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Giant Bomb X | Built-In Automatic Death Thing For Secret People


The option to make your replies auto subscribe you to the thread is the secret best feature.

Not really, I don't want to subscribe to a thread I do drunken drive-by posts in on a Friday night.

I'm pretty much only subscribed to threads I know I'll be visiting for weeks (i.e. community threads like this). The rest I keep tabs on through the Your posts list.


What's the aversion to the community section?

I don't think there's really anything specifically wrong with it, it just seems to me there's way less traffic there, and when someone suggests to move a thread there it seems more like a passive aggressive way of saying "I wish these threads would go away."


The problem is not the people talking in here this morning not subscribing, the problem is the fact that we'll be the only one talking in the thread if it goes to the community ghetto.


Fuck it. I back a move to OFF TOPIC - Community.

Not like they talk about games much anyway.

Football thread is already in there. Where all the cool kids hang out, smoking at the back of the bus.
Wish they would stop talking about Destiny.

This has probably been said before in the topic but goddamn does it ruin the podcast to listen to them mull over the game for 30-45 minutes five podcasts in a row. I got the sentiment of the game the first time they mentioned it: They're not having 100% fun, it's more of a grind than anything, but they can't stop playing it because reasons.


Neither do I. Also calling it "adware" is so dumb. We are just a group of people that enjoy talking about their stuff.

It isn't in any way adware as we are not paid. It would be more accurate if he likened us to militant religious fundamentalists.

Have you heard the Good News ... About premium memberships?

Christ (Vinny) died (moved to NY) for our Sins ... He will rise again in 3 days (3-6 months) as GBeast.
Wish they would stop talking about Destiny.

This has probably been said before in the topic but goddamn does it ruin the podcast to listen to them mull over the game for 30-45 minutes five podcasts in a row. I got the sentiment of the game the first time they mentioned it: They're not having 100% fun, it's more of a grind than anything, but they can't stop playing it because reasons.

Brad's just been doing an all around terrible job of moving the discussion along and getting other people involved. The last two weeks it's been the Jeff&Bradcast where every conversation overstays its welcome.


Wish they would stop talking about Destiny.

This has probably been said before in the topic but goddamn does it ruin the podcast to listen to them mull over the game for 30-45 minutes five podcasts in a row. I got the sentiment of the game the first time they mentioned it: They're not having 100% fun, it's more of a grind than anything, but they can't stop playing it because reasons.

you could, i don't know, fast forward through the podcast

i like hearing the destiny talk


Wish they would stop talking about Destiny.

This has probably been said before in the topic but goddamn does it ruin the podcast to listen to them mull over the game for 30-45 minutes five podcasts in a row. I got the sentiment of the game the first time they mentioned it: They're not having 100% fun, it's more of a grind than anything, but they can't stop playing it because reasons.

I like the Destiny talk and I am probably not alone.


Oh man video games. I sure love them, especially when they're played by the coolest guys ever, at Giantbomb.com.

You too can make some super best friends, at Giantbomb.com
I like the Destiny talk and I am probably not alone.

yeah, I'm on board. it's a weird, flawed game that somehow still manages to get its dumb malformed hooks into people and it's interesting to hear people try to rationalize what the hell is actually going on with that.
Have to agree with Dan about the marketing for The Evil Within. The commercials where they put people in a dark room and then tape the reactions are pretty stupid.


I'm pro-Destiny talk. It's a weird ride so I like to hear Brad talk about it because I'm pretty much in the same place with it. IT'S RELATABLE, is... is what I'm trying to say here.

Exactly how I feel about it.

Have to agree with Dan about the marketing for The Evil Within. The commercials where they put people in a dark room and then tape the reactions are pretty stupid.

Yep, commercially like that have always be dumb to me. How about you show me what's so scary? I don#t necessarily react like these fools.

I would be fine with the destiny talk if it doesn't dominate so much of the podcast.

What else is there to talk about? They talked about Evil Within and Bayonetta 2. There kinda is nothing else.


Given their recent quietness, I wouldn't be surprised if they already have that (Bayo) QL recorded and up on the server, another Hyrule Warriors situation, basically.


I'm ok with Destiny talk but that's because I'm actually playing the game. I can understand that it would be incomprehensible if you don't play it, and with it taking up like 5 weeks in a row of discussion then of course it's frustrating to listen to it.


Have to agree with Dan about the marketing for The Evil Within. The commercials where they put people in a dark room and then tape the reactions are pretty stupid.

Copied from horror film adverts. I hope they don't copy the format where they ask "regular movie goers" what they think as they leave the free screening.
Again, I don't like it. But Aeana straight up said that the mods agree with the assertion that the Giant Bomb thread doesn't belong in Gaming side. I assume EmCee has made arguments against this, but I dunno.

I think we're incredibly on point in this thread. We blow through the threads fast, but frankly that's not our fault. We're discussing content as and when it pops up, and as we all know, there's a lot of content coming out of Giant Bomb these days. And when we get off-topic it's still always fairly linked to Giant Bomb or something they've introduced or discussed in a video or a podcast. Hell, often we're talking to Giant Bomb staff directly (hi Dan!). There are few threads as consistently on-topic whilst maintaining a varied level of discourse.

Let's also be real: this may seem like a semantics argument, but this isn't a community. We bicker about inane shit. People get mad when we attempt to discuss things that aren't about Giant Bomb, We're all hear for reasons essentially amounting to "we want a space to talk about Giant Bomb stuff". As opposed to "we all like Giant Bomb, now let's do whatever!". I know the guidelines for threads being dumped in Community isn't whether or not we're all best mates or not, but not only are we not that, we're also not too interested in trying it out either. We care about one thing foremost: the content. And I think a move to Community would probably get us away from that somewhat and make things a bit too insular. I like it when random people pop in and give some different perspectives. I'd like to see that continue.

Frankly, the only people that I think have a legitimate argument for why the thread should be moved to Community is how in-jokey the threads can be. In which case, I've amended the OT. It should be the standard from now on, give or take some more information. (I'm open to suggestions.) I know you guys aren't actually as inside-baseball as I like to be, so I apologise for giving that impression to the wider forum. If we get moved to Community, I'll go balls out as usual, but until then, I'm dialling it back.

So that's my plea. I think the mods have made their minds up. Maybe EmCee can show them this, maybe it doesn't matter. I don't think this thread needs to move at all. But I'm not going to fight such a decision more than this.

This is where I stand.
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