Ben has been a really good coach this game.
They could be playing Splatoon Salmon Run. But instead they're playing the game they've played like over a hundred hours of on the site.
Dan goes West and we get this
Got my Switch! Wi-Fi is kinda crappy and I had to shift some stuff around but Splatoon is downloading!
Now, how is the Dota going?
Got my Switch! Wi-Fi is kinda crappy and I had to shift some stuff around but Splatoon is downloading!
Now, how is the Dota going?
brad is winning
Ive been around GB since 2014 and have barely seen any dota content. Ive never played it and have no side in a content fight, just wondering if I've missed it in the last few years, or was it mostly older stuff people are referring to
Dan goes West and we get this
awwwwww, his team is actually being nice and working together. This is never happens in solo queue, especially when playing support.
It's almost unfair that GB did this, because it's one of very few examples of them putting genuine production into a non-GOTY video. I know that the investment in videos like these is increased ten-fold in every capacity, but it would be nice to see some sort of thing like this once a quarter or something.
this is going to make me start playing Dota again and I hate myself for it
In 2013 and a while in 2014 there was a feature called Daily DOTA where DOTA 2 was played on the site every day for between 1 and 3 hours. It is also the most-featured game on UPF, and has showed up in other features as well.
there's no "twist" or gumball machine or anything
It's crazy to me they haven't taken a camera out to California Extreme or Steve Lin's games preservation initiative thing
Force staff to glimpse catch? Are we sure Brad is the one playing?
That's what I was thinking. Brad actually playing well? Nah gotta be a stand-in.
Lol Vinny is so tuned in with politics and ancillary sound bites.
and tuned out with Splatoon discussion
as he should be
Dota thing not on YouTube? Don't feel like getting out of bed to put it on.
Dota thing not on YouTube? Don't feel like getting out of bed to put it on.
It's crazy to me they haven't taken a camera out to California Extreme or Steve Lin's games preservation initiative thing
I enjoyed a lot of Wonder Woman but I agree with Abby on the stuff she said. Like, did it really need a clothes shopping montage?
Anybody here played Gonner? I feel like Im going to need a second Switch game and while TumbleSeed looks great Im afraid it will just be frustrating.
Anybody here played Gonner? I feel like Im going to need a second Switch game and while TumbleSeed looks great Im afraid it will just be frustrating.
Anybody here played Gonner? I feel like Im going to need a second Switch game and while TumbleSeed looks great Im afraid it will just be frustrating.
Yeah, I hated it. The visuals are fun to look at, but they took away from the experience for me. I found it incredibly hard to parse out the important information on screen, especially with shit appearing and disappearing as I walk around.
Gonner is really great if you like roguelikes and dont mind dying. I say that with sincerity. I really enjoy playing it. Great visuals and soundtrack too
I've been really digging it so far, it's great for the kind of game that you pick up for a few runs a day. I'm not sure how much there is to it long term but for now it seems to fit how I use my Switch pretty well (short bursts on commutes and such).
Tumbleseed on the other hand is one I wanted to like a lot more than I did - I found the balance way out of wack and ultimately way too frustrating to stick with despite the gorgeous art and great music.