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Giant Bomb |OTXXX| Fondle it

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Let me rephrase that.

I hate that my love for video games forces me to engage with wrestling since apparently one can't work in this industry without liking wrestling.

We should put some scientists on this phenomenon.

I enjoy hearing Xavier talk about the job, as a behind the scenes thing. But I hate everything else about it. The stupid attitude, the violence, the drama. Blergh.

It's not working in the industry, don't forget GAFs wrestling thread moves faster than this one. I think it's probably one of the bigger community threads. I mean, it's not hard to see the crossover. If I read "The stupid attitude, the violence, the drama.", I could assume you're talking about Gears of War.



I do enjoy the gif with the wrestler (I assume he's a wrestler) lifting his hand and moving his head sassily.


It's not working in the industry, don't forget GAFs wrestling thread moves faster than this one. I think it's probably one of the bigger community threads. I mean, it's not hard to see the crossover. If I read "The stupid attitude, the violence, the drama.", I could assume you're talking about Gears of War.

I find Gears of War just as lame to be honest. 🤔


Let me rephrase that.

I hate that my love for video games forces me to engage with wrestling since apparently one can't work in this industry without liking wrestling.

We should put some scientists on this phenomenon.

I enjoy hearing Xavier talk about the job, as a behind the scenes thing. But I hate everything else about it. The stupid attitude, the violence, the drama. Blergh.
you got worked



haha... I'm watching a report on Four Loko on the local news because it's gaining popularity lately around here and authorities are getting worried.
I am sure you guys know this but in case you don't, you do understand Dan is playing a character right? Some of what we see is his true personality ramped up 1000%.

Sadly once someone told me this he went from my favorite giant bomb personality to somewhere in the middle.

I felt the same way once I found out wrestling was fake. It was disappointing.

Feigning ignorance and stupidity to make people upset aren't really amusing to me. It's also hard to believe that he is just doing a bit when Dan readily admits in earnest that he never did any real work in college. That along with the fact he went to elementary, middle, and high school in a part of the country notorious for being anti-science its pretty easy to piece together maybe Dan sort just coasted through his education and never learned anything about how the world works.

Either way if its true or just an act I don't care much for Dan, because his behavior comes off as if his ignorance is something he's perversely proud of and I can't get behind that. I also don't care much for how dismissive he is about things he doesn't like. He routinely goes passed the point where he just says something isn't for him and talks the thing down.

I can appreciate Dan in certain content like Steal My Sunshine where his behavior is mostly subdued, but most of the time I really wish he hadn't moved to New York. I appreciate that occasionally Vinny and Alex will step in and tell him to stop with the nonsense. Brad, Jeff, and Jason felt far more like enablers.


Feigning ignorance and stupidity to make people upset aren't really amusing to me. It's also hard to believe that he is just doing a bit when Dan readily admits in earnest that he never did any real work in college. That along with the fact he went to elementary, middle, and high school in a part of the country notorious for being anti-science its pretty easy to piece together maybe Dan sort just coasted through his education and never learned anything about how the world works.

Either way if its true or just an act I don't care much for Dan, because his behavior comes off as if his ignorance is something he's perversely proud of and I can't get behind that. I also don't care much for how dismissive he is about things he doesn't like. He routinely goes passed the point where he just says something isn't for him and talks the thing down.

I can appreciate Dan in certain content like Steal My Sunshine where his behavior is mostly subdued, but most of the time I really wish he hadn't moved to New York. I appreciate that occasionally Vinny and Alex will step in and tell him to stop with the nonsense. Brad, Jeff, and Jason felt far more like enablers.

Yeah this explains rather well how I feel about him in general... Especially after having just re-watched the first 7 Mario Party Party over the last week or so...
I wish people would quit their bullshit, creepy psycho-analysis of Dan Ryckert.

Take it to your fanfic livejournal or something.

Jesus, you guys fucking suck.
I wish people would quit their bullshit, creepy psycho-analysis of Dan Ryckert.

Take it to your fanfic livejournal or something.

Jesus, you guys fucking suck.

Dan is free to flaunt his willfully ignorant shtick and we're free to judge that. After all, if it's just a bit, then it's open to interpretation right?

Some people hate being entertained.

"you just hate fun" is the dumbest possible response to criticism
Dan is free to flaunt his willfully ignorant shtick and we're free to judge that. After all, if it's just a bit, then it's open to interpretation right?

Dude do what you want, all I am saying is this fucking air of superiority and delving into his upbringing and childhood I am seeing in a few posts is creepy as shit.
Dude do what you want, all I am saying is this fucking air of superiority and delving into his upbringing and childhood I am seeing in a few posts is creepy as shit.

That's fair, it's totally unnecessary when talking about Dan as an entertainer/screen presence/podcaster/critic/whatever. But as a counterpoint, he does put a LOT about himself out there.
I've heard people say this about Dan but I can bull shit

We've seen him repeatedly ask the same questions and retain nothing. He doesn't Google/read wiki on things he continually asks. He doesn't want to learn. He wants to keep it going. I'm almost certain he acts dumb all the time he's being recorded as no one could seriously be as dumb as he acts

I agree with this.

Either way if its true or just an act I don't care much for Dan, because his behavior comes off as if his ignorance is something he's perversely proud of and I can't get behind that. I also don't care much for how dismissive he is about things he doesn't like. He routinely goes passed the point where he just says something isn't for him and talks the thing down.

I can appreciate Dan in certain content like Steal My Sunshine where his behavior is mostly subdued, but most of the time I really wish he hadn't moved to New York. I appreciate that occasionally Vinny and Alex will step in and tell him to stop with the nonsense. Brad, Jeff, and Jason felt far more like enablers.

I especially agree with this.


Let me rephrase that.

I hate that my love for video games forces me to engage with wrestling since apparently one can't work in this industry without liking wrestling.

We should put some scientists on this phenomenon.

I enjoy hearing Xavier talk about the job, as a behind the scenes thing. But I hate everything else about it. The stupid attitude, the violence, the drama. Blergh.

As I side note, what is with some of the crew pronouncing Xavier like ex-ayvier?

Do they pronounce xylophone like ex-ylophone? Dan like dee-Anne? Alex like eh-lex?

I'm not a prescriptivist or anything but it sounds dumb.

X is kinda redundant in English though I guess.
Dan is the content king so he's a valuable asset for Giant Bomb. Don't take his ignorance too seriously. At the start of Blue Bombin, he said he barely reads and then throughout mentioned quite a number of things he's read.

- J - D -

Speaking of wrestling, I just finished watching GLOW on netflix and it's pretty good. I dunno if they'll do another season, but if not, I'm perfectly content with how this one ended. I think Dan would like it.


excuse me while i laugh for 10 minutes straight

He absolutely is willing to learn. Actually, it's been interesting watching Dan grow throughout his time at Giant Bomb, particularly since moving to New York. He's become more self-aware, less resistant to things that are foreign to him, and more graceful when it comes to expressing his quirky ideas. In general, he's seemed like a much more mature version of the guy that was originally hired, who was already pretty cool.

It's just that he hasn't become a completely different person, and still leaves plenty of room for people to judge him harshly. In this case, a series of things have happened recently (and our recency bias is pretty affecting) that are only loosely related, but have continuously added fuel to a particular narrative in this thread: his silly science questions, the highly personalized critique of Pyre that some blatantly overreacted to, the moment when he gave into his worst habits and blindly defended Walmart, and so on. Individually, only the Walmart thing actually deserved to be called out, but negativity is easily self-reinforcing, and it's easy to see the worst in everything Dan does.

When it comes to his ignorance about science, I find the criticism both understandable and unfair. I think it's good that he asks questions, and is willing to admit to how little he knows. He forces people to think about things they take for granted, and has triggered an unusual number of conversations about how the world works. The part I find unfair is where people who are normal and therefore know the Earth is affected by the sun's gravity seemingly express impatience for Dan's lack of retention. When you don't have that broader web of connections creating context for the answers to your questions, chances are you're going to have to repeat them once in awhile.

Of course, Dan's particular mix of curiosity, openness, and actual interest in doing research can definitely be frustrating, and Vinny's totally justified in asking him things like, "Okay, if I recommend you a book, will you read it?" in response to his questioning.


by the way i forgot to ask earlier if anyone had any more examples of vinny just fucking with dan by telling him something patently false with a completely straight face


Watching Blue Bombing... Cool book discussion

I tried reading "In Broad Daylight" following Dan's advice but got bored halfway through. Also I kinda don't think there's anything "fuuuuucking cooool" about killing a dude in the center of town, no matter how much of a dick he was.


All this Dan talk has me thinking. Who is the most controversial/divisive person ever hired at Giant Bomb?





I'm going to say Patrick because I remember reading a looooot of hate for the guy.
Dude do what you want, all I am saying is this fucking air of superiority and delving into his upbringing and childhood I am seeing in a few posts is creepy as shit.

Dan likes to treat his life as something on a stage far moreso compared to the other guys. I think its fair for me to be critical of him when he presents himself that way. I'm not saying Dan is a bad person, that he deserves to be fired, or that he doesn't deserve success in life. All I'm saying is I don't like Dan in a way that goes beyond Dan lol doesn't know anything. I imagine Dan wouldn't like me much either I have more than once in my life been told I have a stick up my ass and shouldn't take things so seriously. That's totally fine too not everyone has to like everyone else, just treat people fairly.

I think there is more value in my giving a reason I don't like someone and I don't think it's fair for anybody to people creeps for being critical of Giant Bomb memebers as long as they do it in a respectful way.

To the people that constantly say it's a work and link that Hulk Hogan tweet, and say Dan being Dan is no big deal are missing the point. I don't like the gimmick if it's an act or not knowing if it is or isn't doesn't make a difference. I have never liked Mega64's bit of going out in public doing something dumb and I've always known that was just a thing they do for a video.

People who think Dan is overly dismissive must be new to the internet.
I think there's a difference between talking about stuff in the internet in text and speaking aloud in real life. On the internet descriptions of things are usually two extremes and things are either greatest thing ever or a burning trash fire. In real life people are usually more measured. Dan seems to talk about things in a way more suited to internet discussions and this is a problem for me. I'm not coming to Giant Bomb for super a nuanced discussion, but I don't want hyperbole either. Dan saying he knows he's being that way and not to take him so seriously just doesn't work for me.
Who is the most controversial/divisive person ever hired at Giant Bomb?
Patrick, no question. People are saying they dont like Dan's schtick or his boastful ignorance. Patrick got sent a voice message telling him they wish he died instead of Ryan and calling him a piece of shit, mostly because all Patrick did was talk about social issues. He was terribly treated. Also, when the qlcrew website showed stats, a really high amount would actively exclude Patrick when searching for videos.


the holder of the trombone
I don't mind Dan's schtick really, but the thing about being a heel to get a rise out of people is that... you're gonna get a rise out of people.

So no need to be so defensive about him being antagonistic when he is being antoganistic.
Patrick, no question. People are saying they dont like Dan's schtick or his boastful ignorance. Patrick got sent a voice message telling him they wish he died instead of Ryan and calling him a piece of shit, mostly because all Patrick did was talk about social issues. He was terribly treated. Also, when the qlcrew website showed stats, a really high amount would actively exclude Patrick when searching for videos.

I did this
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