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Giant Bomb |OTXXX| Fondle it

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Will Brad be playing the KH games in order of release or in order of story? Considering how convoluted the story is, he should probably play them in order of story. It would help with the comprehension, I'm sure.
Will Brad be playing the KH games in order of release or in order of story? Considering how convoluted the story is, he should probably play them in order of story. It would help with the comprehension, I'm sure.

Wouldn't he be playing BBS if that's the case?

that would be one way to start this mindfuck LOLOL
Will Brad be playing the KH games in order of release or in order of story? Considering how convoluted the story is, he should probably play them in order of story. It would help with the comprehension, I'm sure.

Like playing Bbs first? That would be way more confusing than release order.


Will Brad be playing the KH games in order of release or in order of story? Considering how convoluted the story is, he should probably play them in order of story. It would help with the comprehension, I'm sure.

There is absolutely no reason to not play them in order of release.
If it is a playthough of the KH games, I really hope they only play 1 and 2, since that is really all that matters anyways. Man, it's so depressing to think about how terrible that series became when they've released more than triple the amount of off-shoots than the actual numbered series. Kingdom Hearts used to be up there in my favorites of all time, but after seeing how dumb and up it's own ass that series got, I stopped defending it and stopped paying attention to it at all. What a shame.
Wow this thread has been even more of a garbage fire than usual lately.

I need to post more than every 36 hours, things get buried fast lol. Re: Steins;Gate,

For all the shit XIII gets for "it gets good after X hours," I say as a fan of mainstream visual novels that the opening hours of Steins;Gate were borderline unbearable to me. I hated Okabe, I hated Mayuri, I hated Moyoka (that's her name right?). However I think you are incredibly close to the turning point where the game started to become one of my favorite experiences of that last few years.
That's probably the biggest thing killing the game for me. I can't fucking stand Okabe, and the same goes for a good chunk of the supporting cast. I at least kind of like Kurisu, but even then, it's tough when I despise practically everyone she's interacting with, lol.
Have you had the party yet?
Don't think so. I'm a ways into chapter 4, just
sent a D-mail back to try to get Lukako born as a girl
. I'm generally into the actual time travel / crazy anime bullshit aspects of the story (it seems headed to the kind of territory I really dig: small early moments eventually taking on tragic meaning, reveals about why characters are the way they are, etc), but the bad kind of anime bullshit keeps getting in the way. I don't have as much patience as I used to for "comedy" bits like Haru's perv shit, Persona-style "gay panic" scenes involving Lukako, Okabe's personality, etc.
Steins;Gate's whole first half is entirely buildup before the insanity button gets pushed. One of the great time travel stories of our time, but can't blame people for thinking it's bad if they're still in build up phase.
I can be into a slow burn story, but man, this is taking slow to levels I've rarely seen, even in the handful of VNs I've played. The 9 hours I've played so far should have been half that at the most. It at least seems to be finally picking up a bit.


My Dota game went terrible. We were stomped for 12 minutes and someone left and I joined.

Then I remembered how exhausting this game can be and it's probably not worth it so I uninstalled it.

Splatoon's 3 minute matches spoiled me.

EDIT: Might install League of Legends if I need my MOBA fix but 1 hour struggles are maybe not what I want right now.
Vinny: I mean, I don't get it Dan...like, this is awesome and cool, right?
Dan: YES
Vinny: Why don't you like Anime?

This Sundered QL. Game looks cool but no way I'll be able to play it right now with all the games we're getting. Looks like a nice Jan 2018 game though to me!


Reading about prepared slides makes me excited to watch the FriDota archive. Great job on improving the feature, Ben and Brad!
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