Guns of Navarro was fantastic.
Yes it was. Alex has always been the best writer of the GB crew. Those Hatred tweets are pretty good, the reaction to that trailer is really interesting.
Guns of Navarro was fantastic.
Yes it was. Alex has always been the best writer of the GB crew.
I'm not really a fan of him on videos, but I totally agree. The dude can write.
Now if only we could get an article from him for every "so that happened" or "so there's that" I hear from him on a video.
Extra Life was boring last year - especially Brad's solo stream. You know the game playing is dull when all you remember is people ordering pizza.
Extra Life was boring last year - especially Brad's solo stream. You know the game playing is dull when all you remember is people ordering pizza.
Extra Life was boring last year - especially Brad's solo stream. You know the game playing is dull when all you remember is people ordering pizza.
Didn't last year have the Danny / Drew / Alexis marathon? That was some of the best content GB has ever produced.
Thinking of Operation Supply Drop, which was Danny, Alexis and Ian? Or was there another?
Didn't last year have the Danny / Drew / Alexis marathon? That was some of the best content GB has ever produced.
Didn't last year have the Danny / Drew / Alexis marathon? That was some of the best content GB has ever produced.
Welcome and you a premium member yet? if not WHY NOTGod damit, you guys I found this site way too late, wish I had the time to sort through some more of the archives.
I really like their long-form, low-key marathon stuff like the Wii-U stream, the extra life stuff, etc. It's not thrill-a-minute stuff but there's something about it that makes me happy.
Plus the stuff in the middle of the night was weird and funny, Vinny operating a soldering iron in a state of sleep deprivation, the food experience (and post-experience)...
oh and also the early morning stuff like Vinny playing Euro Truck Sim, Windjammers-ing their way through urges to sleep...
The best part of Extra Life is that whenever I'm bored over the weekend I know that I can just pop on a GB stream for a while.
Why is there no Duck Dynasty content yet? They're slipping.
When is Giant Bomb's Extra Life stream this year?
Why is there no Duck Dynasty content yet? They're slipping.
just realized brad's destiny team consisted on no exo. what awful people
DestinyGAF, please translate this post.
DestinyGAF, please translate this post.
Extra Life was boring last year - especially Brad's solo stream. You know the game playing is dull when all you remember is people ordering pizza.
Brad is racist...
Oh man, I think I've actually never seen the Random PC Game they did o Wing Commander III. Now I know what I'm doing the next two hours!
Danny O'Dwyer
Holy crap @ThomasAtkins90 just found my voice twin. Hey @PaulGriffinCSP from ChairShot Podcast, are we brothers? :/
This is amazing
This is amazing
This is amazing
This is amazing
This is amazing
just realized brad's destiny team consisted on no exo. what awful people
Welcome and you a premium member yet? if not WHY NOT
FOLLOW THE MONEY and give some to GB because they are fantastic.
Oh... Riiight. I forgot that you can choose your own race in Destiny.
Been subbed for over an year, I was just pointing towards the fact that I still can't catch up, due to trying to keep up with the new stuff and on top of that not having a definitive list of content that is a must watch, seen most of the stuff from the main post but there seems to be way more stuff that I haven't watched some how.
A list of (some of) the Premium content worth watching:
- A lot of the UPF episodes, e.g. the Second Life episode, the PS4 Playroom episode, the Dream Gear episode, the Lego Island episode, the Halcyon episode etc.
- Every Random PC Game feature (1-10 on that list are all the available videos)
- Mario Party Party - 50 turns of sadness
- The Breaking Brad: Demon's Souls series, the Load Our Last Souls series, the Metal Gear Scanlon series
- Backflips n' Bioforge
- Vinny plays Bot Company, goes insane, Vinny plays Velvet Sundown
- Drew is a North Korean spy, Iceland: The Cutting Room Floor
- All the Premium Flight Club videos, like Digital Combat Simulator: P-51D Mustang Beta
- The best TNTs: Fortune Street, Dead Island, Gears of War 3, Cards Against Humanity etc.
- The Running of the Lanterns, and various Breaking Brads like Doom II Ultra Violence, Volgarr the Viking etc.
- The Load Our Last Save features, e.g. Freedom Fighters
- Demo Disc Derby (4 videos so far)
- Giant Bomb Unplugged: Pathfinder, Giant Bomb Unplugged: Avalon