoon 2 download is gonna take 4 hours! thanks libs for the fukt internet and thanks ninty for no preload!