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Giant Bomb |OTXXX| Fondle it

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Honestly, this reflects more poorly on Jeff than on Ben or Brad. I simply cannot comprehend how he signed off on this.

I guess they pitched it as "free" content? Ben comes in early and starts with the stream, don't need Jason, Jeff can get on with the Friday meetings he mentioned on Mixlr, and Brad comes in afterwards?
So how is this Dota #content? As bad as dota is or somehow worse?

Do you like dropping into a random Dota Twitch stream where two friends speak to each other and not the audience and give no context to anything or explain what they're doing, like they've accidentally turned on a share button?

Because that's what this is.


The problem with dota is that it's way too complicated and impenetrable for people who have never played it. And on the opposite side, this is way too simple for those who play dota.

Brad know surprisingly little about the game despite being so into it. Ben's knowledge seems reasonably good but he needs to cater his comments and info for people who have never played.

He still hasn't explained what this all hero challenge is. It is to win a game with each of dota's 113 heroes.


Holy shit at the big plays! Ben is doing good work as coach.

Jeff would be useless and just distract brad. This is nothing like daily dota. Ben is actually helping brad get better.
It's the same in that they're just playing Dota with no major hook. Ben helping Brad does nothing for me as someone who doesn't play Dota. This is obviously for people who play Dota, which is okay I guess, but they don't have a ton going on at West right now, so I feel left out. I was totally open to learning about Dota along with them. Oh well. Whatever. Enjoy.


Why does Giant Bomb talk and play the games they like, and not the ones I like?????

The issue is more about the quality of the content than the game itself.

They could have made this into a Breaking Brad thing where they go through the All Hero Challenge or have a more concrete goal, instead it is this low quality, near-aimless video of them playing Dota. The content is very uninspired.

Edit: Or is this an All Hero Challenge thing? It highlighted Drow as the challenge pick but he went with Disrupter instead, so I'm confused.
I'm super cool with Ben starting up this feature. I think it's great. I'd just prefer if he'd explain a little more about what's going on, or why Brad should be doing certain maneuvers over others. I don't know anything about Dota, so I'm completely lost as to what is happening.

People love this game and I'd like to know why. When I have no idea what's going on I'm more inclined to tune out.

It's his first feature, so I'll cut him some slack. I hope he doesn't abandon it and decides to improve on what it could be in the future.
Honestly this is a good stream for people who have played enough Dota to understand the basics but are looking for tips on how to get better

Like I'm a player that's about on Brad's level in terms of MMR and watching him play with tips from a better player on how to improve is useful and fun

I think if more people gave Dota a chance they would find that they enjoy it, I never thought in a million years that I would enjoy a game like it but after giving it some time I honestly think it is one of the best games ever made


DOTA has been entertaining twice on GB. When Dan was trolling a match, and when Kessler was basically having an orgasm going through chests and hats and shit.

Was there a DOTA stream where Jeff was commentating?
Brad said playing support is fun, this isn't true. You will get blamed for everything and 90% of the game will be people bitching about wards even if you place them at ever opportunity.

If you want to learn Dota then pick mid or offlane so you don't have to depend on your terrible team. The most important thing is if anybody suggests you're to blame for anything you need to instantly deflect it onto another team member (preferably on a support) with a plausible response for example when you're busy farming not giving a damn about what's happening in their lanes.:

"F you mid, you should have rotated to gank" (there will probably be more racial/homophobic slurs here)
"Me? I told you all I was pushing mid, winning is about objectives! It your supports fault for trying to gank when I wasn't ready"

And that's how you survive Dota under 2K.


bish gets all the credit :)
Dan goes West and we get this




But theyre still getting settled in the office
Jason is still learning
They need to hire another producer
Ben has good ideas we swear
Jeff is busy hiring

+Gotta shut down the site soon for 2 weeks to prep for PAX
+Reubuilding the studio after E3
+No games come out in summer
+Gotta prep for GOTY


awwwwww, his team is actually being nice and working together. This is never happens in solo queue, especially when playing support.


Honestly this is a good stream for people who have played enough Dota to understand the basics but are looking for tips on how to get better

Like I'm a player that's about on Brad's level in terms of MMR and watching him play with tips from a better player on how to improve is useful and fun

I think if more people gave Dota a chance they would find that they enjoy it, I never thought in a million years that I would enjoy a game like it but after giving it some time I honestly think it is one of the best games ever made

I honestly think the worst part about people trying to get into dota are the builds. All the items, it can be super confusing. It takes a while before you look at items and the situation and go "oh yes, this calls for X".
I honestly think the worst part about people trying to get into dota are the builds. All the items, it can be super confusing. It takes a while before you look at items and the situation and go "oh yes, this calls for X".

Yea the builds make it tough. They do have the build guides though which are good when starting out (unless they broke it or got rid of it ins ome patch... I haven't played in like 2 years).


Honestly my biggest issue with this is that it takes the GB out of the equation. This could be any Twitch streamer or YouTuber and it would be the same.

There's literally zero value here for someone who doesn't care about Dota. And that's just not how it typically goes with GB. I don't care that much about the old games but I still feel entertained watching Jeff play them for instance.
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