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Giant Bomb X | Built-In Automatic Death Thing For Secret People


I kinda hope it doesn't. I only check this thread every day because it's on the front page. I hardly ever use subscriptions. The super best friends thread is a chat room, this one constantly has new and relevant giantbomb content.

I don't want either of these to go to Community. Community always seemed pretty pointless to me unless you're specifically trying to set up MP matches or something..


it wouldn't be Giant Bomb if it didn't occasionally slip over into obnoxiousness

The insinuation that this is "adware" whilst the AAA bloatfest wankoff threads aren't is amaziiiiing

Yeah, pretty insane..



What's there to fight for? Who cares if this thread is moved into community? It won't make a difference.

The "fight for us" line wasn't serious.

I don't much care about the thread being moved into Community, but it will get a lot less traffic and attention that way from people who aren't regulars in the thread. You'll probably lose a lot of the people who just pop into the thread to ask for GB related stuff etc. (this thread has always had a pretty large number of posters with just 1-4 posts in the thread, and you'll probably lose a lot of those people). I know this might sound a bit odd coming from the most active poster in this thread, but... :)
Community page would mean that it'll just be regulars without much new people casually coming in.

Again, I don't like it. But Aeana straight up said that the mods agree with the assertion that the Giant Bomb thread doesn't belong in Gaming side. I assume EmCee has made arguments against this, but I dunno.

I think we're incredibly on point in this thread. We blow through the threads fast, but frankly that's not our fault. We're discussing content as and when it pops up, and as we all know, there's a lot of content coming out of Giant Bomb these days. And when we get off-topic it's still always fairly linked to Giant Bomb or something they've introduced or discussed in a video or a podcast. Hell, often we're talking to Giant Bomb staff directly (hi Dan!). There are few threads as consistently on-topic whilst maintaining a varied level of discourse.

Let's also be real: this may seem like a semantics argument, but this isn't a community. We bicker about inane shit. People get mad when we attempt to discuss things that aren't about Giant Bomb, We're all hear for reasons essentially amounting to "we want a space to talk about Giant Bomb stuff". As opposed to "we all like Giant Bomb, now let's do whatever!". I know the guidelines for threads being dumped in Community isn't whether or not we're all best mates or not, but not only are we not that, we're also not too interested in trying it out either. We care about one thing foremost: the content. And I think a move to Community would probably get us away from that somewhat and make things a bit too insular. I like it when random people pop in and give some different perspectives. I'd like to see that continue.

Frankly, the only people that I think have a legitimate argument for why the thread should be moved to Community is how in-jokey the threads can be. In which case, I've amended the OT. It should be the standard from now on, give or take some more information. (I'm open to suggestions.) I know you guys aren't actually as inside-baseball as I like to be, so I apologise for giving that impression to the wider forum. If we get moved to Community, I'll go balls out as usual, but until then, I'm dialling it back.

So that's my plea. I think the mods have made their minds up. Maybe EmCee can show them this, maybe it doesn't matter. I don't think this thread needs to move at all. But I'm not going to fight such a decision more than this.
The "fight for us" line wasn't serious.

I don't much care about the thread being moved into Community, but it will get a lot less traffic and attention that way from people who aren't regulars in the thread. You'll probably lose a lot of the people who just pop into the thread to ask for GB related stuff etc. (this thread has always had a pretty large number of posters with just 1-4 posts in the thread, and you'll probably lose a lot of those people). I know this might sound a bit odd coming from the most active poster in this thread, but... :)

I've heard that said about other big threads that moved into community and it never panned out that way. This thread will still get new members, it's not some obscure community that won't be linked to or sought out.


the holder of the trombone
Oh don't get me wrong, I didn't say that in support of moving it to community. I think it'll really limit visibility of giantbomb stuff and the community here.


Again, I don't like it. But Aeana straight up said that the mods agree with the assertion that the Giant Bomb thread doesn't belong in Gaming side. I assume EmCee has made arguments against this, but I dunno.

I think we're incredibly on point in this thread. We blow through the threads fast, but frankly that's not our fault. We're discussing content as and when it pops up, and as we all know, there's a lot of content coming out of Giant Bomb these days. And when we get off-topic it's still always fairly linked to Giant Bomb or something they've introduced or discussed in a video or a podcast. Hell, often we're talking to Giant Bomb staff directly (hi Dan!). There are few threads as consistently on-topic whilst maintaining a varied level of discourse.

Let's also be real: this may seem like a semantics argument, but this isn't a community. We bicker about inane shit. People get mad when we attempt to discuss things that aren't about Giant Bomb, We're all hear for reasons essentially amounting to "we want a space to talk about Giant Bomb stuff". As opposed to "we all like Giant Bomb, now let's do whatever!". I know the guidelines for threads being dumped in Community isn't whether or not we're all best mates or not, but not only are we not that, we're also not too interested in trying it out either. We care about one thing foremost: the content. And I think a move to Community would probably get us away from that somewhat and make things a bit too insular. I like it when random people pop in and give some different perspectives. I'd like to see that continue.

Frankly, the only people that I think have a legitimate argument for why the thread should be moved to Community is how in-jokey the threads can be. In which case, I've amended the OT. It should be the standard from now on, give or take some more information. (I'm open to suggestions.) I know you guys aren't actually as inside-baseball as I like to be, so I apologise for giving that impression to the wider forum. If we get moved to Community, I'll go balls out as usual, but until then, I'm dialling it back.

So that's my plea. I think the mods have made their minds up. Maybe EmCee can show them this, maybe it doesn't matter. I don't think this thread needs to move at all. But I'm not going to fight such a decision more than this.

I thought we were friends... Or maybe we had a chance to be... someday... :(

edit: yeah whippy your new avatar is crap


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
If we get moved to Community, I'll go balls out as usual, but until then, I'm dialling it back.

If this ends up being the case, I feel like some sort of giant bomb adware motif would be fitting.


The community section makes sense for this thread, these kind of ongoing megathreads are exactly what the sub-forum is intended for.

It still sucks, as no thread has ever been as active or interesting in community as it had in the main forum. I mean, it's a bit better now - community used to be pretty much a graveyard where threads got sent to die - but it still leads to less discussion and activity overall because little new blood comes in and it's be the same handful of core contributors talking to each other (yes, even more so than now).
Again, I don't like it. But Aeana straight up said that the mods agree with the assertion that the Giant Bomb thread doesn't belong in Gaming side. I assume EmCee has made arguments against this, but I dunno.

I think we're incredibly on point in this thread. We blow through the threads fast, but frankly that's not our fault. We're discussing content as and when it pops up, and as we all know, there's a lot of content coming out of Giant Bomb these days. And when we get off-topic it's still always fairly linked to Giant Bomb or something they've introduced or discussed in a video or a podcast. Hell, often we're talking to Giant Bomb staff directly (hi Dan!). There are few threads as consistently on-topic whilst maintaining a varied level of discourse.

Let's also be real: this may seem like a semantics argument, but this isn't a community. We bicker about inane shit. People get mad when we attempt to discuss things that aren't about Giant Bomb, We're all hear for reasons essentially amounting to "we want a space to talk about Giant Bomb stuff". As opposed to "we all like Giant Bomb, now let's do whatever!". I know the guidelines for threads being dumped in Community isn't whether or not we're all best mates or not, but not only are we not that, we're also not too interested in trying it out either. We care about one thing foremost: the content. And I think a move to Community would probably get us away from that somewhat and make things a bit too insular. I like it when random people pop in and give some different perspectives. I'd like to see that continue.

Frankly, the only people that I think have a legitimate argument for why the thread should be moved to Community is how in-jokey the threads can be. In which case, I've amended the OT. It should be the standard from now on, give or take some more information. (I'm open to suggestions.) I know you guys aren't actually as inside-baseball as I like to be, so I apologise for giving that impression to the wider forum. If we get moved to Community, I'll go balls out as usual, but until then, I'm dialling it back.

So that's my plea. I think the mods have made their minds up. Maybe EmCee can show them this, maybe it doesn't matter. I don't think this thread needs to move at all. But I'm not going to fight such a decision more than this.

I don't think much of this has much to do with what subforum the thread is placed in. Community threads aren't places where everyone agrees with each other. Even being on topic is besides the point. Look at what threads are actually in the gaming and OT community, many of them are on topic and full of arguments. And despite how cancerous some OTs can get, no thread is supposed to be a place for only like minded people to gather.
If Community is the place where established communities that share a common interest can discuss things amongst themselves in their isolated threads, and Gaming is where people go for mass hysteria and to argue for argument's sake, I don't mind this thread (and Fighting Game Weekly) moving there.

I'm not convinced that "someone browsing the front page of gaming might want to stop by" is necessarily a good thing anymore.
I don't think much of this has much to do with what subforum the thread is placed in. Community threads aren't places where everyone agrees with each other. Even being on topic is besides the point. Look at what threads are actually in the gaming and OT community, many of them are on topic and full of arguments. And despite how cancerous some OTs can get, no thread is supposed to be a place for only like minded people to gather.

Well, that's the only way I can make heads or tails of why this thread might get moved.


Well, that's the only way I can make heads or tails of why this thread might get moved.

In any case it will be a change in policy, since threads about various content creators have in general been allowed to stay in Gaming. There's an Angry Video Game thread, a Game Grumps thread, a Final Bosman thread etc. The difference between those threads and this thread is that this thread is a lot more active. I guess you could make an argument for that activity being the deciding factor in pushing a thread to Community.
In any case it will be a change in policy, since threads about various content creators have in general been allowed to stay in Gaming. There's an Angry Video Game thread, a Game Grumps thread, a Final Bosman thread etc. The difference between those threads and this thread is that this thread is a lot more active. I guess you could make an argument for that activity being the deciding factor in pushing a thread to Community.

I would be OK with that. Everything or nothing.


I doubt that the amount of posts in the thread are going to reduce by much if a move to community happens. Most of the discussion comes from regular posters and a smaller chance of new fans finding the thread isn't going to effect the discussion much. Especially if Giant Bomb continues to produce content like the recent roller coaster video which get their own threads in gaming section.


We could solve this mess by increasing the number of threads that appear on the front page. Boom, increased discoverability.
I'd rather it wasn't moved, but I guess we could still have the 'event' [threads] in the main section?

And of course for whatever one-off dumb thing Dan spearheads a la rollycoasty.


Hopefully a move to community doesn't make the thread hostile to newcomers.

I'm sure it won't but some of the posters in community threads don't like it when new people show up in the thread.

I have wondered how these threads aren't in ccommunity yet myself though.


I'd rather it wasn't moved, but I guess we could still have the 'event' [threads] in the main section?

And of course for whatever one-off dumb thing Dan spearheads a la rollycoasty.

Yeah, the event threads like the E3 thread, GOTY thread etc. won't be affected by this in any way I think. Same with the weekly Bombcast thread. It's just the OT.


It's be nice to upload the Raid onto the site but I suppose I could just listen to the podcast and get the views of all concerned crystallised.


I never liked the community section. To me seeing OTs pop up again was nice. Often gave me chance to check back in with a specific game. Also they just die down naturally. It's not like news were going under because OTs were taking the space away from them. Instead it seems now I just see more trashy threads from people that can#t make purchasing decisions by themselves or need to livejournal on here.


Guys I looked into the last page of the super best friends thread and I think they need to be moved somewhere else entirely so it's not that bad
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