Sleeping Lesson
Yoo I love Alan Wake so much. Number 2 favorite game of all time. It is flawed as hell, but so are many of my all-time faves.
Somebody likes Zelda
Yoo I love Alan Wake so much. Number 2 favorite game of all time. It is flawed as hell, but so are many of my all-time faves.
That league of heels documentary ain't bad at all BTW.
Came in late for upf so I'll watch it later. How's it?
Came in late for upf so I'll watch it later. How's it?
Alan Wake is legitimately one of the worst games I've ever played. Like... it's so awful in pretty much every way. This isn't hyperbole. I just couldn't finish it because it was so, so bad. I got it and the sequel at some point from a bundle, but I don't see myself ever finishing it or starting the second.
Awe yiss!purty gud
samantha is hanging out
love Samanthapurty gud
samantha is hanging out
you must not have played many games. like, maybe 3, or 4
It's cool that Samantha is on this week. I don't watch UPF anymore but hearing that she's there made me tune in.
I wonder how far they'll go with Kingdom Hearts, by the way. What do you guys think? I assume they have the 1.5 + 2.5 HD thing so they have access to 1, Chain of Memories, 2, birth by sleep, etc. I think they'll just play 1 and 2 and skip the handheld games.
Of course Brad knows how to properly pronounce "Asuka"
They really are being coy about the KH feature, huh! I'm braced for disappointment.
He secretly watches NXT and then plays dumb about it on the Bombcast.
Foucault's Pendulum
Carpe Jugulum and Witches Abroad, although really all Pratchett
An Introduction to Computing Systems
The Plague
Godel, Escher, Bach
Honestly I'll be a bit disappointed if they just watch all the cutscenes or something like that. Kingdom Hearts has pretty solid gameplay from what I remember. Although when I played it I was kind of just a dumb kid. I got the 1.5 +2.5 collection, though, so maybe I'll change my mind after playing through it now.
I couldn't help myself
For those that want an avatar
Jeff, are you upset Rorie let everyone know GB is raking in the big bucks?
Giant Bomb is Jeffs greatest clickernumbers keep going up