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Giant Bomb X | Built-In Automatic Death Thing For Secret People


I think you'll find that 600 upvotes and 300-ish comments isn't that big of a deal in that subreddit. And has GG got any more advertisement pulled than that whole Intel clusterfuck? I doubt any of the duders have any reason to worry.

It's like when someone writes a negative review of a hyped game and you suddenly have a huge number of new accounts saying they've been following the site for years and now WILL BOYCOTT FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!

stay strong naturebox
Spooking with scoops... Is Patrick blind, how does he not see those keys and the command prompts.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
They only thing worrying about that subreddit is how they try to use Ryan as a "he would have set things straight" argument. Disgusting

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
They only thing worrying about that subreddit is how they try to use Ryan as a "he would have set things straight" argument. Disgusting

No that whole subreddit can be pretty shady, i browsed some there and found more disgusting comments from gamergate assholes. Anyway i booted MGS2 HD for kicks and the shooting controls are still clunky, the fact that you have click in the stick AND hold down RB drove me crazy. I still feel Drew is gonna wrestle with the controls.


No that whole subreddit can be pretty shady, i browsed some there and found more disgusting comments from gamergate assholes. Anyway i booted MGS2 HD for kicks and the shooting controls are still clunky, the fact that you have click in the stick AND hold down RB drove me crazy. I still feel Drew is gonna wrestle with the controls.

Are you playing the 360 version?
I considered trying emulating MGS 2 on my new PC since the performance was never quite up to snuff on my previous machine but then I remembered the lack of pressure sensitive buttons just kind of ruins it anyway.
No that whole subreddit can be pretty shady, i browsed some there and found more disgusting comments from gamergate assholes. Anyway i booted MGS2 HD for kicks and the shooting controls are still clunky, the fact that you have click in the stick AND hold down RB drove me crazy. I still feel Drew is gonna wrestle with the controls.

They are going to be playing on PS3 so this shouldn't be an issue.


I know we weren't worried last time GiantBomb talked about this GamerGate stuff but now on r/Kotakuinaction a thread about someone canceling their Giant Bomb sub has 574 upvotes.

I think it's a good thing. One of the reasons I was hoping GB would speak out on this was because I kept seeing them mentioned as "one of the good ones" among gaming websites in some of the more insane corners of the internet. GB would usually be the only website on the list I'd recognize too.

I think they should take being disapproved off as a badge of honor.


bish gets all the credit :)
No that whole subreddit can be pretty shady, i browsed some there and found more disgusting comments from gamergate assholes. Anyway i booted MGS2 HD for kicks and the shooting controls are still clunky, the fact that you have click in the stick AND hold down RB drove me crazy. I still feel Drew is gonna wrestle with the controls.

That's why you play the PS3 version. When the inevitable PS4 port is released, those controls will be fucked as well due to digital buttons.


Dan just said on twitter he has booked flights to Kansas so he is back for World Series from game 3. So that will mean the SF office must be doing their Extra Life stream Thursday-Friday.
Watching Patrick play the Evil Within has really made me realize how incompetent people are at games and why invasive tutorials have become so prevalent. He complains about it not making clear what you can do......there are bottles in every direction. clear audio signals to show where enemies are, and so on. People just seem unable to understand a game these days unless you are bashed over the head with aid. Real shame.


the holder of the trombone
It's not the engine, it's the art and animation that looks like shit. I like high contrast shadows and colours but seeing those things move around with the static shadows just makes it look like garbage. Plus the animations look like all they used is flash, no need for unity.

6 months makes sense I guess for how ugly it looks.


Watching Patrick play the Evil Within has really made me realize how incompetent people are at games and why invasive tutorials have become so prevalent. He complains about it not making clear what you can do......there are bottles in every direction. clear audio signals to show where enemies are, and so on. People just seem unable to understand a game these days unless you are bashed over the head with aid. Real shame.

Complaining about the bottles and the tips not being specific on fire use just struck me as incredibly petulant. Especially from a person who beat Dark Souls.


It's not the engine, it's the art and animation that looks like shit. I like high contrast shadows and colours but seeing those things move around with the static shadows just makes it look like garbage. Plus the animations look like all they used is flash, no need for unity.

6 months makes sense I guess for how ugly it looks.
Defiantly got a strong XBLIG vibe from it.
They are charging $15 for A City Sleeps?


Well I am just happy Harmonix are tossing some fresh ideas against the wall even if they dont work.

Oh and is Chroma still a thing?
Watching Patrick play the Evil Within has really made me realize how incompetent people are at games and why invasive tutorials have become so prevalent. He complains about it not making clear what you can do......there are bottles in every direction. clear audio signals to show where enemies are, and so on. People just seem unable to understand a game these days unless you are bashed over the head with aid. Real shame.

I don't often get annoyed by watching these videos, but this really did it for me too, coupled with the... Ehm, bad attempts at stealthing.


It's not the engine, it's the art and animation that looks like shit. I like high contrast shadows and colours but seeing those things move around with the static shadows just makes it look like garbage. Plus the animations look like all they used is flash, no need for unity.

6 months makes sense I guess for how ugly it looks.
The animation is really astonishing.


Is it just me or is Patrick content outside of quicklooks not showing up on qlcrew under live/premium the most recent was his last upf no spooking/spelunky


Watching Patrick play the Evil Within has really made me realize how incompetent people are at games and why invasive tutorials have become so prevalent. He complains about it not making clear what you can do......there are bottles in every direction. clear audio signals to show where enemies are, and so on. People just seem unable to understand a game these days unless you are bashed over the head with aid. Real shame.

It's worse when the people in question play games and review them as part of their jobs. If game designers watch these videos they must feel like bashing their heads on their desks quite often.


So? Do you want these people around or do you think the guys from the site want them?

Misinterpreted this in my earlier post and thought you meant I wanted these people to attack Giant Bomb, sorry about that.

I don't want these people in the community and I don't care if they cancel their sub over this (though it would still be better if the guys receive money from them). I really doubt there are many of them that are subbed anyways. But they don't have to be subbed or even visit the site to start making Giant Bomb a target. I've seen some of the disgusting stuff Patrick already gets, sure don't want the rest of the guys to start getting it.

It's worse when the people in question play games and review them as part of their jobs. If game designers watch these videos they must feel like bashing their heads on their desks quite often.

It is fairly weird how most game journos aren't actually that good at playing the games. If I had to pick who is the best at Giant Bomb, it might have to be Dan.
Watching Patrick play the Evil Within has really made me realize how incompetent people are at games and why invasive tutorials have become so prevalent. He complains about it not making clear what you can do......there are bottles in every direction. clear audio signals to show where enemies are, and so on. People just seem unable to understand a game these days unless you are bashed over the head with aid. Real shame.

If the game doesn't want to teach a player how to play it shouldn't have an awful tutorial section as the first chapter. While there are clear audio signals for enemies, the visual notation for usable items is less than ideal and there is absolutely terrible notification for how hidden the player is. On top of all this is an issue that aggravates the other aspects: the terrible camera obscures usable items, blocks view constantly, and provides next-to-no situational awareness.

Really, TEW shows us all how not to make tutorials:
  • a pop-up showing how to shoot when you first receive a gun mere seconds before you are attacked by the enemey and forced to do a QTE to mitigate harm.
  • A scripted stealth section without normal movement and heavily reliant on timing that contains several brand-new game mechanics (bottle use, stealth movement, hiding in the environment, enemy vision cone, etc) complete with pop-up tutorials sporadically appearing. Oh, and there are instant fail conditions - the best motivator.
  • Matches, corpses, and burnination, oh my!

A game being dense isn't some amazing test of player skill, it is a developer's oversight because they're already aware of how the game works. Games without direct tutorials still teach their players how to play, even if they aren't aware of it, and the Evil Within fails at this task. So don't mistake bad game design for anything other than it is... and don't blame the player, blame the game.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'd like to see GB stream a bunch of consoles and stream the launch titles of said consoles and talk about launch days for said consoles since I love that old stuff. Like just get a PS1 and play Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game again and and Kileak

also young Ryckert looks like current John Drake


you speak so well
Dan just said on twitter he has booked flights to Kansas so he is back for World Series from game 3. So that will mean the SF office must be doing their Extra Life stream Thursday-Friday.

That also means we have to wait longer for Mario Party 2 Party.


I'd like to see GB stream a bunch of consoles and stream the launch titles of said consoles and talk about launch days for said consoles since I love that old stuff. Like just get a PS1 and play Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game again and and Kileak

also young Ryckert looks like current John Drake

They should dress like it was the year those console launched as well.


Hmn, A City Sleeps looks interesting to me. Like Jeff was saying in the quick look so many shmups are huge nostalgia cases and rarely introduce mechanics that fundamentally change how one would normally play within the genre. With music so core to the level design if you listen carefully those audio cues will provide the means to traverse the bullets in addition to visual pattern recognition.


How crazy would it be to have a 24 hour GBEast stream, a 24 hour Brad stream and a 24 hour San Fran stream?

Hopefully if GBeast does a stream they find others to join in. I love vinny and alex but I'm not sure I could handle 24 hours of just them.


A good strange little man
Dan just said on twitter he has booked flights to Kansas so he is back for World Series from game 3. So that will mean the SF office must be doing their Extra Life stream Thursday-Friday.

I won't be part of Extra Life this year thanks to the (very) unexpected Royals thing. I'm not much of a sports guy, but I grew up going to Royals games and they *always* sucked. To see my city finally celebrating a winning team in any sport is something I want to witness, and my dad is another huge part of it. He never thought he'd get to see this again after '85, and it would mean a lot to hang out with him while it happens.

So yeah, I unfortunately had to back out of Extra Life since this is such a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I will certainly be doing any and all of them in the future, however.


I won't be part of Extra Life this year thanks to the (very) unexpected Royals thing. I'm not much of a sports guy, but I grew up going to Royals games and they *always* sucked. To see my city finally celebrating a winning team in any sport is something I want to witness, and my dad is another huge part of it. He never thought he'd get to see this again after '85, and it would mean a lot to hang out with him while it happens.

So yeah, I unfortunately had to back out of Extra Life since this is such a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I will certainly be doing any and all of them in the future, however.

There will be more Extra Lifes in the future, but you can't count on another World Series. Definitely worth going home for, nothing better than seeing your team in the Championship surrounded by like minded people.
I won't be part of Extra Life this year thanks to the (very) unexpected Royals thing. I'm not much of a sports guy, but I grew up going to Royals games and they *always* sucked. To see my city finally celebrating a winning team in any sport is something I want to witness, and my dad is another huge part of it. He never thought he'd get to see this again after '85, and it would mean a lot to hang out with him while it happens.

So yeah, I unfortunately had to back out of Extra Life since this is such a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I will certainly be doing any and all of them in the future, however.

Lol everyone here in KC is freaking out, to think not so long ago the Royals were the joke of the sports world.
Watching Patrick play the Evil Within has really made me realize how incompetent people are at games and why invasive tutorials have become so prevalent. He complains about it not making clear what you can do......there are bottles in every direction. clear audio signals to show where enemies are, and so on. People just seem unable to understand a game these days unless you are bashed over the head with aid. Real shame.

Yeah it's super weird considering how much praise games like darksouls get for exactly that. I wonder what his thoughts on this are. I wonder if he finds the two different
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