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Giant Bomb X | Built-In Automatic Death Thing For Secret People


Also, Alex's negativity gets tiring VERY quickly and I get the feeling that it ruins Vinny's fun.

This, he never goes along with Vinny's jokes and it makes things too serious. I don't even dislike Alex but if he keeps killing Vinny's humor then I might start to.


the holder of the trombone
They seriously need to step their game up. I'm not even excited for Vinny content these days since it seems like he is trying to be too professional. Also, Alex's negativity gets tiring VERY quickly and I get the feeling that it ruins Vinny's fun. The last good content that we got from Vinny was Bot Colony and that was back in July. I know that he's kind of busy at home these days, but I kind of get the feeling that he's tired of GB.

I don't know what you consider negative but I don't think Alex has been all that negative. In fact I would go so far as to call him 'chipper' in his quick looks with Vinny.

The NBA, chariot, bridge constructor, naruto and the moon platformer quick looks have both of them having a lot of fun.

I don't understand where the Alex being negative thing comes from.


I don't know what you consider negative but I don't think Alex has been all that negative. In fact I would go so far as to call him 'chipper' in his quick looks with Vinny.

The NBA, chariot and the moon platformer quick looks have both of them having a lot of fun.

And Velvet Sundown is probably one of the best Quick Looks the site has ever done.


Still without luck
use -700ms audio delay on that video

(hit the f key 14 times while watching in VLC)

edit: actually it gets out of sync again when dan puts on the thing, to -200


I dunno - I feel like Alex has mellowed out a whole lot. I feel like in his GS 'backwards cap-wearing days' he was super, super, snarky, and sometimes it felt really overbearing.

Now, he seems much more quick to talk about the things he enjoys, just as much as anything negative. Maybe that's a result of actually being part of content that they have much more personal investment towards -I'm not sure.

Now I feel weird for trying to analyze a personality. One that I only know through the microcosm of video game websites, no less...

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
let's get down to the real GB problem at the moment: Jason, bless him, sucks at writing the little one sentence summaries that are attached to videos.

Like, he really sucks at it. But I like the guy, don't get me wrong. :p


I think the main issues with the Vinny and Alex content is a lack of variety they just need guests to rotate in. ANother issue is in SF you would get a mixture of the games Vinny wanted to play (adventure games, weird indie pc stuff) and games Jeff and Brad wanted to play (AAA games, shooters) whereas now SF gets sent the majority of the console stuff so it only really leave the PC games and the occasional console game SF aren't interested in such as D4.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
gamecube games are better when they stick together
They need to clone Jeff.

Clone Jeff would go wrong and hate fast food, wrestling, and NFL Blitz but love Yoshi, Claptrap, and Shenmue. Do you want to unleash this on the world?

Yeah, good idea even if it got a bit old after a few minutes

Anyways, going back through a few Random PC Games and stumbled upon Daggerfall. It has over 1200 comments, and I wondered why. Turns out it's one of the first Premium videos, and maybe the first "Quick Look style video of an old game" to go behind the paywall. If anyone's interested to see what kind of backlash there was against Premium in the start, I recommend that comment section :p

VENGEANCE!!! Breakfast burritos, but also VENGEANCE!!!


Clone Jeff would go wrong and hate fast food, wrestling, and NFL Blitz but love Yoshi, Claptrap, and Shenmue. Do you want to unleash this on the world?

I feel like this would go well for a few months, but it will all go wrong when Clone Jeff spends a significant chunk of some podcast explaining his deep love for Nights Journey of Dreams


Drunky McMurder
Clone Jeff would go wrong and hate fast food, wrestling, and NFL Blitz but love Yoshi, Claptrap, and Shenmue. Do you want to unleash this on the world?

Excuse me for a moment. I'm certainly not starting a kickstarter for a wrestling anime where Jeff works his way through all challengers on the internet to eventually face Anti-Jeff in a cage match.


best junior ever
The problem i have with alex is thay he's too serious about things, Vinny suggests doing something stupid in a quick look and Alex just does not want to play along.Vinny is great because he manages to look outside the box on games and discovers ridiculous things but Alex is restraining him a bit.


It's pretty funny to me how the Yahoo! ads on Giant Bomb actually mostly link to Giant Bomb articles for me. You'd think that's one of the first things you avoid when you design an ad system.


the holder of the trombone
Jesus christ, vinny has a newborn and is trying to renovate a house at the same time?

How does he find time for anything?


Basement office is still the top tier Giant Bomb.

I preferred the Whiskey office. It was just enough off the grid, but also not a dark, flood prone, flea infested basement 10 miles away from San Francisco. Basement office also felt weird because they were in such a shitty place but filled it with great work and amazing talent.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I fell off the bombcast for a long time this year, so I was catching up and Jeff's rant on REREmake is my favorite rant since the Duke Nukem or the SimCity GOTY one. It's a quality rant. It's not the 'it's hot trash!' ones. It's the one where you're like, 'oh god, he's right.'
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