When even thread regulars fall for it so easily, that's a problem. You have that stuff out there with their name and it sucks, sorry.
Why is Dan not on his hunnymoon?
Good mornin' y'all
I baked y'all some gifs
I have a Zelda question:
Do I have to go back to the Temple of Time to cash in the shrine thingys?
Also, Zelda is really good you guys. Unlocked the Shrine sensor and it's a bit annoying having to go search for them but exploring is so fun that I'm okay with it. Also, not being able to swap stuff once your inventory is full is some oversight.
No they have a statue in most of the towns.I have a Zelda question:
Do I have to go back to the Temple of Time to cash in the shrine thingys?
Also, Zelda is really good you guys. Unlocked the Shrine sensor and it's a bit annoying having to go search for them but exploring is so fun that I'm okay with it. Also, not being able to swap stuff once your inventory is full is some oversight.
I have a Zelda question:
Do I have to go back to the Temple of Time to cash in the shrine thingys?
Also, Zelda is really good you guys. Unlocked the Shrine sensor and it's a bit annoying having to go search for them but exploring is so fun that I'm okay with it. Also, not being able to swap stuff once your inventory is full is some oversight.
I have a Zelda question:
Do I have to go back to the Temple of Time to cash in the shrine thingys?
Also, Zelda is really good you guys. Unlocked the Shrine sensor and it's a bit annoying having to go search for them but exploring is so fun that I'm okay with it. Also, not being able to swap stuff once your inventory is full is some oversight.
Oh yeah I thought the shrine sensor was cool but after 5 minutes I turned it off. I am a minimal hud believer anyway in this game.
How ya'll making these fake tweets.
You all photoshope wizards?
I have a Zelda question:
Do I have to go back to the Temple of Time to cash in the shrine thingys?
Also, Zelda is really good you guys. Unlocked the Shrine sensor and it's a bit annoying having to go search for them but exploring is so fun that I'm okay with it. Also, not being able to swap stuff once your inventory is full is some oversight.
How ya'll making these fake tweets.
You all photoshope wizards?
There are sites that generate fake tweets.
How ya'll making these fake tweets.
You all photoshope wizards?
Like Mastodon.
Oh good morning y'all what's going on on twitter tod--
*Deep sigh*
Buy I sure am looking forward to some Sunshine today.
This made me really happy to read. Stay strong. <3I spent 3 hours yesterday talking to someone, it felt really good, I had some real stuff I wanted to get out, there was tears, anger and joy. It's like im a new man.
I miss babyface Jeff
You can cash them in in Kakariko Village too.
No they have a statue in most of the towns.
Turn off the shrine indicator. Trust me on this. Makes finding shrines so much more rewarding.
Also each town has a goddess statue for you to turn in your orb thingamabobs.
No. You'll find more statues to cash in all your shrine thingies. Don't worry about it and just continue exploring.
You can cash them in at any of those Goddess Statues, there are multiple throughout the world. Zelda is awesome, glad you are enjoying it!
Haven't gotten to Kakariko yet, got lost finding shrines lol But that's good to hear!
Won't turning off the shrine finder make them super hard to find? I'm afraid of missing out! Especially since the game is so big it's a bit daunting.
what the hell is happening
what the hell is happening
Haven't gotten to Kakariko yet, got lost finding shrines lol But that's good to hear!
Won't turning off the shrine finder make them super hard to find? I'm afraid of missing out! Especially since the game is so big it's a bit daunting.
This is off topic, but I saw Hans Zimmer live at Radio city last night. It was incredible. All the people in this thread who like Nolan should try and see the show if possible.
This is off topic, but I saw Hans Zimmer live at Radio city last night. It was incredible. All the people in this thread who like Nolan should try and see the show if possible.